>someone made a popular game that sells well
>quick! let's make a ripoff
>yey! we're in business of making games again
Did Valve turn into a parody of its former self?
>someone made a popular game that sells well
>quick! let's make a ripoff
>yey! we're in business of making games again
Did Valve turn into a parody of its former self?
Looks like someone didn't play The Lab.
>Artifact isn't a game
>we making games again
Produce and release 3 of your own games in the span of 4 months, then we'll talk.
All their good devs and writers left so it's not like they're capable of making proper games anyways.
Why japanese always looks so fucking gay
>quick! let's make a ripoff
richard garfield has been working on the concept since 2014
> by G*d these filthy goyim will not steal my shekels!
> Quick, copy hearthstone! even with more microtransactions! quick goyim dogs! quick!
The 3 games announcement was actually made a couple years ago though.
Since Hearthstone came out?
It was in beta way before that
They believe that men should be feminine and that masculinity is only liked by gays. Seriously. I think it's all the irradiated soy and mercury they consume on a daily bases.
So, are they on track? I can't keep up with valves progress
Wise words to live by, by some japanese J-POP fan faggot
>someone made a popular game that sells well
>quick! let's make a ripoff
>yey! we're in business of making half life
formerly they would just buy the dev studio who made the game or prototype
I bet it's going to support VR.
Valve always bought developers with complete games/ideas and then fleshed them out, so it's not like a company that only made HL1 completely by themselves are not capable of stealing
This business was given to the creators of the Hunt Down The Freeman
Gabe needs to eat, just look how skinny he became! "Lord and saviour" that's also known as "Devourer of good franchises" must be big and strong, steam money that you are giving him is not enough! Come on, pc gamer, come on, your big saviour can die of weight loss. Keep it up!
>hearthstone invented card games
>I want it to be a complex game
>Something like Dota, you can't solve it
>I spent over 10000 in dota 2
is this why they've made no games? has gaben just given up on everything while steam was set up raking in the cash while he just sat back and kept feeding his addiction? did all those people leave because they couldn't stop the mad(fat)man? how deep does this rabbit hole go I wonder
>having the nerve to compare themselves to Nintendo
Well there's a pattern. Dota has got it's cyber "sport" slice of pie, then cs:go went the same route, they have even tried to make tf2 competetive after that. And what we have now? Gabe tells us that Artifact will have it's firtst 1 mil bucks tournament in the beginning of 2019. I don't think gabe ever cared about games desu, because everyone who did have left and now it's only him and his big Steam and cyber shit money
why the fuck are people so mad about this game? Are they blizzdrones and lolbabbies who just want valve to fail?
What I don't understand is why Valve likes being so secretive. Just tell us what you're working on, we're all fans of video games so we want to know.
If they get delayed or significantly altered oh well, people understand that these things happen. Just going dark and every so often saying "oh yeah we're working on something" isn't interesting at all.
Maybe it's because valve had a big fanbase which they have stopped supporting and then after a big ol' sp games hiatus they came up with another cash grab
Nah, it's just that they did all this in the time of normies' hype around those games. It's not like you could get a big cash before, when it was a nerd's niche
what the fuck are you on about? they have constantly released updates for dota and csgo during their "haitus", just because you're not interested in those games doesn't mean they don't exist
but yes it's a cashgrab, which is why they're collaborating with hs and mtg pros and have the creator of mtg design it
wish they'd finally put some fucking effort into something
>steamOS sucked
>steam machines sucked
>steam link is alright I guess
>steam controller sucked
>VR still sucks
>the lab is okay I guess but only for 30 minutes
has valve done anything even remotely decent after portal 2?
They are just pretentious faggots which wanted to play super safe and don't have any responsibility for their words. That's why they came up with "Valve time" long time ago and played it out like it's some cool shit and not pure faggotry
valve was never good.
>steam controller sucked
No, it didn't. They also made the vive which is pretty successful.
getting rid of steam greenlight I guess
>what the fuck are you on about
I didn't say that they stoped doing literally everything, they just fucked over the old playerbase (wich was big and contributed a lot) in favor to cyber sport shitfest. So they can go to hell with all their money for all I care
the half life games and tf2 were good
no they weren't its just nostalgia
That's a very retarded interpretation of nip culture. Their ideas of manliness are tied to providing for your household and shit, not muscles and moustaches.
who the fuck is that controller even for? if I want precise control in fps games or strategy ones I'll use a mouse, if I want fine analog controls for shit like racing games I use an xbox or dualshock pad which are infinetly more superior than those god awful trackpads, also VR is still shit even if it sold a lot, there's no game that can be really considered a "killer app" yet and most shit out there is just novel and then gets old after an hour or so, why pay 800 bucks for that? in that sense you could even make a case for why PSVR is better even though I'm a firm believer that VR is still just a gimmick and hasn't proven itself quite yet
half life 2 is shit.
Well tf2 is still miles better than Overwatch
spotted the redditor
Maybe old TF2, but modern TF2? Not by miles, not at all. Overwatch isn't great but playing it doesn't depress the shit out of me.
anything with fashion sense is gonna look gay user
>Prefers old TF2 above New TF2
Teleporting bread was Better than MVM
>public company releases safe AAA game to please the investors
>Sup Forums isn't satisfied
>private company takes their time to make a game exactly how they want it
>Sup Forums isn't satisfied
Don't take my opinion for the whole Sup Forums. I had my grain of salt with "Valve time" while I'd been waiting for tf2 updates back in 2010-2012. Plus hl was one of my favourite franchises and the fact that they didn't tell anything about hl3 is not a plus point here
Eh, I can understand what you feel while playing it, but I don't think it became much worse (although I haven't really played after they fucked up the servers). I mean, mechanics are pretty much the same, so I might guess that if you are a noob that just started to play it wouldn't be much different from our first experience
I have shitloads of problems with current Valve, but them making a card game fits the model of valve.
People at the company probably got big into gwent and hearthstone, they decided they wanted to make a card game and then contacted magic guy, and then suddenly valve was full on production of a card game.
They just play shit, and then make their own versions of it. That is what all of their games except half-life are.
because if you tell people what you're working on and then change a lot of things during development, retards get upset
Soy. No memeing.
tf2 is not nostalgia
I enjoyed it a lot, its a shame that corridor shooters seem to be a dead genre
tf2 is a bloated mess compared to what it once was, but its still fun
>Dominaria spoilers looking good
>Artifact looks like a bunch of steps in the right direction
is 2018 the year Garfield will save TCGs?
maybe, but even duke nukem forever had trailers and screenshots to keep the hype up
based gayben ha ha
Hello Blizzshill, your bosses must be scared.
It isn't stealing if you're paying for it. Most of the shit they bought was made using their engines, also.
If Tyler from VNN wasn't saying shit, it's even worse than that because the entire game will be based of buying and selling cards on the steam market.
>Now, where could my low quality TCG's be?
Embrace, Extend, Extinguish. They're Microsoft alumni through and through.
He's right though. Final Fantasy copied itself off earlier JRPG's and every Final Fantasy has used it's predecessor as it's template to differentiate from. Hell, Yoshida himself is famously known for having made up for XIV's disastrous 1.0 release by redesigning XIV into something worthwhile.
Here he is talking to Yasumi Matsuno about how he's going to put fucking IVALICE into FFXIV further fixing the bullshit from his predecessors.
Well, in that you're right, doesn't change that they're hacks to some extent and OP's words doesn't come out as something unusual
>yet another card game
>costs money up front
>but also microtransactions
People are so retarded they will actually play this?
people with friends
what part of " xbox or dualshock pad which are infinetly superior" didn't you understand? oh wait you're literally retarded, my bad
console pleb here, what does the steam controller do in comparison to a regular controller? I heard people use the Bone controllers a lot.
>Blizzard makes overwatch
>VALVe makes tf2
>Riot makes Leage Of legends
>valve makes dOta 2
>activision makes call of duty
> valve makes counter strike Go
>witcher 3 makes gwent
>valve makes artifact
How can anyone respect valvee any more?
It gives extra precision via the trackpad. Unless you can't figure out how to use the trackpad, and complain about it since it's too hard to learn how to make a swiping motion
Does all sorts of stuff, the aiming is super good, you can make all sorts of functions and alt functions to any button. For example you could set half press trigger or full press to activate motion controls. Or press the back paddle buttons to change the entire setup of the controller to a different config mid game if for example you have specialized controls for a certain vehicle. Adjust the sensitivity of fucking everything. Can set it so the pad works as a mouse or a joystick or touchpad trackball whatever. I really really like it for certain games but other games it sucks ass and is unnecessarily cumberson. It is only recommended for people who Want to fuck with all the settings. If you want to plug and play do not buy it.
every card is a DLC
He looks like he's on the verge of a massive cardiac event. Jesus.
If you want good precision use a goddamn mouse, and would you even play a twin stick shooter with a steam controller for instance? Nearly all it's uses can boil down to "just use a mouse and keyboard" or "just use an actual controller" instead, give me 5, just FIVE examples of games where you have a superior experience using a steam controller, I'll wait
I liked his interview with silver, such a professional, company-focused individual, I wish valve was my dad.
The Lab is a tech demo, it's not even Wii-sports tier
Thanks for that info, user.
>Does all sorts of stuff, the aiming is super good, you can make all sorts of functions and alt functions to any button. For example you could set half press trigger or full press to activate motion controls. Or press the back paddle buttons to change the entire setup of the controller to a different config mid game if for example you have specialized controls for a certain vehicle. Adjust the sensitivity of fucking everything.
Oh, autism then.
I'm sorry you were born retarded.
>split screen
>not the steam controller
pick 2
Once they give their women the freedoms of the west their culture will change as well.
In asia having a good job is good enought to secure a waifu.