Don’t mind me, I’m just a series of games with a storyline that’s more needlessly convoluted than J.J. Abrams’ L O S T

Don’t mind me, I’m just a series of games with a storyline that’s more needlessly convoluted than J.J. Abrams’ L O S T.

At least I hope the ending will be better.

Other urls found in this thread:

Everything in video games is needless what's your point

It's not that complicated. The story telling is just broken up into too many titles.

>tfw I can’t play 358/2 Days and Re:Coded and they’re just cutscenes in the remastered version

>tfw would never want to play either and Square made it easy for me to enjoy the story without having to sit through boring gameplay segments


>enjoy the story

Mods would rather leave up console war threads with people calling each other soyboys.

> no Indiana Jones world

>his brain can't handle the complexities and nuance of the multimedia KH franchise

What a brainlet argument.

i'm starting to believe there are multiple jones posters... but i agree anyway.

>making shit up as they go along just like L O S T did
This is why Kh1 and season 1 of Lost are the best in their respective series.


>No Zelda World

>no rebuttal
Sup Forums is garbage confirmed

KH is completely ridiculous but i love every minute of it
People take this shit way too seriously

The amount of autism needed to make one of these is admirable.

>People circlejerk the ever-living fuck out of Metal Gear for being ridiculous but violently hate Kingdom Hearts

It's because the esoteric concepts of the heart, good and evil, and conspiracies of a single old man are just too real for them.

It's because KH is bad


user, you can just say that you'd rather watch movies than play actual video games.

Oh boy. I hope you plan to live up to a hundred, this wild ride isn't ending any time soon.

the way people get so mad about kh on Sup Forums youd think kh raped their mothers or something

It essentially rapes childhoods.

>a movie top meme lad

If you play the games in order, it’s not.
If you haven’t played any of the games, it is. Fuck off underage fag.

>no Zootopia world

It's just an incredibly.mediocre series that has overly defensive fanatics.


>No treasure planet world
Fucking end me.

>no seinfeld world

the way people get mad because they don’t understand a story on Sup Forums youd think kh raped their mothers or something

Why are people so hard on Monsters Inc. forms?

>Seinfeld = Mickey
>Costanza = Donald
>Kramer = Goofy
it all makes sense now

Sup Forums is fucking cancerous. I see why every board hates your guts. There’s no argument or discussions in any threads.. And whem you like a game, you’re not allowed to enjoy the contents - you’re only allowed to talk shit about because if you don’t, it’s “WOW YOU DON’T KNOW THE FLAWS? ARE YOU RETARDED?”
Everyone is a fucking buzzkill who doesn’t know how to have fun, i mean it’s fucking video games. Everyone is a topnotch autistic buzzkill.

That's why I only come to Sup Forums to shitpost. I partake in actual discussion about game with mates or on other forums.

>tfw Jason Alexander was already in DDD

Attached: 9280384.jpg (650x433, 67K)

I don't know. It actually fits the game's style.
If people have a problem with Monsters, Inc. Soram, then they should also have a problem with Halloween Town Sora.

Attached: tHiS iS yOuR bRaIn oN hAlLoWeEn.png (510x905, 260K)

Very few people here actually like or give a fuck about video games. It's just pathetic autists trying to one up each other and feed their egos.

They'd pretty much have to remake everything from the ground up, wouldn't they? There's no way they'd be able to make a DS game look good in HD that easily. Not to mention that the maps in Days and Coded are easily the worst.

Yeah, it would require a significant overhaul for games that just aren't that great.

No youth appeal whatsoever. Classic adventurers bore younger generations, they have no superpowers, no mysticism to their character, they're usually not young and their stories are somewhat rooted in history and reality which young people do not care about. Disney would never put in an Indiana Jones world.

how would they integrate the heartless/nobodies/organization/whatever bullshit into indiana jones and not make it jarring as fuck
then again they did it with pirates of the caribbean anyway and didnt give a fuck if it fit or not

Indiana Jones would be too dark for Kingdom Hearts. Temple of Doom literally had a shaman rip out someone's still-beating heart and then dump them in lava.

If you report kh threads they go away, I reported three other ones and they disappeared




I don't believe it

It's Sup Forums's favorite.

>Make Deep Dive trailer
>wasted on KH 358/2 days

>Make Versus XIII 2006 trailer
>Wasted on FFXV

Is Nomura destined to get fucked ?

Attached: nothingpersonal.png (640x352, 156K)

Yes, and we're all along for the ride.

Try it, it works

>tfw memories of getting on shitty 2003 Internet and watching the Deep Dive cutscene
>all the speculating
Please take me back. I'm so tired now.


You think that is convoluted?! Just wait, Nomura has such beautiful HD Nuts plans for KH3. We have only just begun to play children.

>having to watch it on the internet
>not importing FM and watching it yourself

>there were two stories
>BHK was evil
>in his story you'd be in a party with dark Mickey and some other character
>you'd be trying to stop Sora

I was too dumb at the time

Oh hey, guys. Don't mind me.
Just readjusting my pant suspenders so that my pant legs don't fall down.
Yeah, I've got this thing about my pants touching my feet. It just irks me, ya know?

Attached: Pant Suspenders.png (693x212, 149K)

>tripping over your baggy pants in combat

What do you even call these? How would one even go about purchasing such a contraption?

>he doesn't know
kh cancer is going to continue

You go to the tailor and ask for suspenders for you pants legs, you fucking PEASANT

KH3 isn't the ending, it's just the ending of the Seeker Of Darkness/Xehanort saga.

>Hmm, yes, quite right. Mmm. Yes, I need one pant leg suspenders for my pants, m-lady.
>Yes, I happen to be a fan of the Kingdom Hearts genre of games thank you for noticing
>mmm yes just put it on my tab, thank you, m-darling, good day to you.

Attached: 983479287.jpg (2206x2168, 1.62M)

Artificial death in the west, east
Pyramids on deck shine
Wet hair on her neck, breathe
She shoot pussy through your chest, you die

That's actually pretty neat.

Playing through Re:CoM for the first time on proud mode and holy crap this game is a lot worse than I remember.
Maybe it's fact that as a kid I enjoyed the novelty of playing Kingdom Hearts on the handheld, but something about playing Chain of Memories in 3D really irks me.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 75K)

It's not you.

KH COM on the GBA is really fun but the control translate really bad into 3D, it's really horrible.

They should've just keep the story as a movie since the boss battles were already in KH2.5 anyways

Yeah, I'm thinking I would've been just fine with this game going the way of Days and Re:Coded and getting the movie treatment.
Also, who balances these spinoff games? Sonic Blade is flat out OP.

>Everyone who is good is Sora
>Everyone who is evil is Xehanort
Problem solved.

Next time just watch this instead and go to kh2.
It will save you some grief over playing this game.

Attached: 1496873286255.png (326x236, 81K)

Kairi, Riku, Lea, Terra and Aqua aren't Sora. They were just inside him / his memories.

That's not true, user!
Sometimes a lot of the good guys are Kairi

>Come forth, Blue-Eyes White Dragon!

Attached: 9380293.png (624x467, 533K)

You stinky, that's not a wholly accurate representation. It's better.

When was Aqua in anyone?

No, they're all Sora. Riku used to be Xehanort, until he turned back into Sora. KH is only as complicated as you make it.

Attached: riku-other-3652a.jpg (1920x1080, 101K)

why did every single spinoff game have to have shitty gimmick combat
i can only be fucked playing 1 and 2 any more

see; / his memories

I know for a fact Namine was only ever in Kairi.


Now that I played all the games I can't believe how needlessly retarded the story is.

Okay, now you're stretching it, bucko!

That's where you're wrong kiddo. Namine is a nobody created from Kairi's heart and Sora's body because as a princess of light her heart can't fall to the darkness so she can never create a heartless or a nobody naturally. That's why she was comatose in 1.

Damn, you've got me there.

Play coded. Aqua, Terra and Lea are all connected to Sora through his memories, more specifically Ventus, Roxas and Xions memories.

I haven't been keeping up with DS emulation but I remember one emulator that had setting features able to make 3D games pretty sharp-looking, almost like a budget ps2 game.

>Who are you?
>I am you.
>I am me

Attached: Does not compute.gif (373x256, 986K)

Literally everyone is connected to Sora through his memories. You can't just say someone's Sora because Sora remembers them and they remember him.

I said they weren't Sora you idiot poopface

Oooooh, sorry, user. You are one of the good guys.

Why is Xemnas called Xemnas when he isn't the Nobody of Ansem he's the Nobody of Xehanort so he should be called Xehaxnort or something.

I'm just gonna play KHIII having only played the first one and II. I don't fucking care that nothing will make sense. I assume that nothing will make sense even if I play all the spinoffs.

cause he wanted to trick people into thinking he was ansem.... or something.....
i dunno the whole ansem twist was fucking retarded and pointless

You should play DDD at least, that way you get the true Sora experience.

>Sleight most often used: Goofy Smash 1 times
