Has a game ever made you cry?
Has a game ever made you cry?
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thanks for the bump idiot
Fallout 3 ending
seriously, why? I walked into a room and died, I not only felt nothing emotionally, I felt cheated out of a potentially good boss fight.
>inb4 Dom Santiago's worthless death
The ending of MGS4. I cried like a bitch
Snake... had a hard dick.
Entire Tower is just one enormous catharsis to the already insanely emotional ride.
Ending E is something that i have never expected from games.
God bless you
To a degree.
I feel bad for the people who went with Jane or alone, they missed out on the best ending. Hell, both Kenny endings are great.
I completely agree, Goodbye Kenny is so goddamn sad.
God damn, that hits just as hard now as it did when I first played it on ps2
There was so much absolutely amazing shit and setpieces during the third playthrough.
The way he was killed off in the new game was just absolutely pathetic.
This scene and "Snake had a hard life".
I got close during Shining Lights.
This is the closest I've ever got. The voice acting is fantastic for this part.
No but it's come pretty damn close
No form of media or entertainment has made me cry, except maybe something scary when I was very little
only real men cry at this
Unironically MGS4's ending.
I wasn't even played I was watching a no-commentary playthrough.
Nor have I ever actually played a single Metal Gear game in my life.
This and MGSV
Sarah's death in TLoU
Persona 3's ending
TWD S1's ending
Actress made herself cry voicing the lines from what Jeremy Blaustein said.
thank you X.2 for ruining everything
Yes, but not MGS3 since I didn't give half a shit about The Boss.
Because they realised they wasted their time.
The way she says,"James, you made me happy" is the most emotionally effective line read I've ever heard in a video game.
Eh.. It still sounds like early video game acting. It's not that good.
did you choose that pic on purpose? Mary and the cat are doing the same pose.
Fucking ingrained into my memory.
I laughed when the Boss died. Mostly because I was thinking of all the people who genuinely find that shit sad and not cringe as fuck.
I would feel sorry for you, but you might just laugh at me...nigger
How the fuck did you know I'm black?
Same here.
>Crying because of a video game
Get a fucking life you virgins
I chose it on purpose but didn't think of it that way. Good catch user.
It's funny, I have never cried at a song, book, film or TV series.
>y-you guys are the best
No lie it got to me
I wish the game was faster, or more challenging, or engaging in anyway, since the story is supposedly really good, but after my first session which consisted of wandering an empty city doing side quests, and then doing the main quest which told me to go to a desert without fast travel in what is likely going to be even more empty land, I decided against it.
It probably has some stupid twist, like you and the robots are the same type of robots, or humans don't exist or some bullshit like that, and what does it mean to exist, and what does it mean to be human, and I don't feel like playing the game all the way through if it's not going to be satisfying.
Heather also has some heartbreaking moments.
>You know, I've never thought much of Highrise. Too far from the water. And then I found out...you live here.
>Do you think anyone else is...in here? Besides me? I've seen no one. But when I look up, to where the sky should be...I see you. And I know you can hear me.
>I love you so much, Red. You know that, right? It's true. It's true! It's true...
Not important
Catherine's ending
the second and third black knight encounters in plague of shadows.
To the moon
LISA, like, the whole damn game
Celeste's ending
>everything bad that happened during the game is a result of the actions of a jealous lesbian and a team of insane hipsters who thought that they have any moral right to change the city
I still don't understand what Sybil wanted from Red besides the pussy. Or why the Camerata were planning to assassinate her & put her in the transistor.
Camerata was trying to improve the Cloudbank by integrating creative and unusual thinkers into the Transistor. Sybil was an insane lesbian who decided to kill Red if she can't be with her as Red already had a boyfriend.
Oh! That makes sense, actually. I remember that one random description that says Red was a revolutionary or her music caused social unrest or something like that IIRC, but I always thought that was just a throwaway detail for her character. So that fills that in. I knew that the Camerata were trying to stop the city from changing, but I didn't know about that whole intergration bit. That puts alot of shit in perspective now lol
Yes, this part of this game:
Played alot of sad games. None made me cry though
I'm the pussiest bitch around and that scene was laughable. It's fucking embarrassing Kojima directed this scene with a straight face.
Is Lee the only nigger most Sup Forumstards actually like?
I unironically cried playing The Last of Us
There's Rodin from Bayonetta.
Pretty much any black guy from a capcom game too and also the black guy in Final Fantasy 13.
I recently finished playing Terranigma.
When Ark goes to bed and his last dream starts, I teared up. It's so fucking beautiful and sad.
Persona 2: Eternal Punishment's ending
Man tears on this for me too
>yes Hans, please fuck my daughter
he had it coming
Honestly, pulling the trigger on the Boss almost got me, then the fowers turned red and her C-section scar became an actual snake and it took me out of the moment to say the least. I get it, MGS is known for cornball shit like that, but I think some restraint in that moment would have gone a long way.
E ending is easily one of the most kino moment in the entire videogame industry.
> Sanctuary (after battle)
> Simple & Clean ( after battle)
KH1 & 2's endings get me EVERY time
I play through 2 almost every year and it STILL gets me.
I'm sad Halo Reach came out too man...
Wow, I made this stupid joke and completely forgot ODST existed for about 5 minutes.
Kara no Shoujo 2 was pretty shitty but the true end was fantastic.
>also great ost
>t. born 2001
Just fuck my shit up Sempai, just fuck my shit up
I wish I could, Fuuka
I really wish I could
The only game that made me cry was the true route ending in G-Senjou no Maou.
>inb4 vns are not video games
fucking kino.
Certainly not this one op.
i just wish they showed a little of their future together, anyway that ending has a good impact unless you start thinking about ntr
You must have posted the wrong scene. Here let me fix that for you
>caring about Ilya
I cried over every single wasted waifu in MGS.
I always get chocked up at the final missions of ace combat 4, 5, and zero. I blame the music
>Not caring about Illya
That scene in Nier: Gestalt with Gideon attacking the robot, P-33, on Route B made me sob. Broadening the context with greater knowledge, during Route B, really shifted your perspective compared to Route A.
It's the fact that you have to pull the trigger that fucks me up.