What dating sims do you recommend?

What dating sims do you recommend?
I'm thinking of getting Super Seducer.

Women don't like me IRL so I want to live through dating sims vicariously

Attached: Super-Seduction-Screenshot-4.png (680x425, 376K)

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Trillion. It let you date your totally 1000-year-old niece.

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True Love

What's that one furfag dating sim? Not Amorous. The one I'm thinking of looked more CG but it wasn't as atrocious as most dating sim CG.

I liked Sakura Wars, if that counts.

Attached: datingmydaughter.jpg (800x450, 44K)

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I unironically wish there were more dating sims. Played True Love recently and I actually really enjoyed it, but despite everyone talking about how Japan makes nothing but dating sims 90% of them are actually just romance visual novels. I tried Love Plus but it felt more like some shitty gf sim thing with a bunch of portability gimmicks than an actual dating sim like True Love. Are there any other cool ones?

ay dios mio...

Dating Ariane is also a fun game you can play it online


Attached: NRcw474.jpg (477x720, 26K)

>Introduce yourself
>Show a funny movie with cats
>Ask about job
>Do shackabra handshake
>Ask if single
>Compliment looks
>Invite for sleepover
>Start to kiss
>Compliment more
>Ask for marriage

Sims best dating sim

Can you read nip?

Attached: 1507747045701.jpg (1280x1916, 1.2M)

>loli niece dating
You got my attention.

Nope, EOP here.

>true love
how? I can't bear the art its so fucking awful

Someone pls


What's the name of that girl? Anyone know?

It's not awful, it's pretty standard old-school animu art, and I like the pixelated dithered look. I'd say it looks better than a lot of early 2000s VNs (think early Key shit).


>I work at a cat shelter
>oh that's cool, here check out this video of me torturing a cat
so this is the power of the pickup game

the pirate's fate

That's not it but thank you for showing this to me

should be coming out by the end of this month or some time in april, according to the dev


Incest F/D
Mini games
M/FF (optional)
MM/F (optional)
Bestiality (optional)

Is all of this already in the game (since that the website states it's a work-in-progress)?

>no puke
>no footjob
>no armpit fucking/licking
I am suposed to fap to this?

Point of game
Not really

Good game, a shame it never got a sequel.

Why did this hoard have such problems with women? The woman hating circlejerk thread just got deleted and here we have the incels complaining women won't fuck them