What did ben Garrison mean by this?

What did ben Garrison mean by this?

the only people worried about this are pedos, terrorists, and criminals.

so which one are you, OP?

>deep state


Can someone post the original version?

Considering that even dumb jokes about terrorism are considered terrorism and that having different opinions is a crime the last two.

If you were having an argument would you be ok with people pulling out their phones and recording you then?

>not conducting your entire life as a disinfo psy op since the late 90's


nice try clown. but this is being used specifically to blackmail and track politicians so that the deep state are the ones actually in control and not the people we elect.

I don't want the FBI to get their grubby little hands on my loli collection.
They need to get their own

Is this some kind of bootleg WHIRRRRRRRRRR?


>go to airport
>in security line
>i have a bomb!
>get taken away at gunpoint

Kill yourself

Yes, you have the right to record people in public spaces.

Maybe they shouldn't be doing illegal shit that leaves them vulnerable.

Hope you go to jail, pedo.


What do you people hope to accomplish on Sup Forums?


>Maybe they shouldn't be doing illegal shit that leaves them vulnerable.
it doesnt have to be illegal, it can just be embarrassing or harmful to their campaign. and that also doesnt justify giving intelligence clowns the power to blackmail and control government officials.

>Hope you go to jail, pedo.
Dude he only likes underage drawn cartoon girls.

s m h
t b b
f a m

Unironcially this

then don't dress up in a maid outfit, get railed by multiple dudes, and have it recorded, retard.

you do something embarrassing, expect it to be used against you.

>posts on a site with rules
>complains about laws


Post it on v for the yous you want.

Fixed you dumb Sup Forumsfaggot
pure nudehism

If you aren't considered a pedo, you need to find a different fucking website. Normalscum.

>you share a board with people that actually believe in the deep state meme


Reminder that peak Sup Forums was during /l/ and it was all shit after moot took it down to increase ad revenue

Pedo Terrorist here.
Where the indoctrinated zealous lolis at?


More like
>posts WE ARE NOT AIMING FOR THE TRUCK.wmv on your Twitter profile
>Get police officers at your doorstep
>You've been accused of glorification of terrorism

This has actually happened in my country, although the person posted a joke and ,after recieving the notification, started to act like an edgy cunt posting more retarded shit
But it was a lefty non credible trans and iirc xir was declared innocent

>Maybe they shouldn't be doing illegal shit that leaves them vulnerable
Like if you can't blackmail people who are law abiding citizens with nasty shit that happens in their private life despite not being illegal.

A criminal, duh.

I supposedly have the wrong political opinions, I do research on topics that are usually banned by "mainstream Internet" (and media) and I listen to pirated music.

Oh right, I also read Wikileaks, which is illegal according to CNN.



Finally someone posted the original


>all these easily triggered politicucks in this thread sperging our over muh deep state muh data collection
>not realizing OP was making a WHIRRRRRRRR joke
Have some fucking fun for once you uptight virgins

JS are the best

where do you fags find these images