This is possible ?
This is possible ?
Don't be crazy. That'd be like having Sonic in Smash.
Digimon belongs to Sony now
Would it be possible for you leave your moms basement and go outside and Super Smash some pussy?
digimon is on its death bed as a franchise
Yo Kai watch would be more real
Joke's on you, I live in the attic
Pikachu's already in Smash? Do we need two Pikachu's?
Tr4sh already had digimon, so sure.
Blastoise isn't playable, retard.
That's a pokemon, silly.
why would they want a shitty pokemon ripoff?
Gon from tekken?
>not guilmon
What's the difference now again?
Pokemon doesn't have a dolphin
Pokemon fans would go ape shit
learn English before posting on Sup Forums, frog
That like saying Nintendo eshop being a computer app like Steam
so no
I want to lick his feet so bad.
This would have made more sense back during the N64 days, if they had gotten into the practice of 3rd party cameos right out the gate.
He'd have to be constantly evolving and de-evolving to have a decent moveset.
All of the good Digimon games are on Sony systems (and better than Pokemon games but that's another conversation) though why would they do this?
I’d almost be okay with this because I love digimon and this digi- evo line, but it would most certainly signify Smash going down the tubes. Literally I feel.
> why would they want a shitty Pokemon ripoff?
Because in 2014 a shitty Pokemon ripoff ended up outselling Pokemon.