She killed dozens
She killed dozens
Did she?
To save this 5.
*thousandcuts you*
And she failed.
I really liked Sera, non-ironically.
>Hey what's the Tempest specialization about?
>Potions n' shiet
>What about their focus attack?
>You ever seen anime?
How many has he killed? Millions?
Not nearly enough
it's all good innit?
Of erections
It could be in the billions.
She looks like Evangelyne got beat up by an ugly stick
>giving a shit about their focus ability
>Not just grabbing the 'set self on fire' ability and ignoring the entire rest of the tree
wtf was his problem?
>that face
She was ugly as fuck but she kinda grows on you.
Evil gods killed his waifu.
She's unfairly maligned. Sera is QT and the mod that makes her straight is great.
>ywn pump babies into her
>a nigger does
sauce me up familia.
to be fair, Grovy is just tanned as fuck
but yes I wish I did too
brainlet here, what does the "she killed millions" imply?
it actually says "she killed dozens", dum-dumb.
Groovy was a pale red head, he just got tan after his personal growth arc
unless you mean he's a nigger for being fantasy Irish
It only matters if you consider them people.
Her face is so greasy. I remember how excited people were to romance her. Then they found out she was a lesbian.
Did nothing wrong desu. Would remove the Veil to bring magic back as it should be/10
>t. tevinter magister
This reveal puts a really interesting spin on the whole DA lore. If two worlds used to be one, where does that leave the Golden/Black City? Where did the darkspawn taint really come from? Was there a Maker or not?
>t. andrastian
That makes a good point, Sera should have been fatter
explain this fucking he killed x meme
i guess it comes from reddit or facebook?
And she killed thousands of boners
Well, Solas makes it sound like this will fuck up the security system and set Evanuris free. The problem is, he has (had) plans for them, and he's absolutely okay with the eternal prison. On the other hand, we have Mythal who wants her revenge, and she'll do anything to destroy them all, and Thedas too, if needed.
But isn't Mythal dead? Or does her mind live on in Solas' body and can influence his actions?
It would make harder for her to hide in the shadows.
On the other hand, it would make easier for others to hide in her shadow.
The smell does that already
Mythal has hijacked Morrigan.
Picrelated. She basically let Solas take her power, but sent her soul to Morrigan, so she's a new Mythal now. This old hag mastered lore-friendly save scumming and using it fully.
Who else here drank from the well?
Me. Why?
>lore-friendly save scumming
>literally permanent tgm
>can see the future and the past with various options
>can shapeshift into a fucking high dragon
>no physical body because it's for plebs (tcl)
>uses protags and various npc for her own profit
>gives zero fucks about everyone else but herself
>can cross the veil like it's fucking nothing
I swear, if bioware break 4th wall at some point, it'll be her doing that, as a main villain.
>9:44 Dragon
>becoming an unironical slave of an elven god
You fucked up.
>caring about what happens to the Inquisitor
Friendly reminder that Conscripting Templars > Everything else
Hopefully it actually does something in the next game
Played through the game twice, didn't drink on the first one and did on the second
Solas did nothing wrong.
I didn't know you could play as a potato in DAI
Ally with Mages > Conscripting Templars > Everything else
Yes. Inquisitor did.
>allying with mages when they toss out your alliance at their first opportunity
>meanwhile the Templars disband their order for the Inquisition
go to the black city disgusting maleficarum
>they toss out your alliance at their first opportunity
Except they didn't? They formed the Mages Guild, fucking finally the College of Enchanters after the end of Inquisition and doing well.
No thanks, too much taint.
yes but only male shitlords
bad writing
How does Sera know what gender they identify as?
>best written character in the entire franchise
>bad writing
2/10, made me reply.
the brightest point on a turd is still just a point on a turd
Joke's on you, this point on a turd plot made Trespasser the best thing that happened to DA since DAO:A.
I actually really liked the idea of Sera as a character, being the party members who's passionate but shortsighted, acting out on emotions rather than having a clear idea of the bigger picture of the situation.
But it bothered me that it didn't culminate in something more. You can have your big argument with her after she disobeys orders and disregards the greater good for the Inquisition as a whole, but then immediately after that she's chilling out with the Inquisitor on the roof eating cookies. I was hoping there'd be more of a payoff to character arcs in general.
You sound mad that the game isn't as bad as the memes make it out to be.
she's canonically lesbian right?
someone should make a fanfic of her getting raped by the inquisitor after she denies him.
mainly just to see tumblr's reaction. i'm sure they'd call it a "credible threat against the LGBT community" or some gay shit
Human dick is a credible threat against all elven thots
Her dialogue gets real fucking old real fucking fast (AKA during the scene where you meet her)
I think Cullen might unironically be the best character in the game
>shit analogy
you prefer food, faggot?
Do you think he saved Krem because he wanted to fuck a tranny?
doesn't matter, they're all dead now. i'm just mad that da4 won't let me gas all the qunari.
I recently got the entire package for $10 what am I in for?
She killed my boner alright.
I played this game, got to the part where you recruit her, felt physically ill looking at her face in motion and told her to hit the road. DAI wasn't a great game but I feel I enjoyed it more due to that decision.
I didn't finish this game because it's such fucking shit, but a positive is that you can refuse to take on companions. I would have quit earlier if I had to take this creature and that faggot ogre
what did she mean by this?