What are your honest thoughts on platformers?
What are your honest thoughts on platformers?
I don't know why people love these so much. If it depended on me, Super Mario Bros would have never taken off.
How much more has been added since the wall of tentacles? I have literally not been following this game at all, but it's basically the Forest of Blue Skin of platformers.
I think there's something pure and perfect about really good ones. For me they're like, the definitive vidya experience.
one of the best types of game, with a lot of variation to pick from
>sometimes im moving left
>most times im going right
platformers that expect some pixel perfect shit and me attempting the same bullshit a bunch like meatboy fucking suck tho
This. You got platformers for adventure like the Mario games. Platformers for run n gun action like the Megaman games. Platformers for exploration like the Metroid games. Momentum based platformers like how Sonic used to be before Sega had its lobotomy. And blends between all of these. Its great especially since good platformers teach level design 101
I like some games with platforming elements (e.g. Metroid) but I've never been a fan of pure platformers.
is this a porn game
Old, outdated genre that has no place in modern gaming.
That's because you're a faggot user with a worthless opinion. Stop posting.
>hurrdurr all I want is fps
Could you be anymore of a pleb?
platformers are the perfect game for children, they're low skill and low strategy, if you're still playing them after your teenage years you need to grow up
I really enjoyed castlevanias and see huge untapped potential in this genre, especially when conntected with physics it could become very interesting. Unfortunately not many played with this idea it seems.
I need more games similar to Ninja Gaiden, Shinobi, or Strider.
Ni Oh comes to mind.
Kingdom hearts can get fast if i remember correctly
Maybe for honor if you like mobatrash
finish your game already OP
nobody gonna contribute to your patreon
Been playing Valdis Story lately. It's fun. The stage design is really annoying sometimes though. So many chests hidden beneath giant falls. That one in the forest is also the most tedious shit imaginable. If you don't know where it is before hand missing it means you have to backtrack through like 6 rooms or some shit to get to it. Whatever is in there it isn't worth it.
Should've mentioned that I meant as sidescrollers but thanks for the recommendations user.
This game is insanely hot.
it's a scam
Pure platforming is incredibly boring. It needs other shit along with it to be fun.
Best genre.
The best one is Yoshi's Island
I used to love first person platforming, new games really ruined it with shitty animations blocking controls and slippery floor because 'muh realism'
You're in luck
isnt this game dead?
Nah, new build tomorrow.
I like a cinematic platformer or a good run'n'gun from time to time, but I don't understand the appeal of simplistic run and jump games with grid based levels where you have one or two moves throughout the entire game and the difficulty only comes from learning the level layout and when to use which.
Oh, you are welcome. I only played and enjoyed castlevania which is relativly slow paced in my experience so sorry, cant help out on that one.
Evolved into 3D which is superior. People can't accept it same thing with RTS and MOBA.