Ni No Kuni II

8 more days! I know this game isn't very popular on here but who here is planning on getting it? Also new trailer featuring Evan

Attached: ni-no-kuni-2-15.jpg (1080x600, 77K)

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does anyone know if theres gonna be a switch port

I dropped the game after seeing all the furry shit on it.

Why the 3d?

Attached: 2018-03-09 (5).png (751x496, 595K)

I really enjoyed the first one. I'll probably get the 2nd game as well. It'll be interesting to see how many references there are to the first game.

>draw a girl
>call it a boy
Fucking Japs and their traps

Evan is cute!

Looks like a boy to me

Attached: Ni-No-Kuni-2-4.jpg (1920x1080, 131K)

wasn't the first one mediocre as fuck apart from art?

Yeah, so?


Nah the music was pretty good too

What a cute princess!

Fuck off Nintenbro

yeah but dont expect ni no kuni to remotely be anything like ni no kuni 2
i'd take that as neither a good or bad thing, but from what ive seen of the footage it looks mediocre

i don't get it, what are you trying to say here, it will be even worse than 1st one?

what exactly looks mediocre about it? No sexualization of characters?

Attached: 44a.jpg (708x1003, 124K)

Considering they've spend much more time on this game and previews are already saying great things about combat ( which was one of the things the first fell short on) I'd say it's on track to be better.

>they've spend much more time on this game
The studio shelved this game several times over, but combat was the number one focus. The first one shipped with absolutely broken combat and it was never patched.

Did they change the horrendous battle system? That's the only thing that ruined the first game


Fuck off retard.

This one looks better, but I can't see it doing very well. The first one got a lot of sales probably because of Ghibli cutscenes.

It had a loli dancing in bikini afaik. Sounds like a good game for me.

>8 more days
Isn't it coming out on the 23rd?

I didnt care about it until I heard there were rat people in it.

Attached: Freya_coffee_cute.jpg (905x1280, 203K)

What's his name again?

The novelty of the first game was playing a Ghibli adventure. Now that Ghibli is dead and the novelty is worn off, I don't know about NNK2, especially since it seems to be the anthesis of Ghibli with cat-ears shota pandering.

Attached: b28.jpg (1244x704, 184K)

>No sexualization of characters?
There's a loli that's sexualized in the first game user.......

Will this come with the jap dub?
Did 1 came out with it?

already pre-ordered mine, can't wait

show me

frist game was pure shit only good for it's art style and maybe story if your into sappy anime stories.

The people from Ghibli that worked on the first game are working on this too.