
>Still paying for online in 2018
lul console peasants

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>the only thing worth playing on pc is console games
lol massturd race

Off yourself at any time.

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>being so insecure about your platform of choice that you have to constantly shitpost about other platforms and fap to screenshots of multiplats
Honestly pretty sad

t. mad console babbies

Technically speaking, you've got to pay for online on a PC as well.

t. buttblasted pcbro

You mean the regular internet subscription you have to pay anyway if you want to play console online on top of your console subscription?

>n-no you!
Is this the average console shitter?

>bitter he didn't invest in bitcoin when the going was good

>playing online at all

Imagine someone so autistic that they'd make a selling point for the PC into a "insecurity" for console players. If that's your example of supremacy, you're the insecure one. People have different needs and by not accepting that, you degrade PC gaming as a whole.

Online ruined console gaming. It should have stayed on PC.

i don't mind paying for online, it feels good like when you donate money to the poor starving kids in Africa, you're helping a good cause

No u

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That entire paragraph is increasingly incoherent and just a clumsy vehicle for projection.

the absolute state of pee cee gaming

>hurr we haz xbawks gaems nao

PC is missing Bloodborne and thats about it

nobody bought that shit tho
sony players are SJWs now, confirmed by horizon zero sales sales

I subsribe to PS+ just to help Sony fund more single player games which they obviously do

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Paid offline coming in 2022, I guarantee it. Consolegoys will accept anything.

Skin far too white
ass,thighs,and breasts too large


>to help Sony fund
>to help Sony

I strongly believe in you. Please go back to neogaf

Pop quiz, what's the only current gen console that doesn't have paid online?

Attached: OUYA-console-2.jpg (1600x1200, 116K)

The switch for 6 more months or so

t. virgin

And it will be called... games as a service.