>Apparently Luigi's Mansion won't be the only GameCube game making its way to the popular portable. Nintendo will also be releasing a few more favorites from the underrated console including Pikmin,The Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker and Super Mario Sunshine. No word on what changes will be made those it is be expected they'll be adapted to take advantage of the 3DS's control scheme. Luigi's Mansion is slated for a November release followed by Pikmin in December. Wind Waker will Folowmin February and finally Mario in the Spring time. All games are expected romretail less than the typical 3DS game selling for only $29.99
Nobody cares about 3DS anymore.
I hope they stop wasting resources on it.
>source: ur booty hole
This is the effect of the "third pillar" or do you not remember the DS release and how many gba games got made/shoved out the year after it's launch when it was proving to be a success?
They hedge their bets by getting large blockbuster titles lined up for the older system in case of failure, and push the new system out. If it does poorly, the blockbusters save face and lure people back to the original system. If it does well, they serve to "send off" the older system as they end resource devotion to the older device.
>coming to the 3ds
>but not the switch
Also until pokemon is out on the switch, it won't ever overtake the 3ds. Period.
I love switch beggars being absolutely mad abou the 3ds getting games
feels good.
aint beggin for anything
I don't give a fuck about Luigis Mansion or anything on Gamecube since its super easy to fucking emulate
Switch is getting everything as fast as they can push it out (mario, zelda, metroid, smash, etc.)
but that slows down if theyre wasting resources on 3ds
why would i ever play pikmin without a wiimote
>Luigi's Mansion not in October
horse the cock
I have both, I'd just rather play on Switch. Wasn't a huge 3ds fan
Pretty sure that most people that own a Switch also own a 3DS. It just doesn't make any sense to port this stuff to the 3DS when you could just port them to the Switch.
Why the FUCK is Nintendo STILL supporting the 3DS? These games should all be on Switch, not an eight year old handheld that's long overstayed its welcome.
pikmin will never come to 3ds due to it being impossible to see your army on such a small resolution.
Nice source retard.
The 3DS was a joke of a portable. Even the GBA and PSP didn't have this many ports.
yes you can, its in 3D
I'd rather see GCN VC on the Switch
Just a reminder that the GB Micro released when the DS was already on the market for a year
except it IS (because it still exists fuck off with your pasts) the best handheld nintendo has ever put out ;)
until the successor
When judged separately, the DS has a way better library than the 3DS
The GBA had more actually.
Link to the Past
Super Mario World
Super Mario Bros 2
Super Mario Bros 3
Yoshi's Island
Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy VI
Nes Classic series
Donkey Kong Country
Donkey Kong Country 2
Donkey King Country 3
Breath Of Fire I
Breath Of Fire II
Pikmin 3DS would be rad as fuck, the touchscreen would be even better than the wii version.
nothing wrong with ports, but they should not be replacements for new games
most likely nintendo wants to update the codebase for all these games so that it runs on a system with actual shaders, which makes it easier to release on virtual console for switch later
well i can't deny that, odyssey is on it after all
>All of these are $29.99
Umm Luigi's mansion is $40 last time I checked.
Some of us aren't underages who grew up with the Wii.
The 3DS probably isnt even physically capable of running any of those games without massive downgrades
Will the Game Boy and Game Boy Advance be added to the Switch's Nintendo Classic Games Selection or will there be a Game Boy and Game Boy Advance Classic Mini consoles?
Game Boy/Color had many Commodore64, Amiga, NES ports from 3rd party publishers, the only original stuff was from Nintendo, and even they released ports like Super Mario Bros. Deluxe, PSP and Vita didn't have many ports, most of the games were spin-offs of console franchises.
It makes sense to port gamecube games to 3DS, because that way they sell games to desperate 3DS owners without using any resources making new games.
3DS probably can't even run Pikmin and you could hardly see anything even if you could.
>Ocarina of Time 3D
>Majora's Mask 3D
>Star Fox 64 3D
>Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D
>Xenoblade 3D
>Luigi's Mansion 3D
>Monster Hunter 3U
>Yoshi's Woolly World
>Mario & Luigi Super Star Saga
>Mario & Luigi Bowser's Inside Story
>Tales of the Abyss
>Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
>Rayman 2
>Metal Gear Solid 3
>Ace Combat 2
>The Phoenix Write series
>Etrian Odyssey 1
>Etrian Odyssey 2
>Devil Survivor 1
>Devil Survivor 2
>Devil Summoner Soul Hackers
>SMT Strange Journey
>Radiant Historia
>Dragon Quest VII
>Dragon Quest VIII
And that's not even counting the Sega 3D series, things like the Megaman Collection, the Rhythm Heaven, Wario Ware, Mario Party, or NES Remix games, actual remakes (like Fire Emblem Echoes or the jap only DQM remakes) or the entirety of the virtual console.
Why the fuck would Nintendo port Wind Waker to the 3DS when they already remastered it on the Wii U?
>i don't care about 3ds anymore
>therefore no one else does
Do you eat shit?
I love Wind Waker and have played it a lot but I'd really love to see that game expanded with more content.
Would be nice if they added a whole underwater Hyrule with a whole new adventure instead of a single hallway to ganon's tower.
They did that because back then the DS was seen as a risk, and early on it wasn't very successful (it didn't really start picking up steam until the DS lite and non-games like Brain Age came out). The Switch on the other hand is breaking sales records left and right, so there isn't as much reason to keep the 3DS alive.