Extraordinarily talented artist from Japan attempts to emulate the classic feeling of European lore

Extraordinarily talented artist from Japan attempts to emulate the classic feeling of European lore

Attached: Simon_Belmont_-_02.jpg (350x454, 56K)

Weebshit manga "artist" sets up so Konami can sell the license to Yaoi artists

Attached: Simon-profile.jpg (300x336, 36K)

Simon is just supposed to look like Conan
Dracula is drawn as a stereotypical Bela Lugosi Halloween decoration

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God damn Castlevania 1 and 3 are so fucking cool. Dracula X is awesome, too.
I'm not gonna say the other 2D ones are bad, they're just totally different games that don't have anything to do with the feeling of Classicvania

3 is easily the best classicvania everything about it is so well done.
2nd place goes to rondo of blood.

Why was Castlevania 3's Level 9 so fucking impossible, i had to non intentionally cheese the clone boss with the Chad climber

nips do a good job in medieval games tho
>pic related
fucking masterpiece

Attached: dungeons-dragons-chronicles-of-mystara-xbla-2013121620264_1.jpg (650x891, 101K)

Fuck death, that clone fuck was by far the hardest in the series

all castlevania artwork is inaccurate to the times and locations they're meant to take place in.

>long hair
>fur boots
>whip (the most feminine melee weapon)
European "men" lol

I honestly think 3 is just too hard, but I haven't played the Japanese one. Yeah yeah get good, but I really felt that with 1 and X, but not with American 3.
I've never beat the clone guy without the fakeout that I saw JonTron use to beat him.

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Ayami Kojima is the best artist.

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I could not agree more

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The fact a vampire exists and a huge castle materializes out of nowhere every century is also pretty inaccurate to the times and locations they're meant to take place in.

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My only issue is her having the same face syndrome on every character she designs.

I love this.

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Attached: Ghouls 'n Ghosts.jpg (3195x2026, 732K)

is this drawing¿
this looks a photo of miniature and small figures

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The art in here is fucking amazing.

That's one of the most badass covers ever made.

I thought SC4 was disgustingly overrated, but no doubt it's one of the most atmospheric games in the entire SNES library.

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was this game good

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The problem with Ayami Kojima's Simon rendition isn't exactly being a readhead or the eyeliner, is just that all of her faces are effeminate and that obviously doesn't fit the male characters

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I'm really enjoying this thread.

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Attached: golden axe the revenge of death adder.jpg (850x1215, 446K)

>axe battler
>uses a sword

Play Bloodlines, it's just as good as 1 and 3.

>Axe Battler
>wields a sword

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I always liked how simple but effective Death Adder's design was.

>Long hair
>not Masculine.

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wait wait, is this a shmup of columbus' journey?

Captcha is now starting to punish me
Sorry lads, gonna have to stop this image dump

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sad, i've been saving every one

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Yeah and it was never released despite being reportedly nearly completely finished.

Attached: 204960-lufia-ii-rise-of-the-sinistrals-snes-front-cover.jpg (800x1467, 239K)

Thank you my guy
Great collection

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This, she's literally god tier

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That's pretty lame, I'd love to play it, especially since this was a good era for shmups.

Holy shit, a lot of these are dioramas and models.
As an amateur model builder, that would be fun as fuck to be paid to do.
And then have it displayed as a videogame cover.

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I love Lufia so much. Congratulations OP. Best thread on Sup Forums

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Had this not have too much going on it'd be nice for a phone wallpaper.

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Looks like it was inspired by Rackham.

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>he doesnt bring his whip to a gunfight to demoralize hes enemies and even sending some of them into retreat
disgust for casuls

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>castlevania designs
That reminds me that i will never see an accurate depiction, both cloth fashion and ethnic appearance, of a warrior from the XVII century. Simon should look like a mix of wallachian and french (if we go by his name).

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I can roll with dracula but the rest is trashedge to the max

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Calling Dracula a vampire is weird anyway.
There are loads of vampires in Castlevania, Dracula is a weird Griffith. The necklace doesn't explain the powers.

I understand that belmonts' whip is magical so he could probably destroy an abrams with it, but do whips actually qualify as weapons? I mean can you actually kill someone with one?