>promise that the game won't have dumb binary choices between good and evil
>game is instead full of dumb binary choice between Chorus and Disfavored
What did Obsidian mean by this?
>promise that the game won't have dumb binary choices between good and evil
>game is instead full of dumb binary choice between Chorus and Disfavored
What did Obsidian mean by this?
It's so bad. I had fairly high hopes for it. Pillars was great and I was expecting Tyranny to be slightly inferior. But it ended up being ten times worse. Real disappointing.
Got that for free, never finished it, got bored after some volcano place because it was bullshit hard for some reason and dropped whole crap.
>Pillars was great
It was real good. Certainly much better than Tyranny, too.
Both of them aren't in any way real good.
The announcement trailer was pretty hype, but it all went downhill after it. Every interview, article, and stream just made it look even worse. Gave it a chance anyway, uninstalled after a few hours.
Dawg, you know there's a third option, right?
I prefer its system and lore than Pillars. Needing to explore the world to be able to cast more spells was great.
>join rebels to fix the country from within in the name of Kyros because other faggots are retarded
>jk I'm rebelling until the patch fixed this because Kyros is evil
>anarchist path is just killing everyone
>in a pretty cathartic way, admittedly
Tyranny isn't. Pillars is. Sorry about your bad taste.
>Pillars was great
>hating on non stop infodumps and pointless trashmobs is bad taste
>Implying Pillars wasn't good
>>Implying Pillars was good
I agree that Pillars has too many trash mobs, but that's funny coming from a reaction picture of a game with 500000000 bandit camps.
As for lore dumps, I'm sick of this stupid complaint. If you ask questions, you get answers. Don't want the answers, don't ask the questions. Retard.
>What's your name, random NPC #61241
>Funny story, my name actually is the same as McFaggot the Third who ruled the continent of Faggistan since the Fifth Age of Faggitism that ended when dhfhuiadjfiakmfmava
Asking some simple questions shouldn't provoke a verbal diarrhea from random peasants.
This isn't the case. You need to ask specific questions to get specific answers. And again, if you don't want the info, don't ask it. Lore isn't dumped on you unless you ask for it (and I do, because it's great)
Tyranny was so shallow. The whole "choices" thing was almost as bad as Fallout 4's horrendous dialogue choices
>don't ask all the questions in the dialogue tree
>miss on the quest
>miss on the exp
>miss on boosting your personality traits
>miss on the WRITING that you play this RPG for in the first place
>there is literally no other reason to play Pillars of Boredom aside from the writing
>just don't read the 90% of the text dude
So, why are you complaining that there's too much of what you claim is the only reason to play Pillars for in the first place? Faggot. You would bitch either ways.
>it's the audience fault when they dislike game shoving the pointless exposition down their throats
Go back to shilling PoE2 every day, faggot.
Except I just explained to you that they don't shove it down your throat. You're willfully guzzling it down and then bitching about it because you're FUCKING RETARDED.
>main plot quests don't shove mandatory exposition down your throat
>secondary quests don't have minutes of infodumping introductions with words words words
>companions' backstories aren't walls of text
Stop defending shitty writing of a shitty game, shill.
Your complaint continues to be that you're asking questions you don't actually want to ask because of your autism.
>If you ask questions, you get answers
Answers that sound like someone is reading from an encyclopedia rather than what a real person would say.
I thought it was great. Played it through three times.
>just ignore the main plot and all the quests with unskippable encyclopedia dumping if you hate it so much!
Dumb shill
Not only is it supposedly forced on you, now you can't even skip through it either? You're such a god damn liar.
Obsidian literally used the first draft of the script for PoE as one of the writers admitted on RPG Codex. Dialog definitely could've used some pruning.
>just do quests blindly, no need to read what questgiver actually wants from you!
Fascinating, tell me more
So, yes, if you have autism and don't like the dialogue, that's a combination that is gonna make Pillars unplayable for you. Fortunately, most people don't suffer from your retardation.
You need to get out of your basement more, shill, if you think that wikipedia entries count as dialogue.
Doesn't matter how many times you repeat it, complaining about optional dialogue that you feel is overwhelming makes you a brainlet.
>Get to that uber-ghost faggot
>mfw he spawns multiple ghost faggots when reaching certain healths
>mfw he eats one of them to regain hundreds of health when my party deals about 40 at most
>mfw that fucking unavoidable AoE attack that can crit
>mfw he targets the fucking sage that revives other party members
Doesn't matter how many times you repeat it, thinking that the game doesn't have any mandatory exposition dialogue that overwhelms anyone makes you a brainlet, shill.
Nigga, I don't even remember any bosses being at all challenging in Tyranny. Ironically the only one where you can screw yourself over is when you go get the first Spire and your companion can leave if you didn't build up their reputation and are choosing against their faction. If Barik leaves you're out of a tank and knee deep in shit.
As has been explained many times and already accepted by you in previous arguments, this is literally untrue
Except that was never said. This is the second erroneous pasta after "you can be truly evil" one. Neither of these were used as selling points for the game, it was more along the lines of basic of "evil has won". Still, I can appreciate a game that lets me kill a baby in its crib as a quest resolution. Even Witcher 3 faked out on that one.
>Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Info Dumping Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha
Here's your (You)
Most of the party's equipment is average to good, but that doesn't stop the enemies from having ridiculous armor and resistance to spell elements
Most of the enemies that I fought prior to the uber-ghost faggot had that fucking healing ability and another ability that dealt a shit-ton of damage to multiple people at once
Guess having the PC as a mage that can disable enemies is the only way to go
That might have been more interesting if Pillars haven't already done it.
>Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Info Dumping Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Don't Ask Questions Like Nigga Click Spacebar Haha
This but unironically
>companions can leave
I love that feature, but goddamn do you have to purposefully aim for that to happen. So you're realistically never in any danger unless you choose to be.
I am talking about the human characters when I refer to the fucking healing ability and the "cleave" shit-ton of damage ability, the faggots that come from the magical realm in the middle of the storm
Exactly what I was thinking. It's amusing how much better PoE is than Tyranny at everything. In PoE, you can even attack and kill anyone you want. Not in Tyranny. Can only attack the people that the game deemed attackable.
Tyranny in general had some interesting ideas, like the premise itself, reputations for everything and everyone that actually do matter, good spellcrafting system, etc but most of them were poorly realized or unnecessary in such a compact game in the first place. For god's sake, why multiple spires? Or ability to cast edicts?
>RPGs are not for reading
Enough of it, shill
I read it and enjoyed it thoroughly. You seem to be the one complaining that the writing is "forced" on you, which isn't true at all.
Some people read doom repercussions of evil and enjoyed it thoroughly. Doesn't make it good writing. And, unlike PoE writing, you may choose not to read it.
>too much text and reading arguments
Niggas, please. PoE does have a lot of text, but at least it's lore overload compared to what Numanuma does and just drowns you in purple prose that has no purpose other than "Planescape Torment did it so we have to as well".
>Going to Kyros' doorstep was possibly going to exist in the game before it got removed
It's the publisher's fault!
I have a feeling that the dialogue choices are kind of awkward, and it's even worse that even with the option of showing what kind of relationship changes are made with each reply, some of them are still invisible
>Insulting the scarlet fury creates loyalty
>Blasting the beast woman with magic creates fear without showing what kind of relationship changes are made beforehand
Well, Paradox did fund the game unlike with PoE where they went to Kickstarter. And it is known there were two missing acts from the game based on concept art. DLC supposedly fix some of that by introducing a Loyal to Kyros ending and other shit.
>fear doesn't actually make them afraid of you, only dislike
>no one mentions the mispelling in OPs pic.
yea i need to ween myself from this site.
>when Kyros is one