Why are cats so great in videogames. Literally every that has cats is keno. Post some comfy cats

Why are cats so great in videogames. Literally every that has cats is keno. Post some comfy cats.

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why did they get rid of prowler mode

they have cute faces

because X was shit

Cats are conducive to a sedentary, loner lifestyle, which in turn is conducive to vidya. If you have vidya as a hobby, you probably have owned a cat at some point.

Guess cause they thought I wasn't mature enough for the PlayStation audience

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Yep own one right now

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but that's just an opinion. what does that have to do with anything

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Cats in 3DPD are so shitty so we had to make an idealized version of them.

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Backflip cat is the secret hero of revengeance

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All these cats are small. Post some BIG mastodon cats

>tfw my cat sleeps on my lap and arms whenever i play vidya

Hello guys!

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Can someone post the one with and a bunch of hotdogs in front of her. I forgot to save it and thought it was funny.

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He meant Ken-oh, user.

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Sadly cats are only cool in vidya. They are actual vermin irl.

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Where is this going

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>mah kittiiiiies

>t. Dogshitter

Cat owners adore the smell of shit so much, they think their guests don't smell anything.
Worst hosts ever.

i didnt realize every game with cats had diet bingo in it

What kinda people you hangout with. Even I can smell my cats shit and I take it out when I'm having guests over and make the place smell better.

Changing the litter or scooping it frequently is necessary. Your hosts are just lazy.

Why do dog bitches always got to come over to other thread to try and derail it. There a dog post up right now so go.

there aren't enough playable cats in vidya

Fucking outdoor cats literally destroy the ecosystem. they're goddamn invasive pests

Story of Seasons, formerly known as Harvest Moon. Story of Seasons Trio of Towns actually has a bit more interaction with your pets with its furmiliar events.

The shouldn't have gotten rid of prowler mode

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>Literally every that has cats is keno

Took me literal days to grind this cat. It was worth it

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Post more Meowscular Chef

A cat is fine too

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Wtf is going on in that

Nothing special

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Nooooooooooooo don't post lewds. My threads going to get nuked again.

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This looks sexual

what game is this cute ass cat from?

That says more about your shitty friends that it does cats.

Unfortunately for you, that's all there is.

Id marry this cat.

Delicious food every day.

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Cat quest

post the higher res pls

Morgana looks really naked here.

He doesn't have a belt

Here you go

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You're all forgetting someone.

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What a dumb IDIOT


Now this looks sexual

So why isn't there more of him?

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More a case of being kino despite the cat.

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What are you talking about? The ecosystem is destroyed without them.

Admit it, you forgot him.

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It's too late now it's all downhill from here

He normally wear less though

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Can someone at least infest the dog thread cause if this is going down at least the dogs are coming with me.

Unfortunately for you, my memory isn't quite that bad just yet.

Yeah, what a shame huh.
Sup Forumsurry strikes again.

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Why would I do that?

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Cause they've had it too good for too long

Cats are for sexual

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I prefer bigger cats. What are some games with big cats?

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I don't even care about furries but sooner or later lewds will happen and another thread will die

that tiger looks broken

>Species that evolved together over millions of years are thrown out of balance by cats and other invasive species, often with devastating results.

>More than 4,000 invasive species—usually introduced species that did not evolve in a particular area—had been established in the United States alone as of 1999. The delicate balance of nature that gave rise to unique species like the Marvelous Spatuletail of Peru and the Maui Parrotbill of Hawai'i is easily unsettled by the presence of invasive plants and animals.

>Competing with native species, transmitting diseases, or even killing native species outright, invasive species also inflict huge economic losses and can harm human health. As landscapes are increasingly fragmented by people, the impacts of invasive species continue to increase.

>The domestic cat is often a beloved pet, but it's also a major threat to birds. Introduced to the United States with European colonists, the number of domestic cats has tripled in the past 40 years.

>Today, more than 100 million feral and outdoor cats function as an invasive species with enormous impacts. Every year in the United States, cats kill well over 1 billion birds. This stunning level of predation is unsustainable for many already-declining species like Least Tern and Wood Thrush.

Dromarch is pretty cool but he's a blade.

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>American """""ecosystems"""""
I bet you can't even survive a plague lmoa

dromarch a best

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Too bad there art more cute pic. All just sexual

Lemme see.

is this the cat fucker thread?

Nobody here wants to fuck cats.

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>come home from work
>want to get comfy and play some vidya
>this little asshole is all cozied up in my bed and won't move

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Lel the dog thread 404

>Big time chef cat
>He literally doesn't cook anything until 3rd upgrade / 4th scene

All talk for a cat with those kinds of gains.

No the mods are being anal

Everything is so wrong in this pic, in proportions and anatomy

They have the best butts

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>Furry artist
What did you expect

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I admit I spent a little too long trying to see if I could get the camera to clip through the front of his loincloth.

Are those seriously butt muscle contours i'm seeing? HOLY FUCK

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>non furry artist make better fanarts of him and more cuter
The irony


Go check it out for yourself

is there bara porn of the cat

i will
in october :(

Attached: the chad cat.webm (180x320, 286K)

MH cats seem like the cutest shit. Catgirls are great for fapbait but nothing beats little cats that act like people

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