Now the dust has settled (except for upcoming DLC), is XC2 better than XC1?

Now the dust has settled (except for upcoming DLC), is XC2 better than XC1?
For me, I kinda miss the dramatic tone of the first game, XC2 went down the silly anime route way too much

I can’t take 2 seriously at all

Hairy minge

>Now the dust has settled (except for upcoming DLC), is XC2 better than XC1?
Xenogears>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Xenoblade 1 (marginally, they're about equal)=Xenoblade 2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Xenosaga>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Xenoblade X.

Only Brainlets Disagree With This.

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How does nintendo keep getting away with this?

Most silly anime stuff pretty much stops after chapter 4. Overall I’d say it’s better, but the story is not quite as good.

I got bored of XC1 somewhere around mechonis awakening. Probably will come back someday to finish it though.

careful, you'll anger the XCXfags

Mixed opinions really. Story wise after that retarded teleporting about whoa so fast and so cold shit I stopped caring about the story altogether and just wanted it to end.

I want to play this game but I never played the first one. Do I need to?

Not really, you'll only miss out on a couple of references.


I clicked for feets


Never played a XC game but I'm thinking about picking up XC2. Do you need to play XC1 before XC2 or can I just jump into XC2?

There are some references you won't get as much enjoyment out of, but you don't need to play 1 at all.

Alright thanks! I'll pick up XC1 on 3ds and XC2 tonight.

>buying games

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Do I have to use a Wii Mote to play the Wii version of Xenoblade Chronicles?

No, the first game was better. Aside from the multiple retarded decisions in regards to UI (some of which have been alleviated via patches, but I completed the game shortly after 1.2.0 released so I mostly played it with all the original issues) and crap like the gacha system and affinity grinding and the broken town development system which feel like they weren't properly playtested, I thought the biggest hit from 1 to 2 was taken by the level design. Everything feels much more segmented and not like you're running around on living beings, plus many areas are very linear (especially lategame) and even some of the bigger, more open ones feel like lazily put-together fields with just a few points of interest here and there (Temperantia, lower Tantal). It already pales in comparison to 1, let alone X which came out in the meantime.

Plotwise, I hate Rex and Pyra. Everything else is mostly fine, but disliking the two main protagonists was obviously a big issue for me.

No, the Classic controller is also compatible. Wii Remote and Nunchuck don't use motion controls in this game in case you're wondering.

>tried to play XC1 on WiiU on a 4K TV
>can't see shit
I need to buy a good pc, fucking hell.
Should I change the resolution of WiiU to 720P?

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Fuck. I don't have one. Is the 3DS version still good to play?

X > 1 > 2

Yes, but try the emulated version, if you can. It works pretty well even on shittier computers.

If I can use a GC controller, I'll give it a shot.