There are people on this board who honestly and unironically believe Goku in Super Smash Bros. is possible

>there are people on this board who honestly and unironically believe Goku in Super Smash Bros. is possible

What the hell is wrong with you?

Smash is 90% anime characters now anyway?

Shulk, Cloud, all the FE faggots

Why would that not be possible?

Gokus is more powerful than any of those Nintendo characters without even using any transformation or energy blasts

Smash is only video games characters

This. It's my main reason for not liking the new games as much.

Goku has been in more videogames than Mario himself.

Cloud being in Smash broke all the rules for me. At least Goku has games on a Nintendo system he actually appears in.

He doesn't originate from a video game

I blame Nintendo themselves: they went too easy with requirements for third party characters and allowed stuff that was barely related to Nintendo at all like Cloud to be included. They opened the floodgate themselves, and i can't believe they've been this stupid.

Why is it bad to have more options, how does Cloud or Goku being in it hurt the game?

Who said that, when were the rules of Smash established?

>Turning Super Smash Bros. into Dragonball And Others
But why?

This guy is perfect for Smash. Ape transformation for his final smash. Nimbus for B-up. Staff for side-B. Kamehameha as chargeable neutral b.

Also he's been in at least half a dozen Nintendo titles.

When he taunts he pulls out his dick.

Will never happen, no one even remembers kid goku

Get fucked amerimutt.

Because it makes the crossover losing meaningfulness of what it was supposed to be, a.k.a. estabilishing who was the strongest Nintendo character/s.
Third part characters were fine, but they needed to be affiliated enough with Nintendo, and to be fair, Sonic and Snake did fit the bill, albeit not in the conventional way. Ryu was a bit more unorthodox, but SFII was a huge thing on the SNES, so it made sense.
Cloud though? Completely alien, he was a minor character in 2 minor Kingdom Hearts games on the GBA and the DS, of all the Final Fantasy or Square-Enix characters to choose from, he was in the bottom list of being affiliated with Nintendo. Characters like Kefka, Chrono, Magus, Kain, Gilgamesh or the Warrior of Light would have been much more fitting.
But no, they went the easy lazy way out choosing shameless popularity over actual logic. And i don't forgive that, even as a person who liked FFVII.

As for Goku, that's an anime character who had some licensed games on Nintendo systems. Considering only non-licensed IPs is the last major barrier that still remains in Smash, and i fucking hope it holds.

>what it was supposed to be

>Smash is only Nintendo charcters.
>O hai Cloud
>Smash is only video game characters.
>O hai Batman
Crossovers are so fucking ubiquitous these days that I'm actually surprised when there *isn't* some retarded guest character nonsense. Appearing in Smash Bros. is now the video game equivalent of hosting Saturday Night Live.

Adult Goku is more iconic and that's more important for a guest

You really think that means something, don't you? Watch when Disney gets in on the action and gets a bunch of Marvel characters into the game. You think Nintendo is going to say no?

>Fucking Solid Snake
But you draw the line at Goku?

Opening floodgates and less focus on Nintendo and more of "3rd party is popular, he deserves to be in it". Then it turns into something like Mugen and possibly alienating the original audience that made it popular in the first place. Less celebrating Nintendo (despite popularity) and more catering to whatever is the fad now.


Its a party game you massive faggot, its only meaning is to have fun. Fucking kill yourself.

Funny thing about Cloud is that as much as people bitch about his inclusion, he's actually a better representation of the character than Square itself manages to deliver. He actually really does "feel" like the Cloud from FFVII instead of whatever the fuck Square thinks it's doing with all its spinoffs and remakes.

You have no fucking idea what Mugen even is.

I'd honestly take Goku over another half dozen characters I don't even recognize. Established characters with a long history feel more at home in a crossover game than whatever the fuck new IP Nintendo is trying to push that week.

>Saturday night live

are you retarded? cloud and snake are the biggest departure from the cast. I don't know why you think smash is a part of this imaginary group of ubiquitous crossovers that only you noticed

Snake was the best thing to happen to smash

It literally *is* a crossover game from day 1. What's a matter with you?

Mindless chaotic fun is a thing only a primate like you would appreciate. Demanding some basic ground rules in a crossover should not be viewed as this alien concept, otherwise you might just mix together everything reguardless of the owning company "just because".
By your reasoning, there should be a Necromorph in Smash only because there was a minor useless Dead Space game on the Wii that noone cared about.

Mickey Mouse or Popeye would be better, symbolically.

Why shouldnt there be a necromorph? Why do you hate fun?

You legit seem to have some kind of autism, crossover fighting games are not deep pieces of art with meaning to them. Its a mindless game for friends to play and the only decisions should be based on what would be the most fun.

People like you are why the Smash fanbase is considered a joke.

>Owning company
This stopped making a lick of sense once everyone started buying everything else. If Elsa showed up in the next Avengers movie that would meet all the requirements you're laying out. When Marvel vs. Capcom became a hit that was the end of it. Now Link and Darth Vader are in Soul Calibur, Cloud is in Smash, Pac Man is in Street Fighter X Tekken...

So I'll say it again: crossovers are fucking ubiquitous and I'm surprised whenever there *isn't* some random guest star like Saturday Night Live.

This game is made in Japan, just so you know.

Goku in Smash was always a meme and it blows my mind that there are people that unironically, seriously want him in now.

you talk like video games are art or some shit
its just toys, you fuck around them for some time and then buy the next one for 60 buck + tip

Do these people realise he's not originally a video game character?

I swear this board has the shittest and most unrealistic picks for smash ive ever seen.

Sorry bud, but Luigi is stronger.

I don't understand why not being a video game character means it's unrealistic. Again, Darth fucking Vader was in Soul Calibur. Forget whether it's a *good* idea or not, you'd have to be naive as all sin to think it's unrealistic. Nintendo doesn't give a shit about your misplaced priorities.

Casuals like (You) are the reason the game industry is saturated with cancer these days.
Go back to your regurgitated FPSes and waifu simulators.

Show me where it says a character has to originate in a video game to be in smash

This is just a made up rule Sup Forums pulled out of its ass

Smash constantly has two games played at tournaments. Don't talk about saturation.

It's only a rule until its broken. Smash characters
>Don't need to be characters with move sets to draw from
>Don't need to be characters from action oriented games
>Don't need to be characters who are relevant
>Don't need to be characters with retro appeal or relevance
>Don't need to be characters from Nintendo franchises
>Don't need to be the only representative of their company if they are a guest
>Don't need to be of any importance to Nintendo itself, or star in games on Nintendo consoles. Cameos on Nintendo handhelds are enough. So long as they're hype worthy and in demand.

Only a matter of time now. Say it with me, "Smash characters don't need to originate from a video game franchise"

Is there anything more pathetic than smashfags? I don't think so.

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Nintendo doesn't give a shit about anime characters from anime shows in their video game brawler about video game franchises.

I don't give a fuck what Soul Calibur did, it ain't soul calibur. Apples and oranges mate.

I'd like it, it'd be cool. But it ain't happening.

Show me the character not from a video game that's in the Smash roster.

Until then, it's not a rule, it's the pattern.

There's not many non-Nintendo characters left to be included that would cause a shitstorm. The only one I can think of is Doomguy but his reveal would be a lot more like Megaman's; hype-worthy but expected.

Nintendo is aware of the mass demand, Super is running, Fighterz came out and is a huge success, etc. If there was ever a time for him to come, it is now

I wonder if Saturday Night Live fans threw autistic bitch fits the first time it was hosted by a music star instead of a movie star. Or a TV star. Or a political figure.

I'd prefer CHADhan desu


I know Bayonetta and Snake were in, but since when was a gory video game character in there? Pretty low on the totem pole of characters I reckon.

Funny way to spell Jobhan.

People want Goku because Goku is the only character that would be legitimately surprising at this point.

Look at this guy, not knowing the power of the dark side.

I'll say it again. If Disney came knocking you think Nintendo would shut that door out of some misplaced honor over their crossover game's roster? You really think that?

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Pff, I can top that easily. Put Jesus in the game. People will die after that reveal trailer.


Until then I'm right and you're wrong.

>Video game character
>Video game character
>Video game character
>Not a video game character

I think the characters that would be most surprising would be Sony owned. But shit, since Sony's own Smash clone failed I literally don't think any character would surprise me anymore. They'd have to let Samus appear completely nude to make me do an actual double take at this point.

Plenty of people here remember and like the kid/original version, he was just spewing random nonsense

The fact that you have had to narrow the "requirements" every single game says the opposite. Just because something hasn't happened doesn't mean it can't.

Goku and all his clones are probably some of the worst characters in fiction. Hopefully DBSpics realize this one day and move on.

This thread has made me want Goku or Iron Man or Jafar to appear in Smash Switch just out of spite.

>every single game

you mean singular; Smash and being a video game character. Wow what a stonewall I've put up really narrows things down to some poor choices what the fuck will Nintendo ever do.

Anything can happen within reason, this isn't reasonable.

You're pipe dreaming at this point, which is bizarre since there's so many to choose from and people choose to go outside the medium for characters.

The irony of these "not a video game character" folks is that they're arguing from a position of weakness not strength. It's actually a more desperate hope that it holds rather than a belief that it will. Because once Goku does appear there are very few boundaries left for them to appeal to. Maybe "only *Japanese* characters"?

Read this fucking post:
That's what you call a pattern. Every rule people think exists for this franchise has to be narrowed down like an ever shrinking Venn diagram.

For what it's worth, technically R.O.B. is not a video game character. The only video game he's ever actually appeared in is Smash.

Except I never once mentioned any of those parameters and you're pigeon holing me with some strawman you absolute mong.

Read this fucking post, until it happens, you are wrong.

Goku did nothing wrong.
I agree with Mickey

>complaining about causuals ruining your literal party game for literal children

smashfags have no self awareness

So before Smash 4 you were really ok with Cloud because he was a video game character? *Really*? You don't seem like you were.

Doom guy and Solaire when?

>*Really*? You don't seem like you were.

Are you dreaming up a conversation we never had? When did we discuss Cloud?

Yes, I would've been 'okay' with it. Never said that was an impossibility.

Neither is Goku

>there are people on this board who honestly and unironically believe Snake in Super Smash Bros. is possible

What the hell is wrong with you?

Attached: SolidSnake.png (148x289, 52K)

>playing as a fucking loser
Keep smash vidya only

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Endgame shulk and mabye kirby

Anything's possible, within reason.

How am I supposed to get hyped for a character that hasn't broken this pattern of characters not originating from video games. LIke how many times do I gotta say it, until it happens, I don't think its reasonable given the sheer amount of viable characters within the medium to choose from.

That just sounds like a retarded standard. If all of video games is so okay to mine then what purpose does a wall at the border of the medium really serve? Especially since there are non-vidya characters who would be more appropriate than some actual vidya characters. Think about it. Popeye would make a shit ton more sense than Tracer. Nintendo actually made a Popeye game.

Because, again, whether or not you were part of those conversations, there was always a group of people throwing bitch fits over "rules" that kept getting broken. Just because we're at the point where it's been pushed back this far doesn't mean that we've hit the point where Nintendo will take a principled stance. If the pattern is literally that the pattern keeps breaking then it's perfectly sensible to expect further pattern breaking.

he could just use the staff for up-b

Until it does, I'm not gonna speculate shit like Goku in Smash, like sorry mate, not gonna change my mind. I would rather speculate based on actual evidence, like Microsoft's weird buddy buddy tweeting with Nintendo and their Minecraft skins on Switch.

I'd rather spend my thoughts thinking about Banjo-Kazooie being in Smash over something that might not happen. Why set yourself up for disappointment.

damn i kinda want sam & max in smash T B H

Also, don't forget that being a video game character doesn't automatically mean they're "easier" to obtain. Nintendo actually has business relationships with companies outside of gaming (like Disney) that might make getting access to their roster easier than some video game publishers they don't have fuck all to do with. Donald Duck would surprise me far less than an Overwatch character, for example.

>Goku in Smash started as a joke
>now people not only unironically want it but also think it's a serious possibility

How long until people start unironically wanting Shrek?

>wanting Goku in Smash
So am I the only fag here who has played Jump Ultimate Stars? Pretty much Smash on DS with Jump characters. But Ultimate Stars has character assists and team building added onto it which makes it more fun.

It's not speculation. You don't have to speculate that Goku *will* be in Smash. But look at all these fools saying that he definitely *can't*. At this point he actually fucking might. Whether or not you think that's good or bad is beside the point.

it's more believable than fucking ryu in smash bros and we've already had that

I want it to really happen but I want it ironically

Just to see the ass pain for melee fags

lol how is it not speculation, this entire thread is a complete wank over this conjured up thought of 'maybe he might'.

Congratulations, you've almost reached the last point of a fandom cycle.

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It's blowback against the retards who think Nintendo would never let it happen. Like I don't think Iron Man is going to show up either but that's a far cry from saying there's no way he ever will. Smash's roster has expanded to waaaay too many corners to think there are any boundaries anymore.

>waaaay too many corners
Like the corner of major video game publishers with close ties to Nintendo, and...

Calling any of those publishers "close" these days is a real stretch. They serve greater masters.