The occasional SCP Lab Thread

The occasional SCP Lab Thread.

How do you think SCP 457 will play?

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I've been out of the country for the last two weeks and after coming back and launching Steam, an update for SCP is downloading. What's the update? Just general fixes or have they added a new SCP?

I heard they added 096 which is a pretty open piece of shit

I heard a nice idea about him consuming items and bodies for "fuel" which would be ticking down from 30 and could go to 100. When he gets to 100 he can use 50 to split into another fire (bring a spectator in as an SCP). Melee and medium range attack. Its somewhere buried in the steam discussions

096 was added and he's pretty weak by himself but a total prick with 173.
You need a smart player to make 096 be affective.

so are the SCP's winning more often now that 96 is added? if there's 20 people in the server at round start, do all 4 SCP's spawn?

Making him like a flamethrower character like the Pryro from TF2 would be awesome.
I also like the idea of burning shit to get stronger but if they do that they need to add more items around the map to make sure 457 can keep up his health.

Last few matches I've played SCPs have won. but that's mostly thanks to docs ability to turn everyone into zombies.

457 is going to be added?

Yeah. during a dev stream, we saw one of the working files they are working on is SCP 457 is going to be added, when and how he will play is anyone guess

>Alpha Warhead will activate in t minus 80 seconds.
>Intercom turns on.

Who cares? The game looks and plays like ass. Stop shilling this garbage game that only poorfags could possible enjoy

Because it's fun user.
And you can't shill a free game.

>before 939
>before 999

Do you even know what that word means, you bumbling buffoon?

The SCP needs a powerhouse SCP since 106 gets contained too easily and all the other SCPs are too weak.
457 could be deadly as fuck if done right.

>since 106 gets contained too easily
only if you're literally retarded

096 honestly feels like it fucks up the balance a bit because it is either the weakest OR the strongest SCP, but depending entirely upon how stupid the players are. His schtick is that he gets peanut-levels of speed and an instant kill AND the ability to break all non-containment-cell doors for 8-10 seconds if someone looks IN THE GENERAL AREA OF HIS FACE. Otherwise, he is slow moving and entirely harmless.

Notice how I said 'his face' though. Because 90% of this game is filled with retards, most people will think they can't look at him period and will immediately stare at the ceiling or run away. A single fucking person with sufficient ammo can kill him by just shooting him in the foot and being careful. Except that never happens because you'll be carefully dealing with him when a single other cunt will come along, stare into his eyes, and trigger his rage. And now you're dead and there's almost nothing you can do about it save for finding somewhere you can jump up high like larry's room/server room, going in an elevator, or hiding behind containment doors.

He is the only SCP where OTHER PEOPLE'S STUPIDITY is his greatest strength. Peanut, Larry, Doctor, can all be fought alone and at the very least, stalled or contained or dealt with if you're gud enough or fast enough. Fucking Shyguy will wipe out entire waves of NTF because XxXPr0Jar3d2008XxX in the back started screeching autistically the minute he showed up and triggered his ability. So fuck Shyguy.

Well also RNG. NTF/Chaos who know what they're doing always check the filing cabinets in Entry Zone before going to Heavy Containment, and because the red-card has a chance to spawn, that means you could have an entire group with the ability to access 103's containment cell in the area OF his containment cell literally 45 seconds into the match. If they just flat out removed the red-card from spawning in entry zone, thus forcing you to go through HC to upgrade a card or find one on a nerd, it'd be more balanced.



It's near impossible to do that since most of the 096 players's I've seen all stick around other SCPs. They almost never go by themselves.

SCP 1128 when?

Oh there's varying degrees of players as well, I get that, but fighting Shyguy is always such a shitshow because you never feel accomplished. It's not that kind of 'oh jeez I got baited hard' when doctor ambushes you or you can't duke shadowman, its like fighting Peanut except some other cunt is constantly shutting doors behind you as you try to backpeddle and fire. Shyguy isn't the primary threat, your own team's stupidity is the primary threat.

>shilling a free game

Doc is best

maybe secret lab threads can be a weekend thing like Sup Forumsermin?


Doc is the ascended meme because he's the only SCP who can still effectively camp and wipe out entire teams with no counter but 'throw more bodies at the problem and hope it goes away'.

But yes, honestly SCPS feel like they win significantly more games now thanks to Shyguy since we once again have 1scp per 5 players, and Shyguy aggressively punishes stupidity, something the game is rife with.

I would be up for that.
Dev still has a lot of plans for this game. so god knows what it will be like a month from now.

I wouldn't mind see some more hazard based scps in the game. Considering developers have been sticking below in the 1st series, we could have red ice or red sea object? Hell make some of them gambles. Say you risk interacting with these scps for the sake of gaining something. (Ex. your teleported/enter a anomalous zone if you survive/escape you get a item )

Calling 30 mins tops before mods come in as faggots.

>So user, what's your SCP idea? (regardless of being trash)

beaver that grows trees by gnawing on stumps
it can do the same with anything thats been severed

By some hazard SCPs. 066 and 198 might be fun for for just hazard SCP.s will make players more cautious

Literally no reason it can't just be a regular thing other than 'its popular so lets move it to a containment thread nobody on Sup Forums wants to go to'. I get it that there were too many threads, but the solution to that is telling people to stop making so many fucking threads, not nuking all conversation about it.

I said before SCP-3199 should be added as an A.I controlled enemy that can be killed pretty easily but you have to contain the eggs before they hatch.
The longer the round goes the more SCP-3199s will appear.
Will also give something for MTF to do besides trying to get down into heavy Contentment.

A set of test tubes that prevent any chemical reactions from happening within them.
Might actually turn anything that goes in there completely inert, even fingers shoved in no longer have any chemical processes happening in the cells

After you kill enough people a spectator spawns in as a clone of you who can then do the same

alternate reality where the SCPs banded together and ran their own foundation to contain humanity, which in their universe was anomalous

Any EU servers active?
Nobody on shitpost

What I meant, was that once something goes in, after getting pulled out it will still not be able to react with anything.

*gets autosaged*

Which SCP produces best memes?

Your all talking about new SCPs and I just want them to do more shit with 914.
Let us upgraded are guns and health kits.

Doctor every time.


just change the “emergency” sign on the door in the first panel to “entrance zone” and it’ll be perfect