WTF? This was the only game I was looking forward to play for the last year since a very long time...

WTF? This was the only game I was looking forward to play for the last year since a very long time, and I was planning on getting a (used) Switch just for it, so when this video came out, I thought it was minor nitpicks and I generally avoided all threads about it, but now that I've seen it...

Can anybody confirm if this is true? I feel devestated. Did I dodge a bullet by watching it before getting a switch?

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i had a shit ton of fun with the game, and luigi's balloon world is also entertaining.
that dude is a fag, seriously? 2 hours? you could also watch a 10 minute video on why it is a masterpiece or some shit. just look at the games the switch has and decide for yourself if they're worthy of buying.
>inb4 "games? you mean none, hehe"
saved 1 post with 19 replies

>basing your tastes on someone's opinion

pathetic and gay

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It’s a great game don’t be so paranoid

>Spends TWO hours to drive home a point he could make in 10 minutes so he can but 7 million ads on it
>Can't even walk in a simple circle
Defend this.

It's true...that it's some faggot's opinion. If it looks like you'd enjoy it, play it. Or don't.

I think it's fun and addictive as hell. If some random on the internet not liking something is gonna put you off, just stop consuming any media,

>Listening to a guy that pronounces it Meh-rio

Neck yourself.

>I posted it again!

At random I picked a point in this video and started there. This was what I heard:

>Its like having Chris Pratt as an online boyfriend. You're not really getting what you want.

Yeah, no thanks. I don't listen to queers who phrase arguments in such a pathetic way.

Oh boy this video.
He nit-picks the game to death and is a hypocrite. He complains about difficulty but never brings up the difficult Moons. He acts like the Moons are really easy to get, like you walk five feet and there's a Moon. He completely lost the point of you having to find the Moons by exploring. There are a lot of Moons which are re-used around each kingdom, similar to Red Coins in 64. But really, who cares? Each kingdom is different, so you aren't doing the exact same thing just the same end goal. Many Moons are very easy, but there are a few which are very difficult. I'm still playing the game and am finding new things to enjoy, even at 500 moons. I bought a Switch just for it and don't regret my purchase.

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what a hilariously bad false flag shill post.

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nintendo shills out in full force today what the fuck

Joseph Anderson is actually a massive faggot and most of his opinions are just pure autism and wrong. But while I don't fully agree with everything he says in this video, I do agree that Odyssey was dissapointing. Its essentially a Mario game without platforming. If you liked Sunshine you might like this, but if you are a fan of 64 or the Galaxy games, you will not.

user, you have a serious problem if you’d rather watch a 2-hour review than to just play for 2 hours to find out if you like it.

Being straight with you, there might be issues somewhere, but I sure as hell never saw any. The bottom line is this game is fun. It’s more reminiscent of Mario 64 than any of the 3D Mario’s made since.

I can understand for some games (a lot of Nintendo titles in more recent years), it can be a hit or a miss and it’s nerve-wracking to make a decision, but Odyssey is FAR from being that kind of game. It’s kind of ridiculous for someone to suggest it’s even a bad game. I get the feeling that if someone is actively AGAINST Odyssey, they probably just grew out of video games (or at least their childhood ones.)

It’s a fun game, user. And it’s not washed down either, there are some relatively hard to find secrets and so forth.

I think in general, it’s stupid to buy a console for just one game, but if you’re going to buy the console, Odyssey is a MUST buy.

I’d say find some other games you might want and then make your decision to get the Switch. But do get Odyssey.

Did the adbux dry up that you have to post this terrible essay on Sup Forums again, months after release?

you're posting in a very thinly veiled anti-nintendo thread. let that sink in.

A better question is, for how long are you going to keep making this thread.

>basing your tastes on someone's opinion
Especially Joseph Anderson's, Jesus Christ OP what the fuck are you doing?

>taking the opinion of a man who cant even walk in a circle seriously

This pretty much sums it up

Go shill your youtube channel somewhere else.

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It's an okay Mario game. Think about this, 3D World had more challenge and level design.

The issue with Odyssey is that its just so god damn easy. The movement is super easy, there are no challenging platforming sections except (maybe) the end, which is easy compared to the secret last level of 3D World.

The Post game is fucking awful, a ton of fluff, and all the wonder you had about the worlds is gone after you tediously scope out for moons in really dumb places, some of which I would equate to Korok seed hunting.

There's so many recycled moon tasks, like a FUCK ton. Waiting around for a dog to sniff out a moon, waiting for a plant to grow x8 (literally waiting), and tons of other mundane shit.

Instead of focus content, it seemed more watered down the more you played. Also a bunch of worlds are just plain bad. The mushroom kingdom is mostly just a boss rush with one actual platform section (in 2D).

Cool ideas, but the game itself, I don't see myself playing again ever. Its digital so I can't resell it.

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He's not wrong, the game is 80% filler content.

Most moons are either out in the open, "hidden" by glowing spots you just groundpound, or obtained simply by talking to NPCs. In terms of actual platforming content the game has FAR less than any other 3D mario - with at least half of it (and all of the best content) being postgame so you have to trawl through the filler maingame designed for children with no attention span

>not taking in consideration others' opinions especially those with a certain level of credibility before spending actual money on a product

not everyone leeches off welfare nigger

>especially those with a certain level of credibility
What credibility does this guy have?

This. I don't think it's my favorite Mario game, but it's an absolute blast to play and they nailed the physics behind the character movement.

what credibility?

He's a big youtuber.

0.01 Yens have been deposited in your Nintendo Shop account

He pays a lot of money for the privilege of shilling these videos on Sup Forums and reddit.

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Too bad there's no reason to use any of the advanced movement mechanics because there's hardly any platforming sections and those that do exist are so fucking braindead easy.
Seems to be nintendo's philosophy lately - build a great core system, forget to build a compelling game around it (also see techdemo of the wild)

You do realize that OP ACTUALLY gets money every time he posts his stupid video and gets people to click on it, right?

That's more than what Nintendo would pay me for actual shilling, so thanks.

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so what

Where's the proof he pays anyone? You're grasping at straws switchshill

So did you just not go down a single pipe in the game, or what.

>Quantity over quality is okay when Nintendo does it

He's done a couple of reviews before.

Doesn't sound like much when you say it like that but he takes time in his reviews and he articulates his points well in them as well as in this one.

What do you get for posting a big ass paragraph defending your video game for children?

>He's a big youtuber

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I beat the game with every single moon, and you are absolutely right. It was NEVER required for anything other than speeding something up like those piss easy races.

Unironically, jump rope was the hardest thing in this game, and it was a shitty rhythm game.

I never posted a big ass paragraph. But I can see how confusion might occur, since every post says "Anonymous".

Sure did. Half of them abandon the core mechanics in favor of much simpler capture gimmick stages, the other half where you do play as mario in no way use his moveset to the fullest. It's a shame because odyssey's movement is genuinely one of the best in any 3D platformer, but utterly squandered

At least speedrunners seem to get some use out of it

He posted his opinion on website designed for him to do that in an attempt to spark discussion. Real question is what do you get for shitposting about it?

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Too bad I'm not autistic. I got all the moons in like 2 weeks (with grinding for coins for costumes).
The first 3 days were pretty fun, than you realize how bad the post game is and how most of the worlds are tiny and poorly done.

>takes 2 hours to say something that can be done in 10 minutes
>articulates well

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What I don't get is how he hates it while still admitting that he likes BOTW? They're both Ubisoft-tier (((open-world))) games with shit loads of c/c content to hoard.

>Joseph 'Can't walk in a circle' Anderson

>getting paid to shill a two month old fucking YouTube video
You're pathetic.

Hold on hold on. You found your way onto Sup Forums, and yet you know nothing about Mario?

>How to overanalyse a video game

4 U

It's the only 3D Mario game that rivals the fun and quality of SM64

So some internet person says it's bad and you're worried

I'm an internet person and I say it's good.

Feel free to read my post for 2 hours and one minute if you think that matters

-Way more depth than even Mario Galaxy 2
-Game engine is extremely solid, try finding a better platformer
-Music is fantastic
-Game has optional difficulty due to having ridiculous moons, and enough basic-tier moons to scape by beating the game with.
-Dress Up

The game is good and was pretty much universally accepted as good. People will complain about anything if you let them.

Internet guy is credible OP
He's done a couple of reviews before.

Doesn't sound like much when you say it like that but he takes time in his reviews and he articulates his points well in them as well as in this one.

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I'd say the Galaxy games have better music. 3D World's tracks are pretty damn good as well, maybe even better at times.

Stop shilling your shitty video you fucking hack.

>click on Mario video
>undertale music starts playing
>begins by talking about positioning in dark souls
wtf is this? I'm not watching this

Just because someone articulates themselves well with thought out ideas/judgements, doesn't mean their ideas aren't completely idiotic or irrelevant.
> well he did try so I guess he's right

I like how you're referring to a post that doesn't even come close to half the character limit as "a big ass paragraph" while shilling a fucking two hour video of a droning inbred retard who is utterly incapable of wording his thoughts in a concise manner and has never heard the word "brevity" in his life.

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>he articulates his points well in them
Which is why he takes 2 hours to do it when most faggot Youtubers who do similar reviews are able to do the same in 20-40 minutes.

Odyssey is the best Mario game to date.

If ya wanna deny this, check ya nostalgia first.

Shitposting is against the rules user

>but now that I've seen it...
Poor bait OP.
If you really went that far to avoid spoilers you would not watch a 2 hours long video.
Also, that faggot is hypocrite as fuck and needs TWO hours to explain why he dislikes a fucking PLATFORM game, a genre so simple that it takes 5 minutes to say if the game is good or not.
Odyssey is a masterpiece for me, I finished it today and was amazed to discover that the game gives you so much more things to do after you complete it.
The only "weak" spot of this game are the moons. They are too many, so this eventually leads to some moons feeling too easy to get. But there are a lot of really hard moons, so it is ok.
Odyssey is what I was waiting for, and I like how you are free to explore the worlds and collect any moon you want. No mission-related moons, just go, have fun and search every nook and cranny for secrets.
I like this new nintendo we're getting on switch, they really changed gears after years of stagnation.
OP is still a faggot tho.

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>a big youtuber
Yeah, if with big you mean obese then sure