Other urls found in this thread:
Nintendo is LITERALLY just showing naked children now
>B-But they're squids!
No, they're fucking not. They have the size, body, and looks of a fucking 8-12 year old child. And Nintendo is literally dressing them up in bikini's, mini skirts, and high heels.
You literally cannot defend this.
Why are they creating artificial octolings.
As long as they don't show the actual genitalas, they're fine to do as they please, user. The kids are also stylized enough to pass through the ratings.
The game is made for the new generation of kids that are dumped straight into the fashion and narcissism of today, while going for something that made the 90s good
>all nudity is sexual
>that hip to waist ratio
are you so detached from reality that you think this looks like an irl child
Fucking degenerate kid fucker.
>this thread again
OP, if you want a loli thread, you need only to ask.
Face of a killer
Mix breeding.
>no memories
>ruined test lab
>fewer tentacles than average octolings
the way the chicks move their hips when they walk makes me diamonds
all children 8-12 have baby making hips btw
anything that doesn’t have large breasts is a child
Buddy if I was trying to turn this into a squidgirls thread you would know
There's nothing sexual about the shot in OP's image. From what we've been told it seems like the Octoling featured in the trailer is actually some kind of experiment, maybe a hybrid. Her floating in the tank there is her being grown/cloned/"born".
What's the tactical purpose of giving them large hips? was the scientist just a horny fuck?
Fucking degenerate kid fucker.
It'd make more sense if what was being shown wasn't 12-15 year olds.
but they're squids in a videogame lol
That's just how both species are
If you think them being adolescents makes it more sexual you have some warped perceptions
For the record mature Inklings (those able to take humanoid form) are 14 minimum.
was that a biggie tupac reference?
devs know some of their fans are pedophiles
also legal age in japan is 14
Japan is full of pedos and thus cares less, this should be blatant knowledge to non-newfags by now.
Fucking Nintendo is alright.
Those are actually Octopuses, not Squids for your information.
You're thinking that naked children have a sexual connotation. You should seek help you pedo.
>that fucking Chad Stride
They literally can't take a human form until they're 14. They're teens.
All Octolings are artificial. Octarians do not naturally take the form of little girls.
Helps them keep a larger center of gravity
I seriously hope Agent 3 is the final boss.
This is pretty cool, actually
>You literally cannot defend this.
defend this *whips out cock*
"You're a KID now"
Why do Americans always think nudity = sex? Like they can’t seem to just see nudity as just that, nudity.
Heck off you slut.
I bet you shower naked too,you fucking whore.
I don't know Mohammad, of course fucking minors is a UK past time as of now.
Pure rival material
You think the disgusting pieces of shit pedophiles on this site care? They love this stuff.
basically the remnants of puritan culture
> past time
Yeah but they're sexy
Because America was founded by people who left Europe because it was far too free for them. Inside the mind of every American is the deep desire to put on a funny hat and a chastity belt and sail west across the ocean.
I like how her face shows a mix of childish innocence with killer instincts, like those evil dolls from horror movies.
Wrong. Puritans were hardcore Chrisitians. This is the result of Jewish/feminist conditioning
>Inside the mind of every American is the deep desire to put on a funny hat and a chastity belt and sail west across the ocean.
And we did that to Japan, and that's why they can't show penises in their porn.
Really makes you think.
It would be funny if Agent 3 started off predictably mute but started randomly speaking at some point.
They had to stop the rampant rape in the baby years of america so they instilled the idea that nudity=sex
Yes, and?
Did you throw this much of an autism fit over Metroid Other M showing naked infant Samus?
these are not the hips of a child
I don’t remember that part
>and not a single fuck was given that day
These are only naked kids. It's your ptoblem if you see some sexual connotation IN A COUPLE OF NAKED KIDS ON A VIDEOGAME FOR KIDS, TARGETED FOR KIDS.
You can argue that for as long as they aren't depicted in a slutty way or with revealing genitalia, it's alright if they're shown to be vat-grown
It's going to happen in the future
Comments like these really make me want /l/ back to scare the new away.
>You literally cannot defend this.
>being so insecure you forbid people to answer you and order them to believe this means you are right
leftards, not even once.
>squids have giant hips because squids need to give birth to babies with giant heads
That is not sure. It is stated those "look like octoling". It's pretty possible it would be something like "lol, we fucked up genetics to change inkling human form hair to look like octoling hair".
I will not be surprised if Marina is that "inkling" too.
The game also states they take their humanoid form at 14, so all the inklings are at least 14. No fucking coincidence, must be why they think it's okay to sexualize them.
The first few seconds of the game, it shows naked baby Samus in the fetal position floating in space before going to the flashback of the final battle of Super Metroid.
Apart from the fact that there's a huge fucking difference between drawn cheese pizza and photographed cheese pizza, this is literally not the place for you if you think the only way to depict a human is if he show signs of being 18+
>falling for the poisoned well phallacy
It's a bland rethoric phallacy m8 don't take the bait.
learn to bait better. Lurk more.
>lore implications about some sort of fucked up cloning procedure being done on a race of sentient beings
god, shut up also >>>
Go back to Taringa
Based Nintendo
not a huge difference. You are a pedo if you like drawn aswell
So you think all works of art made over the last few thousand years featuring naked children as central or background are solely for jerking off to?
Federal is 13, but every prefecture has it set to much higher.
Daily reminder that USA is the only place where they think drawn CP is as degenerate as IRL CP
Am I the only one that just keeps hearing
>Are you thirsty
in the lyrics of that song over and over?
Japan is up on some スプラトゥーン.
Being this much of a newfag. Trying to bait again after noone swallows the bait. oh. Lurk more fag
Aren't there some prefectures that allow it if you have an agreement between parents and the two get married? 13's just can't consent by themselves.
Delete that pic of my daughter now. It was supposed to belong in the family album
M8 I don't know what the hell are you thinking but I'm on your side of the argument.
No I don't think that every piece of art is depicted for sexual pleasure as I previously stated here:
>yfw octoling buttjob with leather skirt on
thats bullshit
everyone thinks that theyre just fine with fucking children
but they make my dick happy
Imagine being the kind of person who doesn't like loli.
Whatever helps you sleep, kid.
Imagine being so brain damaged that you think fictional drawings are equivalent to real life.
Imagine being such a degenerate that depictions of children turn you on.
>not a tentaclejob
You need to step up in your game nigga
and walking in slow mo through a train station for 5 minutes with weird music playing
I think nintendo lost it. Way more cringe than the fractured but whole reveal too
It seems half the people ITT
are this brain damaged, tho. Must be some cultural shit