don't marry a woman who >has had more than one sexual partner before you >demands she must drink caffeine, alcohol, or other drugs while pregnant >has or has had an std >says she won't give birth without pain medication (can be used after baby is born) >colours her hair, natural colours or otherwise >used anti aging creams before she met you >uses excessive amounts of makeup >uses sex as a weapon >doesn't want at least three children >is four inches below the average female height of your country >can't give birth without a C section because she has non existent hips >has borderline personality disorder and/or bipolar disorder >used or uses "party" drugs >has breast implants >is addicted to social media >has a tattoo >has excessive piercings >has a father who is significantly less intelligent than yourself >plays video games
>has had more than one sexual partner before you >uses sex as a weapon So don't marry any woman Gotcha
Gabriel Nelson
List is too long I'll make it simpler: don't marry a woman who >isn't a 2D loli
Nathan King
learn how to post on the correct board
Sebastian Nelson
Jose Lee
thanks user. I appreciate the advice
Chase Williams
Here is some friendly advice:
look at this seal
Colton Cox
So only marry amish women, gotcha. Might make life difficult to pull that off.
Ryder Ross
>t. obsessed
Austin Anderson
And why would anyone want to marry you?
Landon Allen
Not video games.
Levi Taylor
Colton Lopez
lovely advice user
Lucas Scott
thank you
Lucas Moore
>date literal whores by any single nation's standards >O-O-OBSESSED!
Parker Parker
I'm not a pedophile, you freak.
Cooper Ramirez
Brody Richardson
>>has a father who is significantly less intelligent than yourself That won’t be difficult for anyone here
Luke Cooper
The only good advice in this thread.
Nolan Ramirez
That's some cute sea pupper
Gavin Gutierrez
Josiah Edwards
lmao fucking nerd get the fuck out
mods, delete this shit thread
Andrew Diaz
>don't marry a woman that ever ticked a single box in this 20-item list >don't talk with anyone that ever played any of those 20 games I don't like
Literally the same. How does it feel being 12 in this day and age?
Liam Rivera
very cute indeed
David Diaz
cute dog
Jaxon Green
I see roastie patrol has showed up
Levi Sanders
The reason lists like this are so extensive is to cover the insecurity and deep-down knowing that they’ll never get to touch a girl they haven’t paid for
Tyler Thomas
Caleb Nguyen
this desu
Evan Williams
I love video games. I mean that unironically.
Joseph Wilson
My fiance fits all of these except she plays Wii era Mario games and sometimes get her hair lightened. Pretty lucky ig
Bentley Jones
>is four inches below the average female height of your country Can she be below this height because womanlets get my pedo dick hard as rock
Gabriel Torres
Evan Ramirez
Why would anyone want to marry in first place!? Its 2018 afterall.
Yes. You’ll get the added benefit of roasting your Manlet son throughout his life and turning him into the type of bitchboy who makes posts like this on Sup Forums
Gabriel Green
Logically I know marriage is a disaster but all too often I see these pathetic and depressed old guys who either never married or divorced and can't maintain relationships. I don't want to be like them but am already on that path.
Literally no one cares but people like you who we intentionally trigger for (You)s. We have the same discussions on Sup Forums two to three times a day. If you actually come to Sup Forums's Sup Forums expecting discussion you clearly haven't been keeping up with the last 6 years. This is ad revenue driven shitposting user. Stop trying to help Sup Forums follow rules and help kill it off instead.
Brody Rodriguez
So? Having more than 2 children is a sign of lack of education. Or millions of dollars of savings. one of those
Ethan Sanchez
reminder that having fun isn't allowed on Sup Forums
Colton Jones
>>has a father who is significantly less intelligent than yourself I don't get it.
Joseph Sanders
there's nothing fun about being around you go whine about women somewhere else
>he thinks Romney started out with millions. You will never be successful
Justin Roberts
haha what a fat
Isaiah Lopez
reminder that your girl was an absolute whore who will forever carry genes from the men who fucked her and pass them on into "your" children if you date a non-virgin you are evolutionarily defective