What are some games that let you have a dog companion?

What are some games that let you have a dog companion?

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All the Fallout games
Dragon Age Origins
Dead to Rights
Fable 2 and 3

Wild Arms XF

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ghost trick

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fuck companions
What games let me BE a dog
(other than Okami)

Dogs are shit tier animals and pets


Story of Seasons, formerly known as Harvest Moon. Story of Seasons Trio of Towns actually has a bit more interaction with your pets with its furmiliar events.

Post and r8 each other's dogs

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fuck off ahmed

Duck Hunt

but I'm nodogs

Dog's Life on ps2 is GOAT.

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yiff in hell

RE4, Rule of Rose, and Haunting Ground. Two of these have implied rape too.

the fuck are you on about?

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Do muslims not like dogs?
Is there any reason beyond just the fact that they're subhuman?

that dog is probably dead by now

He was a good boy.

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He's lazy

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Why there's this one game called Fallout 4, only $59.99 available on Steam, Xbox One, and PS4 console respectively.

Pretty game great in my honest opinion, and even if you're on a console you still have access to mods from the Creation Club. Pure gaming mana from heaven if I do say so myself. You should really pick it up user.

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yea they think dogs are filthy or something.
Other than you know, the whole cleaning your shit with your left hand, raping little boys and grooming them (then killing them brutally in life because they were raised to be faggots), and all the other subhuman shit they do. I really wonder why some people support those fucking animals.

my dogs

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Pretty good dog, looks soft
not dog/10
RIP ;-;7
Probably a good companion boy

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Your dog is retarded. I bet he only remembers things for 10 seconds and hides his shit.

Me and my dog ama

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seriously just fuck off to

Found the muslim.

All dogs are the best dogs.

how original and savvy, you came up with that on your own?

Skyrim doesn't just give you dog companions, it gives you Husky companions.

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My mutts, both rescues.

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you wanna know how I know you're a shitskin?