How much longer are you going to keep tolerating Microsoft and their Windows bullshit till you finally ditch and free yourself from both Microsoft and Windows altogether for good Sup Forums?
How much longer are you going to keep tolerating Microsoft and their Windows bullshit till you finally ditch and free...
didn´t install 10 :^)
What the fuck is S mode?
Already did years ago
And what exactly is "S Mode" ?
did they learn nothing from windows 8
It turns Windows into the equivalent of a Chromebook. You'll only be able to install apps from the Windows store. It basically gimps your computer.
Why the fuck would anyone use this? They are delusional
Many people will once they make it the default
>Turn off updates
>Use LTSB version
Until it actually affects me, W10 works fine for now.
If you think PC devs are going to consider W10 as a viable platform when Windows 7 dies off you're delusional
Is there any linux Distro that mimics the exact looks and functionality of Win7?
I'd love to use Linux, but Mint and Ubuntu both seem to hate my graphics card (RX470) and refuse to output sound through the HDMI. Have yet to find a solution.
Also, fuck getting Wine to work properly. If I can't play Fallout New Vegas on Linux, then I'll stick with Windows 7 as long as I can.
>turn off updates
>get fucked by 20202902930 0days
Also normies don't know any of this shit, S-mode is gonna be popular when all new laptops ship with it enabled by default.
Why do people here care so much about normies when any company releases something that you can easily evade.
They already fucked my startup performance when they force-updated me last time
I wish they didn't hold such a monopoly
Because you shouldn't have to fight your fucking OS
when normalfags notice they're locked away from something they used daily, they'll notice and microshit will be knocked down a peg again
windows 8 didn't fly either
the "majority of customers" are intended to be businesses and schools. The S mode exists because every school district in the country, which used to reliably buy windows, has switched to Chromebooks.
>Office gets ported to UWP
>So are all popular browsers, media players and service clients
>Games now target UWP
What exactly?
Businesses usually run specialized softwares that are written in java half the time for some fucking reason, so that's not happening.
Why? Didn't Windows 8 try this and it basically fuck their company
>>Games now target UWP
what games?
pick one
>Office gets ported to UWP
Office isn't a videogame. UWP isn't an "environment"
pajeets aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer
fuck everyone who calls programs 'apps'
Just die already grandpa, your time is over
enjoy getting exploited for the rest of your life, newfag
fuck off back to your iphone
Cinnamon desktop in general is built to mimic Windows layout. It's the flagship of Linux Mint, but also can be found in fedora/debian/arch/pretty much anything major.
There is also Zorin OS that's also built for Windows refugees, but from what I've seen it's on the buggy side.
Yeah. Something with LXDE is probably what you want.
>this one Sony nigger spamming the same thing every day
Also Solu with either Budgie or mate desktops. It's a new kid on the block and software availability can still be a problem, but what's there is reliable and polished. Also very easy to get nvidia and an xbox controller working.
Until Linux has games that aren't just 2deep4u indie trash and 15 year old ports.
>ARM laptops
Windows RT bombed for a reason and the education meme is a load of shit due to lack of support on the Windows store, everyone just used it once to download Forza.
"Sorry, this game requires the latest version of DirectX, only available for Windows S"
smode isn't limited to armshit, and armshit in the future may even run full wangblows
Fuck off to Sup Forums
microsoft is so fucking retarded holy shit how the fuck this company even exists
Windows 8 flopped because it changed the UI and normalfag baby boomers couldn't figure out how to open anything anymore. As long as Microsoft keeps the UI to what people are used to they can get away with anything. Normalfags are already used to being locked to a walled garden app store because of smartphones and tablets, they won't care about it happening on their PC too.
i use a chromebook around the house as a tablet it isnt bad, but I got it for 100 bucks. I couldnt see using something that gimped on anything more powerful. Also PC in general is dying to normies who only use phones. Only gamers and advanced users use PCs these days, why do they need a gimp version
i'm feeling like we all gonna end up on linux one day
you can't get away with being that retarded and treating people like shit
(actually you can if you are Apple, but we also have lots of people using android)
Then they'll just make Ubuntu even more braindead and botnetty or offer a completely commercial and shitty Linux distro.
Reminder that people bought the google chromebooks
Windows 7
horse pornstar
Yeah i dont see how there is a market for them even though I have one. I spend 90% of my time in the boonies of canada where cell service doesn't work, so I dont have a smart phone. (i know theres phones with call over wifi now)
You're not implying I'm a literal brainless subhuman who """""upgraded""""" to 10 from 7, are you?
>5 bilion
but, world population is 7 bilion...
I actually considered one, they have nice hardware, but the keyboard and storage killed it for me.
So then use the fucking LTSB that has security updates only.
>windows 10 Shit mode
Why should I care?
I'm still using windows 7.
Windows 7 is perfect. Why would I ditch it?
Things that are optional one day could very well become compulsory the next one.
Nope. It's never getting on my machine outside of a VM.
On the brightside, once they go full botnet I'll finally be able to move to Linux without regrets.
did he dieded?
me too
I'll continue using W7 until the first serious vulnerability MS would refuse to patch. Then it's either LTSB or Linux with Windows VM with GPU passthrough
They wouldn't make it the default unless they were trying to kill their desktop market.
couple of weeks til I get a better hd
Because as time goes on and the bad things that normies go with because they dont know any better become "normalized" this shit gets impossible to evade.
Fuck they pushed windows 10 pretty hard, lots of cases of it installing itself on my friends PC's after they tried to avoid it. Im holding onto 7 for dear life but I do worry that the day of reckoning will come soon. If only linux had directX I would have jumped ship ages ago.
You could do the latter now, it's pretty easy to set up but you do need the right hardware.
I've been suffering linux for a while now, nothing really work right except for programs literally decades old.
>Why the fuck would anyone use this? They are delusional
People said the same thing about the telemetry and the "You can never switch off updates and relevant advertisements lmao" and it's now a thing on today's W10.
Don't think about it, it just werks, you won't want to be one of those creepy weirdo nerds who use linux because they are not retards who have no problem getting fucked 24/7 aren't you?
So you've got nothing other than "they could do this retarded thing". What a pointless response. Even if they did do that you could just install another version.
I could but this desktop has been working flawlessly for years and I don't want to experiment just yet. Will probably buy a new PC around 2020 when W7 support expires, and check the available options then.
Didn’t apple try to do this and completely fail? No one wants to use an app store on a computer
>You can never switch off updates and relevant advertisements
That's just false though.
Until triple A developers start developing games for Linux
If that's your plan, I recommend getting accustommed to linux in virtualbox or vmware before you actually format and install it.
>So you've got nothing other than "they could do this retarded thing"
>dude historical evidence of them perpetuating a customer-unfriendly act cannot be used as basis for predicting their future actions!
I would say some sort of curse upon your family but you being born in India alone is a curse enough.
The year of the Linux desktop will come any year now, trust me.
>muh LTSB version
Like it or not Normies are the majority of the market so companies try to cater to them, when your tastes and theirs become distant enough (lets say, win7 gets phased out completely and more games become win10 exclusive not because of microsoft but because there is no other alternative) you WILL end up being affected by dood mcbro's shitty choice on OS.
By that time you might as well be a Linux user.
Call me when every game that is playable on windows os is playable on a GNU/Linux alternative without something like WINE
As soon as a good OS that actually runs the programs and games I want to run and doesn't require endless fiddling to do so comes along.
I'll probably do it at some point, thanks!
Sony niggers are scared as fuck of what MS are bringing to the table in the gaming scene with exclusives like vanquish 2 and some old classics by Sega in the pipeline so they're trying to discourage anyone from using Microsoft Xbox or giving money to MS to play the games on Windows store. They're absolutely seething right now and irs beautiful.
Updates don't protect you from 0days.
Please tell me why you expect them to make Retard Edition™ the default version of windows despite the insane amount of problems that would create, and why that matters to anyone that knows how to use a computer.
>if you can mod a game to make it good it means the game is good
>if you can force your OS to stop using this built-in feature that wasn't meant to be turn off by normal means that means the OS is fine and functional
people like you shouldn't exist.
It is now via passthrough. I mean sure, that means you're actually running windows, but a VM gives you control over online traffic and isolates wangblows from the rest of your files.
No. Do it now.
When any other OS supports any video games and don't give you cancer just trying to use.
That would be a fucking revolution and something I can only dream about right now.
Might even affect consoles positively because PC gaming will become even less accesible for retards than now.
Windows 10 already quick enough for any majority pc installed since 7 kinda dumb why not having this 'S' version since release, tbf as long as switchable to normal windows i'm okay with it.
read keep in mind I am not the one defending or advocating corporate entities ripping on retards or the technology illiterates simply because they are unable to do so.
Do you really want to go down this road?
Honestly I don't expect anything but scorn for their customers when their average consumer base have thoughts like this in their head.
I would rip the fuck out of you just because I can and as punishment for you being a retarded and underaged piece of shit.
I don't see how that post tells me there's a good chance of it happening, or why someone can't just install a different version of the OS.
I'm sure it will be a service with an annual subscription fee. Make sure to download it with MS Edge!
I cant understand a word you said but from what little I could translate, I should point out that "S" version is not something you just toggle on and off, its the equivilant of buying Windows 7 Home Basic rather than Windows 7 Ultimate.
Yes, Pajeet, you can switch back to normal Windows. Still, there's no reason not to believe Microsoft might try and force this onto customers in the future. Let's just hope this goes the way of Windows RT.
>or why someone can't just install a different version of the OS
Maybe because of the fact that the most featureless version is prepackaged with every prebuilt tower/laptop in the world?
Or maybe because of the fact that newer OS will no longer support the previous OSs that aren't 100% spywares?