ITT : Games that people do not allow to die
ITT : Games that people do not allow to die
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You mean games that faggot devs do not copy and make a decent remake of
It's dead, Jim. It's been overtaken with fags long ago. Enjoy your furry ligger ERP and vore simulator
At least goon is still great and it keeps out all the shitters and erpers because OH NO BIG SCARY COMMUNITY AND ADMINS THAT WILL BAN YOU FOR RACISM. Yeah they will. Stay out fuckers. Enjoy your tg and vg servers with the erpers and furries.
Is this true? No wonder SS 13 is dying.
>At least goon is still great
This is what Sup Forums has become
>Space station 13
>Not playing Lifeweb
>Jump on someone from a chair until they die by copy-pasting a command while they're stunlocked
>Genetics and about 20 minutes worth of mutations shut down by a single chem
>Server fell for the "NERF HULK" meme
>Get light on fire and die because there are no extinguishers and it uses a medical system that isn't as bad as Baymed
>So many features in the server that it's impossible to get into it if you've played any other codebase prior to it
>Made by fucking Something Awful users roughly a decade ago
Russian Cryptominer Malware : The game
>goon is great
>vg has erpers and furries
/vg/station is a nice place.
Colonial Marines is repetitive shitshows of the best and worst of the SS13 combat system.
>literally run by a furfaggot
>not infested with furries
don't think I believe you
isn't that a gated community you need to pay to get into?
all these lifeweb posters on Sup Forums but you won't even post the russian's donation page so we can play it
>Oy vey goy, purcha-I mean, uh, donate to me so that you can get to play
>Bu-I mean, donate again even more money for in-game privileges and boosts
I never knew russian jews existed
>and make a decent remake of
I believe
Now add gamepad support and i will buy your game.
>catbeasts are kill on sight by space law
>cat ear headwear causes mercury poisoning (brain damage) when worn
>bird vox are gypsies that are barely tolerated by crew and not given human status by silicons
>slimemen are really only used by slime ranchers to avoid being killed by their science
>plasmaman are almost never seen
>spoopy skeleton is a genetic power mostly for round-end jokes
your memes are out of date
>I never knew russian jews existed
One of the biggest disappointments of the game is that there are servers that HRP.
How can you get fucking immersed in such a pixelated fucking game?
Most of the faggots that HRP are also furfags with fursonas that want to furrify everything
It should be condoned by every other server to raid HRP servers
>tg and vg servers with the erpers and furries.
It's been a couple years since I played, have they really devolved into that?
They had a massive shitstorm about removing catgirls, and the compromise was a server having catgirls and the other not having them
It's underaged ironic shitposters all day
I've seen to many doomed games to recognize that never ever look.
>Play Space Station 13 for fun
>Try to find out which server is the funnest
>All public servers have kids and shit admins, also people leaving not even one hour into the round
>Fall back to /vg/ thanks to all the comfy shit that makes the long shifts enjoyable and reduced tickrate for fast action when chasing people
>Have a load of fun
>Suddenly fall into the metagroups
>People are taking this game seriously and shitting on you if you kill them
>Try to use you as a way to stay as their precious snowflake characters
>All that bitching and bickering between them
>Playing as a girl will make people waifu you and fall in love with you even if they've heard your manly ass voice
Randy has the good idea with the way he's handling his server. That crazy ass russian bastard gets all these people coughing up money to him just so they can be the perfect snowflake
Starcraft 2, it's becoming pretty old, wol was launched in 2010 and last expansion in 2015 and it still has a healthy player base.
tg server is legitimately nothing but furfag ERP these days, /vg/station is actually alright
>on again off again ss13 player for years
>keeps slowly dying and occasionally get an influx of new blood, but the game was badly dated when it was released and all the hard work that the fan devs have put in have struggled to keep it afloat
>most servers overrun by furry erp and strange fetish-focused losers and special snowflakes
is pomf even around anymore or what
Pomf is still around, he's just busy with real life
>Servers at the top of the list will never be knocked off
>Play on CM
>Same repetitive fucking gameplay
>Might as well play Traitor Deathmatch
>Administration staff is quick to label people that complain about them as being shitters
>Host rumored to have lied about his military experience
>Play on TG
>People have been so much of indecisive pricks that they've just given veto powers to some random guy and can choose what features should be added
>Some coders have superiority complexes because they believe they are important because they've added things to the server
>Host is an actual soyboy that lets himself be outranked by several other roles
>Turned Double Agents (a lot of traitors that have the objective to kill other traitors) into "Internal Affairs" where they are not allowed to kill crewmembers other than their targets
>Play on Aurora
>Furfags as far as the eye can see
>Get banned if you attack someone at Centcom
>Get banned if you kill someone without interacting with them prior as an antag
>Play on Hippie
>Actually comfy fun where it's a barely-contained free for all
>Host has depression and stepped down multiple times
>Several alt-right poltards have infested the staff team
>Powergamers ruin the game because of the relaxed restrictions
>Gimmicky antags are forced to murderbone to have fun because powergamers kill them on the spot while gloating about it
>Forced to suck TG's cock because TG has coders and Hippie barely has any
>Play on /vg/
>Also somewhat fun
>Genetics is a goddamn disaster zone
>Gets dull after a while
>Play on Goon
>Ancient codebase that is based on the long-time players, amount of features are overwhelming to new players but long-time players don't have this issue because the features were gradually added
>Play on other servers
>Very likely chance of slowly dying off because they haven't gathered enough players
>Some of the servers were actually nice
This game ain't really nice anymore
People come and go, the only thing that is left for communities are the no lives that need some self gratification
This is why a lot of admins are total dogshit