Someone explain to me the appeal of this. How did it become the most popular game in the world?
Other urls found in this thread:
it's free and reasonably polished with a decent amount of content and sort of fun.
>On almost every platform under the sun
>More technically stable than PUBG
There you go
It's like PUBG but actually updates, works better and has more varied content. And it's free. It's shocking it took this long to overtake it if anything.
It's a great indicator as to why you should never pay for early access.
I fell into the meme of the group-shooter/objective based story mode and it turned into nothing but one big "pay to progress" trap and then they create a carbon copy of PubG and abandoned the entire game they created to begin with.
What's happening in this webm? Is the bullet spread RNG like CSGO?
The building mechanics and cartoonish visuals appealed to the Minecraft demographic (who has all significantly aged since Minecraft was released.) Another aspect is the combat is fluid and easy to pick up, introducing casuals to a world usually reserved for serious 3rd person shooter fans.
>minecraft hungergames have mass appeal for 12 year olds
>6 years later a modder attempts to make an entire game based on it and charge 30.00 but without the mc elements
>someone else makes it better, adds the mc elements back in, and makes it free
>inb4 fortnite gets a skywars mode
Sort of, yeah. It's actually worse, since at least in CS:GO the first shot always goes where you aim. In fortnite, it's RNG. There's also bloom. See how the reticle expands after every shot? It means that if you fire quickly your bullet could go into any spot within that reticle.
f2p and not completely shit despite being free.
>Most popular game in the world
That is objectively PUBG right now
>the first shot always goes where you aim. In fortnite, it's RNG
So the reticle is a lie?
hey, it's The Man From Five Weeks Ago! Listen, there's going to be this new social media platform called Vero. Ignore it.
Yeah, it sure is. they were experimenting with first-shot-accuracy a few versions ago, where if you stood still long enough the dot inside your reticle would turn red and you would shoot exactly where you were aiming. not really sure what happened to that.
For anyone who doesn't understand, assault rifles aren't meant to shoot long distances or they would be better than snipers, so they have rng which makes them inaccurate at long range. It's a good design choice considering how fast an AR could kill you if every shot hit
I regret giving Tim my prime sub for a month.
>PUBG still has more units sold and more players on 1 platform than Fortnite on 3 despite being free (and that's not including Xbox players, which is an extra few million)
I understand mommy won't let you buy PUBG, but stop taking it out on the game
It's a mix of perfect for streaming elements. To be fair, the battle royale concept is quite fun by itself.
It's just that PUBG fucked up hardcore by not dealing with the infinite Chinese cheaters and not caring about polish and Fortnite was free and dealt better with hackers.
Streamers bitched a lot about the shooting adjustmens they were making because it made the game "harder". This is why they just dropped the subject and Fortnite might never see improved gunplay.
Too bad actual people are dropping it because halft of those purchases came from cheating chinamen
Active players? Or people who have bought the game and have since stopped playing? Because fortnite overtook pubg in active players about a month ago and has shown no signs of stopping.
I'm surprised getting rid of double pump didn't kill the game, but I've seen that the meta has already changed to double handcannons.
Why is RNG shooting even a thing ? Even in "competitive" games like CSGo.
It makes sense for recoil, since in real life recoil is somewhat random.
It's free and it's a good alternative to PUBG, which was already popular. Popularity comes in when extremely popular streamers start marketing it.
>OP asks a question
>Receives numerous reasonable responses directly answering his question
>Totally ignores them
OP was a faggot today
They'll be running a shooting test in the near future which will remove all bloom and instead add recoil to the guns in exchange for being perfectly accurate
I don't know what to say. It's fun, and getting gud feels good
Get Brendan Greene's cock out of your mouth user
Not entirely sure, but I do know that if I had this game 10 years ago I would have been all over it.
Probably won't happen because gitting gud is too hard for the current year hottest streamers and minecraft kiddies. But fuck if the gunplay isn't the only thing that PUBG still does better.
Who could have predicted that Epic Games would put out the most popular game in a decade after the Gears of War series was ruined?
>now subtract the viewers from nin-
>twitch views
it's pubg except i can play it with my poorfag friend who has shitty PC
I can't believe Cliffy left just because he was butthurt at MS and wanted to make a dead game.
The argument was "most popular" and twitch views reflect that. But good job with the green text and reaction image.
when you think about it, they have a long history of making the best and most popular multiplayer titles. they just have a terrible marketing department.
>fortnite becomes the next billion dollar franchise
The ironing
oh, of course.
double deag is nowhere near as strong as double pump
deags are rare and are 'all or nothing' unlike shotgun splash damage
uncommon shotties can deal 200+damage with a single headshot and you'll find 2-3 in every loot location
it's really just not comparable. Double pump had to be removed because it was literally the entire game; people would pass up rare and legendary weapons so that they could carry a scar, 2 shotties, and 2 meds. It was stagnant and boring.
Runs smooth.
Unique because of build mechanic.
>I can't believe Cliffy left just because he was butthurt
Now how about showing me real proof that it is more popular, like sales and player numbers :^)
Why did make a webm of someone who is shit at the game?
Well. I can believe since he's always butthurt about something. But even before this, Epic wasn't really that down in the dumps
That's reasonable. I just see a lot of streamers running double handcannons frequently now. they need to nerf weapon switch speed more than anything.
Team Fortress Royale when.
>Purposefully avoiding showing sales figures and player count
Gee I wonder why... fortnite fags are fucking pathetic
>sales figures
>game is free
>sales figures from a free game
Epic is making money from the retards spending hundreds of bucks on shitty skins and dance emotes.
Fortnite hit 3.4 million concurrent players a month ago, which beats PUBG's peak of 3.2.
"sales" aren't really a good comparison since fortnite is free, but it is sitting at somewhere around 45 million downloads compared to pubg's ~30 million.
fortnite is also about to hit mobile, which will probably be a ridiculous smash success and push it into the 100 million range.
>Bear in mind that Fortnite's player count is across PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4, so PUBG still has the edge on PC
Downloads, whatever. You still lose either way.
My friend and I played this last night for the first time in months, and although it is nice how much more optimised it is than PUBG, I can't stand the stupid fucking building mechanic.
>5 minutes into a match
>finally see somebody and start shooting him
>he starts building a fucking wood tower 5 stories high
>die a couple minutes after, crying about the shitty building shit the whole fucking time
oh, and i still massively prefer pubg. i just know that fortnite is more popular right now and i'm not salty about it.
anyone been playing the test server in the last few days? emotes are cute, but i think they could be good for non-verbal communication with your squad. they should develop that.
i also like the new appearance of the 2x, 4x, 8x and 15x scopes. it looks so much cleaner now.
user are you ok? You seem really jaded. None of us care this much, we're just pointing out that you're wrong. It's ok bro chill out.
God, Survival Games when it first launched was fucking awesome.
>Like with many other Minecraft MP game "modes," it got absorbed by one of the bigger multi-game servers and went to total shit
Chinese aren't people
>gittin gud
I don't think so Tim. There's a reason why they haven't made first shot perfect accuracy yet.
Using twitch views is retarded. Jus Shroud and Doc can literally take a game you haven't heard of to the first place.
Btw I don't play either of these shit games so I have no horses in this race.
Easy to win, more "luck" losing, f2p, and on consoles.
Except Fortnite has more dl's than pubg... Like 15 million more.
Neither are children and BRs/RUs who play Fortnite for free, but you don't see me complaining.
That’s a good point. I remember my little brother always playing that BR mode in Minecraft
>3.4 million across all 3 platforms while comparing it to PUBG on just one
Read your own sources you retard
>sales for a free game
Use downloads. Same thing as # sold
You're not helping your case if you're trying to make people take pubg seriously.
I'm done with fortnight until the recoil system improves. I don't mind it, but my other mates regularly sperg out and bring the session down when rng fucks them over. I'd rather they had no one to blame but their own skill.
>that was when pubg peaked in december, it's only lost players since then
>literally most of it is chinese players
>op didn't even specify PC only.
BTFO indeed
And they still don't fucking cheat which puts them a tier above
give it some time and you'll start getting it right. i won't argue that it's shit and i'd love to see game mode without building (or with building restricted to wall per 5 seconds or something), but there are ways to counter those moves
>start shooting somebody
>he starts building 5 stories high stairs
>shoot the stairs below him
>he falls down and dies
Not to mention 90k of Fortnite's viewers are usually from a single streamer (Ninja).
Pic related
>moving the goalpost
[citation needed]
- Ninja isn't streaming
- Half of those PUBG viewers in that picture are from a tournament
First shot accuracy was in the test and the only thing they got out of it is that it encourages little shits like you to hide in their bases and just peek and shoot once bullet at a time, making it campy and cowardly
Try again
Turd worlders can play it for free is a big factor
So what's fortnite like outside of the battle royale mode?
user, stop. Your arms must be killing you from moving that goalpost around so much.
Classes are fun and varied (except Outlander). Missions are a mixture of base defense and a few other mixed modes like destroying Encampments, saving Survivors, and building radio towers. I can answer any specific questions you have about it.
No one has ever found out.
What are you on about? OP said "most popular game in the world".
3.4 million is bigger than 3.2 million
It's absolutely awful. My friend gifted me it and I could barely make it to the 4th mission before I uninstalled. As far as anyone is concerned, fortnite is just a pubg clone.
A building survival zombie wave mode
Add Xbox numbers and pubg still wins
prove it. ;)
>citation needed
Why do you think LoL is dying and this one is becoming popular? Because its free and it's the new fotm genre
Xbox has like 100 players
>And they still don't fucking cheat
They do, but Fortnite has better cheat detection.
>it encourages little shits like you to hide in their bases and just peek and shoot once bullet at a time,
I mean people already do that so I don't see your point?
And barely any chinamen. When 99% of the cheaters in a game are chinese, you can see who the worst people are.
Latest numbers..
pubg 30mil+
Fortnite 45mil+
Look it up.
>plays overwatch
>getting mad about bloom because overwatch has none
>Xbox tops 3 million players on pubg as of January 11th, soon to reach 4
Pretty sure that surpasses the .2 million concurrent players needed to stomp fortnite, a FREE game that is on THREE consoles, not just 2
Suck my dick ;)
Still waiting on all of your citations
>PUBG community on Xbox One has already grown to over three million players
Says nothing about concurrent users. Try again.
Meanwhile in reality:
Out of curiosity, what's the retention rate?
that's gotta sting
>Kingdom cum lower than fucking for honor, black ops II, Skyrim, Battlefron II and other garbage
Hahahahahahahah, so this is the power of Sup Forumsposting
So you're saying out of 4 million, there was never more than 200,000 on at once? If you think that, you may be retarded