So are you going to buy Captain Toad again? What do they need to add to get that 'Yes'?
So are you going to buy Captain Toad again? What do they need to add to get that 'Yes'?
Who cares? Post more shygirls.
I loved Captain Toad on Wii U but I don't think I'll play it on Switch unless I find it on a deep discount sometime in the future. A few new Odyssey-inspired stages isn't really enough to make me want to buy it a second time.
I would definitely buy a sequel day one, though.
I'll try the 3ds version just to experience the new controls
I loved Captain Toad on Wii U, but I probably won't buy it again for a few new levels. I'll pirate the 3DS version if the odyssey level are in it though.
Is captain toad any good?
>Is captain toad any good?
A sequel, but apparently Nintendo doesn't do those anymore
Is.. Is that a yes?
The final level is a carpal tunnel guaranteed , heads up.
It's alright. The puzzles were a little more basic than I'd like but it gets pretty tricky at points.
So is Nintendo gonna change the ending where it basically said "good, now buy 3d World to enjoy the real deal if you haven't already"? Unless...
They'll probably keep the ending, since Captain Toad supposedly takes place leading up to the intro of 3D World.
Holy shit Minus8 is still alive? Awesome.
I've never played it, I just wanted to act like a jerk
wtf boner...
A standalone downloadable version that only contained the new levels would make for a nice My Nintendo reward for players that have already played the Wii U original.
Had a Wii U and never bought, might pick it up.
I'm going to pirate the 3DS version along with Luigi's Mansion.