Apparently Super Bomberman R is going to get ported to other systems. People praised the game when the switch launched because there was fuck all else to play next to botw, but how does it hold up now that there's more games on the system?
Apparently Super Bomberman R is going to get ported to other systems...
I think it's okay. Definitely not the best Bomberman game, but I still like it. Online can be fun, controls are a little spotty, story mode is meh. Too bad I can hardly ever find people playing the Grand Prix mode.
It's ok. It's like a 6/10 game. People only really praised it because it was 7 fucking years since the last Bomberman game. It's mediocre but even a mediocre Bomberman is a fun enough time.
It actually got better over time as they added a 60fps patch, new gameplay modes and a bunch of special cameo characters that are fun to fuck around with.
I'd recommend giving it a try now as it's much cheaper and you can get it pre-owned. I wouldn't have recommended it for full price a year ago.
How many times are you going to spam this shit?
It's built in unity and has this really strange realistic art style that just shouldn't be used for Bomberman.
The camera angles were so awkward, it sometimes made it annoying to maneuver yourself. Otherwise, yeah it's not a bad Bomberman game.
What? I made a thread yesterday and it died with 0 replies, so I thought I'd try again.
>realistic art style
it was shit anyway, who the fuck plays bomberman in 2018
Top kek, Soytendo Shitch is already loosing exclusive games
Say it loud, say it Clear SONY ALWAYS WIN HERE, BABY
being mad is unhealthy
What did I say that's wrong?
"Realistic" in that it has dull and drab brick blocks, dark colour pallettes, muted bushes and pillars and wooden boxes. Much closer to real world style graphics than not.
When it should be much more vivid, colourful and cartoony.
You're welcome Sonybro.
This is your reward for beta testing Crash for us.
What do Koreans even like
grind mmos, league of legends, sudden attack, overwatch, starcraft
Was this even confirmed to be a switch exclusive? Also people on this board never really praised this game.
There's a Super Bomberman movie coming out? Wow, I guess the explosions must be pretty violent to get an R rating.
>Also people on this board never really praised this game.
People constantly listed it when they were talking about how the switch had the greatest launch lineup in history.
When talking about launch lineups, timed exclusives are still relevant.
What? I quoted a specific part of your post because I replied to it, I didn't talk about exclusivity, I was talking about how people praised the game.
>your post
Not my post, didn't read the post you replied to. My bad
You can actually set the Camera to be fixed in the options.