Warhammer Vermintide 2?

So what's the Sup Forumserdict on Warhammer Vermintide 2?

I like it, but im getting the same fucking maps on quickplay all the time. do i have to actually create a lobby and play each map before quick play unlocks for them?

Nice: Good combat, nice map design, interesting enemies, sub classes, It's Warhammer.

Dang: Story is generic, writing isn't very good, boring item stats (seriously +5% respawn speed?, fuck off), talents are boring, It's Warhammer

>fucked voice line assignment
>most talents and traits are dogshit
>every player is shit

But on the other hand, great numbers of enemy types, levels are interesting and the gameplay is still good at its core.


Does it still have EAC?

Any fucking word on the console version yet? Seriously I was hype for this game but I’m losing hype quickly when the dev’s only fucking word on console release so far is “later”

>It's another taking more damage from team than enemies episode

talents are boring
enemy variety and the idea of classes is bretty neat

>jezzails never
>diggers never
>doomwheels never
>hell pit aboms never
>rathounds never
>beastmen never

Fuck this gay world.

>"An old ranger trick..."
>Slayer Bardin goes flying into a group of enemies and dies


Is it much better than vt1? I got it on the sale and it's alright so far

quick, post THAT elf webm

Haven’t been following the game since release, what got nerfed? Elf? Drakegun?

armour like this when?

>what got nerfed?


Fug, how bad is it? Is the game still fun?

>Story is generic, writing isn't very good
are you an idiot?

So Zealot is Saltz best class now?

elf only regens to 50%. ammo return talent only gives 20% instead of 50%, ammo capacity increased though.

huntsman no longer deletes bosses


Most of the ranged cheese got gutted (ammo capacity +50% instead of +100%, huntsman and ranger dont get automatic crits, bosses are more beefy in general etc) which was good since it made the game way too easy even on Champion. However, very little of the bad options got buffed, making almost everything feel a little lackluster at the moment.

Game is still alot of fun though, just don't expect alot of power from your career.
Except Bounty Hunter, abuse him while you still can.


get fucked consolepleb

It's good, not without issues but those will get ironed out as patches come in.

Is power level 200-300 suppose to be a slog fest? I have opened over 10 chests and done tons of crafting with all items being lvl 195-200 yet have not gotten a single item above 200. Maybe 2 or 3 items giving 1 power level higher at best.

you need to grind champion

Veteran Caps out at 200 for loot, time for Champion my dude.

What did he mean by this?

Running it. That's what's giving me the 1 item higher. Got desperate and even went to my commendation stash but stopped after getting pooped on so much.

How's the solo play?

I thought the elfs are bad players was just a meme.
Just got out of a game where the elf was constantly running ahead just to get grabbed/downed. Would also take all heals and use them right away when they were near full health.

Open all commendation chests, level up other characters and open theirs. Having high power items will just make it easier to get through Champion in the first place.

I am thinking ill put this game away for a month or so, then come back once the people left are those who get the whole, stick together and play as a team part of a coop game.

Wonder how many people would still be around by then and not grinding at high tiers

It's fine if you just want to beat the levels but if you are trying to collect all the tomes it can be a real headache. Bots prioritize healing items over tomes. From what I've seen as well, bots won't pick up grimoires. There was an user yesterday who said he was able to do it/braging, but I think it's a load of bull.

I hate the map this is on. Why couldn't it be somewhere nice?

so deeds and legend chests are the only way of getting hats right?

So I've noticed I'm taking quite a lot of damage vs normal hordes compared to my teammates. Whats the trick?

I know, "git gut", but there must be something more than just block -> swipe -> block -> swipe.

What's up with Packmasters? Every other special dies in one good mid-range blunderbuss shot even on Legend, but those little fucks always take 2-3, very rarely do they die in 1

Are they deceptively bulky, or is it just because their smaller hitboxes makes half my pellets miss them or something

Learn to swing your camera around between attacks to check blind spots, watch your own flanks/back instead of relying on your teammates to cover you

Just doing this made all the difference for me when I had the same issue

Constantly look around for flanking enemies, i take most of my damage from rats spawning behind me. Also try to dodge the attacks from the big guys instead of tanking them

They are relatives of the Sack Rat

might depend on your weapon. learn its strengths and learn its weaknesses.
learn how to cull hordes by whittling down the edges so you don't get surrounded. it's much easier to kill a horde you're funneling them in from somewhere.
double pushing can knock enemies down giving you much more time to thin the crowd.
practice dodging for big enemies.

mt first deed was on a fucking SKITTERGATE

If you did not play and completed all maps with every books on v1 cataclysm you're shitter
Which is the case of 99.9% of people on v2 it is impossible to play with randoms
V1 on cataclysm at the end of its life was really comfy only true veteran were left playing in a small contained playerbase
The community is down the shitter on v2 fuck this game

thats what you get for playing pub

Were back to V1 launch, even old bugs have come back to relive the glory.

>do really well on veteran during the beta
>now every veteran game I play ends in us losing

>go down from tanking a rat ogre in a short and narrow alleyway
>get rezzed and we kill it
>temp health has ticked down to 1
>see a potion in front of me and b line to it
>elf some how gets there first
>grabs it and just holds onto it since the fucking twat was at 90% health

I hate Kerillian and the faggots who play her so God damn much

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The shitters will get good or leave in a month. Patience my lad patience.

The deed system is a fucking shitshow regardless
>getting knocked down instantly kills you and a gorillion hordes
>reward: a fucking Soldier's Chest
>Not even General or Emperor, Soldiers
>you can get Soldier's chest by getting 1 grim and 2 fucking tomes with no dice
>so your choice is either "Run a map going for full tomes/grims but also with special conditions and significantly more difficulty for a meager bonus reward"
>or "Just run it normally going full tomes/grims for an easier time, and if you want better loot, do it twice"
Deeds seem like such a massive waist of time and pointless risk for absolutely pitiful rewards. I got one today that was "No pickups (health/items/nothing) on the entire map on Vet". Reward, a MERCHANT's chest.

Only decent rewards are cosmetics and reds imo

>my first deed
>dmg over time
>knock down meants death
what in the fuck ive heard thought its how you get illusions easier

The constant need to switch out items doesn't help. One the one hand I like this system better than the previous one, but on the other, its hard to get a certain build/specific stats when its decently expensive to reroll traits and stats, and you know you'll need to replace ALL your shit 5-10 matches later. Once I get to power-level 300 on my items I might actually try to specialize but before that, its just a waste of resources and you're constantly playing sub-optimally because you have to use the garbage +1 stam item instead of the "33% curse resist, 28% stam regen and potions last 50% longer" item because the former is 40 power-points higher.

>giving a shit about illusions
It costs 20 scrap to remove a single illusion that you can only apply once, why the fuck do you want illusions or care about them pre like power-250? You'll be switching items so often there's no point to using illusions.

desu I would argue not to give a shit about illusions till you cap 300 on everything

Is 300 the max? Lord/Insane/whatever chests don't go higher?

>Fort Brachsenbrucke
>Chaos Spawn throws me into the fucking river and my body gets washed away

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>Righteous Stand
>we're going across the battlements
>Braapstormer throws down his fartwind in the middle of the walkway
>elf and dwarf both sucked up
>dwarf tossed into a wall
>elf fucking flung clear over the side of the battlements into the town below and instantly dies

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Give me a good video I can show my friend to convince him to get it.

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You know you can just remove the illusion again and move it on to a new weapon right?

I loved that map though. Entering during a battle was pretty awesome. Watching the artillery volley go off was fugging cool.

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>Only good looking levels are every single one that doesn't take place at day or is underground

daylight levels where a mistake

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Lmao rat ogre did the same to me as Salty. It was hilarious.

Best part of that no pickups deed is that books count as pickups, so there are no tomes or grims on the map either, and the mission reward will probably be commoner's, merchant's if ranald favors you

Where's the crack

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Something is fucked with the indoor lighting in Righteous Stand, the indoor areas are supposed to be dark but for some reason they're all fullbright.

For 20 scrap each time yes, but that's literally like 9 items worth of scrap. Why the fuck would you constantly waste 9 items just to move your pre-300 illusion from a 150 power staff to a 159 power staff? If you genuinely wanted to stick with it you could expect at LEAST like 13+ weapon upgrades, so 260 scrap just to make your thing look cool?


>elf aimlessly slashing

Playing and clearing a map on quickplay does count as clearing it and unlock the next one, but still, if you want variety in quickplay immediately you might as well run through them all in order once

No. Quickplay just only uses the pool of unlocked maps you have when searching. Starts with the initial 3. The first time you do one of them and the "Act X Chapter 2" mission unlocks, that's added to the pool, so quickplay will pick from 4 missions the next time. If you just keep spamming quickplay, eventually you'll get lucky/random enough to join all the maps and unlock everything. If you specifically want to unlock everything first though so your quickplay is the most-random, then yeah just go to lobby browser and join the ones you need on recruit or something to speed through them.

>hiding most grims and half the tomes behind jumping puzzles in a game with godawful jumping physics
Its better than them being randomized, but not by much.

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I just had the worst game ever
>against the grain
>you'd think this map would be piss easy for everyone by now
>cross the wheat field
>3 chaos warriors and a few stormvermin
>team is fucked off in a corner getting raped
>i get surrounded by a chaos warrior and 4 stormvermin and die
>no one even tries to revive me
>saltzpyre dies because he goes down 7 feet away from sienna and elf and neither even TRY to revive him, don't even look in his direction until he's 1 pixel from dying
>they weren't even fighting a unique enemy or anything, just killing like a small group of normal shit cannon fodder
>sienna and elf spend an hour trying to kill one single chaos warrior
>sienna runs off, tries to come get me because i respawned right over the wall and gets immediately killed by 3 stormvermin
>elf, instead of going to revive sienna, goes for the fucking tome on the roof
>gets lifeleech'd
>"wow guys game sure fucked us"

Why didn't they just put them in random chests/containers? Most of the books are now routine

Is it normal as ironbreaker to have 90% of my kills as ranged?
drakegun is too much fun.

>tfw veteran is easier than recruit because the collective IQ of people playing recruit is approximately 65

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>"You can't escape! I smell your heresy on the wind!
>"The crime is your foul existence. The sentence is DEATH"

man victor has the coolest lines for sure. Most hilarious goes to Kerillian tho.

>"Impressive Goreksson!... But wipe that spittle of ya mouf!"

>wanting to level my Salt
>level 2 but has 120~ power from trinkets and weapon crates
>queue up for vet
>level 8 and 11
>...k, I guess
>Grab my level 30 Unchained
>thirty minutes of running the asylum sewers while they can't manage jumping puzzles, constantly die to hordes and freak out over chaos-warriors
I don't understand how people are so shit at just vet. And what the hell is the problem with Chaos Warriors? They have slow as all fuck, BLOCKABLE attacks and take like 5-6 hits to the head with a hammer to kill. Why do scrubs act like they're the hardest enemies in the game?

any screenshots of the cosmetics you can get on legend?

They did this in VT1 and everyone hated it because it just meant instead of fighting to a hard to get spot or doing a mini-puzzle, you had to clear every corner of the entire map for the potential spawns with almost no way of knowing if you missed one. Having them be in static places is better, and I appreciate they wanted to combat that with making them appropriately difficult to get even if you knew where they are but fuck off with this jumping puzzle shit. I've had tons of runs fail because we spent 10+ minutes flailing around trying to pixel-perfect hop onto bricks while a neverending tide of hordes and specials was dropped on us.

Such a nasty virgin

I really don’t like it, refunded after a couple of hours. Just felt like grindy click spam bullshit, lootboxes didn’t help. Also hated that each single character had to be leveled individually. My opinion though

Sienna is pure joy when she's full-on into the role of team mom.

>elf uses a potion at 90% health
>"Still putting yourself first I see, Kerillian?"
>>"Nobody else will."
>"But which is cause and which is effect?"

>elf goes down and Sienna picks her up
>"...Lumberfart :^)"

I like but it runs like shit on my sandy bridge cpu when there’s tons of enemies on screen even if I lower all the cpu intensive settings

+ Good gameplay
+ Lots of content for the price

- Pretty grindy
- Full of bugs
- Really bad performance

Level 8 with kruber and it feel like i'm not doing any damage, otherwise I like the two-handed sword.

Corridor game

Gameplay has nothing special
Only 5 characters
Not many different ennemies

This game is not for me

Well you should have to work hard to get every book, it shouldn't be a given each time.

Same , can't refund because i joined friends and we played over an hour

for that kruber bitching on festering grounds and standing there typing while half the team got swarmed by 8 storm vermin, go fuck yourself.

Oh you can refund for around 2 hours man go for it. They’ll even let you do it for over that sometimes

>They did this in VT1

I'm very certain they didn't do this. They changed some of the book locations on some maps a few times, but I don't ever remember there being random spawns.

I get that, I'm just saying there ought to have been better ways of doing it. Some of the grims are fine; there's that one in Decay where you have to press a wall switch that doesn't open the main-path door, then follow a secret corridor down, then press another hidden switch, then get the grim. Or the one in that blight-map where you have to jump down, find and grab some keys, then find the locked chest 3-5 minutes further ahead thats hidden in a corner. Those still require fighting off hordes and doing extra work to get.

I don't like having to grind to a halt in the middle of a town square so the whole team can start bunnyhopping onto lampposts to try and parkour across the entire area just to grab a tome before the horde spawns or an assassin knocks you off the ledge.

They did it late into the game's lifecycle when everyone had memorized the spawns and collecting them became ritual. They originally changed their spawns, but people just memorized those too, so they randomized it between 3-5 spawns for each to force players to aggressively hunt each spawn, making it five times as tedious so it remained a 'challenge'. and it was awful.

Lmao i understand she calls everyone mayflies because of their life spans but what is it with lumberfoots?

Elves are graceful and oozing finesse. Mayfly races are bumbling troglodytes. So, 'lumberfoots'.

Elves are sneaky and know how to move around without too much noise, she's calling the others heavy-footed because they make so much noise walking around.