How are those classes coming along, anons?
Made any teachers yet?
I recognize these sluts.
Thank god for those white lines over the benis or I would have been fired.
Goddamnit Sup Forums stop being so gay.
How many teachers do we need?
I've only made one so far.
4 and a nurse.
Octavia when?
I just wanted to have a nice porn thread!
When they include short braided back hair
>no cat tail accessory
How can they leave out something so essential?
Will you make themed classes or just group everybody together by age?
It's confirmed for the final version along with ears, a maid, witch and military outfit.
>Left slut with the skirt
Just how short are these skirts
It's important.
I'm gonna make a class of cute girls with animal ears. Foxes, tanukis, rabbits, cats, even mouse girls. Maybe some other things like kappas and onis thrown in. They could be the teachers I guess.
Very short
You almost see the panties at eye level.
Sold the game for me.
There better be better anal content this time though.
i have miku
i dont need anything else
That's just default-chan in a wig, you can't fool me.
fix your eyelash color
>no loli yuri
well miku has no fix face anyway
but i posted the first version
They made me yuri fanatic
Here's the Kirie someone wanted.
Face shape needs improvements.
There will, the big question is how how much.
>this time
>two on the left
that was pretty good user.
I won't download this game until it's confirmed that we can make thicc girls and fit girls
Friendly reminder that Default-chan is for bullying only.
Just been creating degeneracy
It's been possible since day 1.
That's not supposed to be an example of what you mean, is it?
You can go way further and beyond, but my taste prevents me.
stronk default-chan. the thiccness is pretty fucked up in the waist/pelvis section.
Do you like da grindin game?
Why is she so flat?
Poor form of expression on my part, I shouldn't have said "better be better", I'm sorry English isn't my native language and I learned it on my own, what I was implying is that anal content kinda sucked in previous Illusion game, it was heh in AA2 and Honey Select
holy shit this is being made by illusion???
fucking instant buy
>anal content kinda sucked in previous Illusion game
Wasn't it exactly the same as the non-anal stuff?
Hold the fucking phone, it's not?
I'm confused now
It was pretty much copy pasted pose with the dick switched to be in the bum, but it had far less available positions compared to vaginal.
Nice tortilla chips
Well it is an Illusion game but they also have a bunch of former Teatime employees working on it as well.
>make uniform brown with white highlights
>learn that you can disable saturation filters
>learn that all the uniforms are actually black
my autism is triggered, how the fuck am i meant to accept this game now
Is there an archive where all the good cards are stored? I hate sifting through all the shit looking characters just to find the few decent ones.
Ask her yourself.
how you do that?
pressing f6 with the bepin/translation mod allows you to disable the filter and bloom
Check out the Illusion database and 2chan card packs on /h/. There aren't any bad cards only okay cards and a ton of good stuff.
any way to remove the outlines from her hair?
what? her hair totally different with the screencap, smoother.
her hair looks*
much more smoother*
Don't use solid black. Use a darker shade of grey since dark black looks horrible in this game.
you have your outline color set to white
either turn it down to black
or disable it and very slightly change the base color so that the game readjusts it to black since by default the game will try to make the outline and roots fit the base color
you can also go into the options and diable outllines fully if you want 0 outlines
I don't. Can you point me in the right direction?
And before some retard tells me to look at the filename, all "Clymenia" and "Clymenia class" leads to is some fucking plant.
How do you acquire this game
No. There is no pastebin for a demo with one patch and two mods. It's a good way to weed out the idiots that will never get this game running when it comes out.
CM23D fag here
im just too lazy to look it up for myself
Okay that clusterfuck needed a pastebin and guide but if you can install that you will have no problem with Koikatsu.
lets see.
looks worse than Play Home
Do we know how big a class size can be? I need to know if I should start on my autism early or if it can wait
It looks like 4 classes of 25
It's going great. I already prefer the creator to AA2's.
There's three classes with 30 students each, and 4 universal teachers (I think.)
You can also change the highlights with the newest update and root color like said, but yeah generally speaking solid black looks awful.
4 classes with 25 students
5 adults
Homeroom, language, math and P.E and 1 Nurse
So anywhere between 90 and 100. jesus fuck It took me forever to make 25
Yeah, unless if you're a hardcore autist about it you WILL need to download cards. Or you're going to end up using Illusion's drab defaults.
Is the game literally just going to be one male protag and the rest girls? Part of the fun of AA2 was all the drama you could cause between boys and girls.
Wait. Does each class get a teacher? Or just one homeroom teacher that is shared?
I think I'll have to make my own class entirely by autism, and then have the rest be downloads. Illusion cannot into characters
Looks it, but it also looks like it's much more VN/dating sim oriented rather than AA2's chaotic sandbox
AA2 let you have classes with less than the max number of students, I cant imagine Koikatsu will be any different. The only reason to make 100 is if you really want to. Playing with around 30 characters will probably be fine.
Unfortunately yes. The story is that it's an all-girls school and your aunt pulls strings to get you in.
Illusion characters are the best.
Unless only MC's class has 25 seats, which I don't think is very likely. So yeah, 99 characters minus the MC, 5 teachers and 4 main heroines.
Post cards and I'll masturbate to them
shemale mo when
Mark my words it's the return of the SchoolMate series with AA2's class structure.
>the thicness is pretty fucked up in the waist/pelvis section.
That's kind of disappointing.
>Fucking overlord
Jesus, the time people put into these
how fit is too fit?
three characters finished, 97 left.
user, that's not thicc
that's just fat
Is it possible to tell who this character is supposed to be or do I just suck?
I know. It's just the character I was working on at the time.
lmao youre so bad at searching terms
I don't even care who these sluts are but I found them based on the filename
it's that little slut with the weird laugh from the show where inverted nipples were canon, fino
hips too big
>no muscle
I fell for the Illusion hype train again once I actually looked over the personality list. Finally I can diddle my chuuni waifu.
Here's hoping they just copy over the sex mechanics and animations from playhome, that game has some great ones.
Super gay.
His other other other game was better.
gimme the card pls