>but it’s portable!
Now hold on a second!... Dark Souls cannot pause. Isn’t this a TERRIBLE game for handheld? The Switch has a two hour battery life, this is a silly idea if you ask me
>but it’s portable!
Now hold on a second!... Dark Souls cannot pause. Isn’t this a TERRIBLE game for handheld? The Switch has a two hour battery life, this is a silly idea if you ask me
You can save state and resume game in a way that isn't a save. If the devs aren't totally stupid.
cant wait to see all the cracked screens and broken soycons when all the nintendies play this
>2 hour battery life
I didn't know that
>Now hold on a second!... Dark Souls cannot pause. Isn’t this a TERRIBLE game for handheld?
You can't pause in some games though.
>The Switch has a two hour battery life, this is a silly idea if you ask me
I swear that number gets smaller with every shitpost.
The console has a 3-6 hour battery life depending on the game. Skyrim for example lasts 4.5-5 hours, Dark Souls should last you around the same.
>You can now savescum darksouls
>The devs aren't totally stupid
2 hours with screen backlight turned off, volume muted, and switch powered off
monster hunter...
You could always savescum, just turn off the game before the enemy kills you. Not much use in it though since I never die in Souls games. Too easy. To die, you'd have to be slow and reckless.
oh wow three hours is much more acceptable than two hours
>you can't pause
Hit the home button.
Hit the power button.
Portable means playing it on the shitter, that's enough for me.
So this is why the nin tendies are so insecure.
Sorry, hitting the home button on other consoles doesn't pause Dark Souls, no reason to believe it pauses it on the Switch.
t. never played Dark Souls
It will just hybernate, dum-dum.
That's probably even a hardware feature. Or a crucial system API fumction at worts.
Then it makes the game even harder, isn't that what you guys always wanted?
so just turn it off and then back on? The game autosaves every 5 seconds anyway
You know the Switch home menu pauses everything regardless right?
I honestly feel sorry for anyone who actually bought a Nintendo Switch. LOL!
You can just put it into sleep mode, there's other games that don't exactly pause but they stop when you put the system to sleep
just put it in sleep mode, or press the home menu button
it’s a bit out of the way, but not a problem at all
No it doesn't. If you hit the home button in online games like MK8 or Splatoon 2 it keeps playing in the background
All switches are wireless. The lag is gonna be SO BAD
why do you lie?
That's not true. Fucking hate this board.
Even if you alt f4 the exact second you die, you will die when you boot the game back up.
Stop lying on the Internet, on an ANONYMOUS board. Get a fucking life.
for about 15 segs and only in onlime mode.
>he doesn't have 5G yet
I mean, if you're playing portable you can presumably not be connected online. Unless they don't let you play DaS without being connected.
And of course online games still continue playing if you disconnect, are you retarded? But going to home in a regular grand prix or story mode does not continue playing the game. Pls.
Demanding games like botw get 2.5 hours. Nintendo stated this when they revealed the switch.
I just played revelations (I know it's shit) for 3 1/2 hours from 90% power max brightness using online co-op it was 12% when I put it down.
>it's that nano-second from being wireless that matters
>not the netcode
>not your nigger net isp
>not forwarding ports
>it's that just wireless bit
come on now that's just asinine
>Unless they don't let you play DaS without being connected
God, that would kill the point of it being portable, wouldn't it. I can't imagine.
You are fucking idiot.
Close the game before you die.
When you load you will be at approximately same place but enemies will get teleported back to their spawnpointd.
You could aggro a train and easily get away with it. Or you can backup a savefile you like anytime.
Dark Souls literally does not pause. Ever.
I'm looking forward to all the crying whining posts from Nintendo fanboys when they take their Switch out at the park or whatever, start up Dark Souls and realize they died when they hit the home/lock button
That would be quite a feat, wonder if it's even possible on the Switch.
what's the point of pausing when you can quit the game to the title screen? You can essentially do it whenever.
>It's another "Sony retards pretend to own Switches so they can rag on it" thread
I'll be in the real Dark Souls Switch thread thanks,
The home menu button literally stops every game and allows you to continue where you left off.
I wounder what would happen if I hit a hybernate button on my PC. Not stopping DarkSouls literally ever, that's for sure.
Home screen and putting the device on stand by pauses any game until it goes back into it
Why are you acting so retarded
No. But power button does.
It’s like 3 hours
>do it online
>ton of invaders spend 45 seconds + a loading screen trying to connect to me and having it fail
Who the fuck needs to pause in Dark Souls anyway.
You just get somewhere safe and afk.
Who the fuck thought not being able to pause a game was a good thing? Fucking overrated artificial difficulty bullshit.
yeah the only real "threat" in that situation comes from invaders also easy enough to avoid just go hollow or enable a p2p block or something on your router to make their connects fail but without disconnecting you from the internet (which makes the game exit to title screen)
You could just pull the internet cable and put it right back. Or disable an internet adapter. Laptops isually have a dedicated button for that.
>suddenly any game that doesnt pause when going on your inventory is bullshit difficulty
sasuga Sup Forumsermin
I thought that forced it to quit to title screen
>never played DS
>never used a Switch
Classic shitposting
it does
No, that's fine, but not being able to pause at all is pretty retarded. Even MH has a pause option, but of course it's in it's menu.
So fags wouldn't be able to pause any time they're in danger, you need to pay attention and have good reflexes.
Not him but when I played the game on Xbox I hated the lack of pause. The game running no matter what when you open your inventory or are online is fine. But its silly that you cannot pause it to a black screen that just says paused when you're offline. It's a lack of feature that Dark Souls fans eat up because it makes them feel cool. Same people that praised removing leveling at any bonfire.
Never tested that. But hybernating will fuck up your internet session anyway.
>if someone doesn't like the thing I like then they're lying
>Post yfw they add a pause button exclusively for the Switch
Who cares? We got a Solare Amiiboo.
Yeah that's it, nothing to do with all the blatant disinformation in this thread. Nope not at all.
why are people arguing about this ? it's an old ass game who gives a fuck
It is lying when you just start making up shit about things you know nothing about
Here comes the underages, thread is now unsalvageable
>b-but sony
more obssessed than europeans
depends on your settings/device
my ps4 always drops the session
my pc and switch are coin flips on that
You can't turn the backlight off. I thought bait was supposed to be funny
The game fusses at you for not exiting via the menu, and will take your souls and humanity if you do this more than once or twice. Try playing the game
you couldn't pause monster hunter on the 3ds
just lock your switch, if you're connected to the network, you get disconnected anyway, like in every single other game that has network capabilities
it'll act the same way as you putting your PS4 in sleep mode in the middle of playing dark souls
fucking idiots
Are all of you fucking retarded that you don't know that Dark Souls "saves" your progress when you quit to title screen? Just stop playing when your battery gets low, you coven of autists.
Press start, quit game. It saves and quits, and when you reload, you start where you left off, everything reset. Either you haven't played it, or you're so retarded you played the whole game without realising this was a thing.
Nintendcucks aren’t real dark souls fans sorry cuck
I always played dark souls offline because I hated seeing hints and after images of people dying to obvious traps.
Imho the online mode ruins the game.
Use the menu to quit to title.
Yes it does you fucking retard.
>I missed out on a core part of the game
>I-I'm not a pussy, it r-ruins the game!
kys nintensoy
You can just stand outside of agro range.
Why does the Switch make people so furious?
OP, why do you seriously care that the game is on the Switch?
>get invaded and shat on while on the shitter
Not that guy but, I play in offline mode because I don't live anywhere for longer than a few months due to work so I have to use a mobile data plan. If I play any game in "always online" mode it will obliterate my data limit.
Spotted the weak coward terrified of being invaded because he’s so bad he can’t beat other players lmaoooo
Did the same for bloodborne because I'm not gonna pay for online ever.
>core part of the game
What exactly did I miss out on besides annoying shit and cheesing bosses with help?
As a Nintendo fan, I for one have never played a Souls game and look forward to. I can't wait for you guys to invade me so we can dungeon crawl through the Black Forest and trade loot in my Blight Town. I'm going to go for a Grecian-Egyptian aesthetic with (I'm hopeful) a monolithic Sumerian obelisk, azure-infused eyes gazing in judgement over the town. What do you guys think?
>enemy about to kill me
>rushing towards me to finish me off
>pause the game
>scroll to system
>scroll down to exit game
>press a
"Do you want to exit?"
>scroll over to the yes option
>press a
>thank god for this exploit
Seriously, play the game
>up to but very rarely over 4-hours on a single charge battery
How does that have anything to do with lag
Lasts even longer if you have it plugged in
I hope every Nintenbro rage quits at the gargoyles and never comes back to the series. Nintensoyboys don’t deserve Souls. This port has me furious.
Why are we even pretending 2 hours is bad?
Just kidding I know you don't really care.
That footage was "remastered"? Looks like shit.
I swear people are clueless even on the games they play. If you quit Dark Souls you will load back in exactly where you were unless you were in a boss fight because of constant autosave
>every bloodstain is just people accidentally rolling off something or trying and failing a trick jump
>every message is either deliberately wrong or a poorly conceived joke
>every non-pvp area invasion is a smoug armor mask of the mother ninja flipper with a crystal sword, zweihander or chaos fireball spammer sitting at a bottle neck or in the middle of an enemy formation
yeah it gets tiresome if you're not playing specifically for the pvp all this salt from low skill gankers is hilarious
No pause is a bad game design choice anyway, there's no denying this.
If you had a switch you’d know you can pause any game by hitting the home button.
>not giting gud at instant quit for when you fall off a ledge
>even the boxart is lowres
>i have never seen das3 speed runs
>having to cheese the game because you can't play it well
Also you can get your souls back easier if you save and quit when you die. 90% of the time the souls would be before the fog wall in das for me.