Dragon Ball FighterZ

Did you buy their game?

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of course i did, and i play it every day

i double dipped for pc/ps4

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Why does everyone afk the 30 second match found timer or decline it?

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Just got it yesterday
Everyone says the combos are easy but I can't do cell's bnb ;_;

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This happened in the beta tests, mind you

>mfw Frieza confirmed for winning the tournament

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Probably either you have bad connection or a purple name

Which one

They might also be trying to dodge you because they care about the color of their square for some reason.

Jiren defeats Goku and Frieza defeats weakened Jiren

>Demons rage quitting left and right if you are on top of them
I guess all the rage quitters started hitting Demon. This wasn't the case few weeks ago.

Post teams and others rate
I just picked the most fun0 characters to main
I want to start using 18 but haven't gotten around to putting any time in her. I also don't like the big heavy characters so 16 never ever

Is this a guess or actually will happen? I can't believe how retarded Super is, i just want monkey kid adventures again, i want tenshinhan/yamcha/piccolo etc to be relevant

>Anrdoid 21
I kind of want to graduate from Vegeta. I hope Bardock will be fun.

it is in the episode description its confirmed

i'd ask how is goku ultra whatever capable of dodging everything be defeated by a shady alien who is obviously cheating

got anything stronger, doc?

Jiren stops going easy on him

because they left it on searching for a match and walked away, another thing they need to improve

but he's supposed to be able to dodge everything and attack flawlessly, also if super ends in 31 they won't have the time to do a proper finisher, what means that they are going to continue the series maybe next year, which means they will continue with the power ups which means the weaker characters become even more irrelevant and they'll have to create a new goal to achieve like ultra gods or whatever, god fucking dammit

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Yes. Just reached Namekian. Need to replace my anchor Black, he makes me feel like a fraud.

You bet your ass I did. I don't play online tho, I'ma scrub.

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Is this game cracked yet?

Love me some Goku/Cell/Vegeta.
Just recently learned you can chain from a level 1 super to Goku's level 3 for some reason. Anyone else figure out any unique character traits like so?

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Why can I literally not get in a game anymore? It worked fine until recently.

It's not like he can dodge everything. He just got faster on another level because he does all the stuff using muscle memory and instinct, bypassing the delay of actually having to think about next move.

I think you can do Spirit Ball into Shin WFF with Yamcha.

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Team human till the day I die, although I must admit that krillin is the weak link in my team and I should probably replace him but I’m gonna try and make him work for now

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Fuck no I have budokai tenkaichi anyway, 2d fighters are gay

No, but I want to get it eventually when I have something that I can play it on.


It's on everything but switch faggot. Get a real console or pc

Yes user, I am aware that I don't have a good PC or console.

do you rage quit?

Yes, I regret it a bit. I should have waited for a big sale down the line. It's okay but a lot of characters feel too samey in terms of normals.

i really like it. I don't think it has enough characters for a 3v3, honestly though.

Bought it for Frieza and Kid Buu

i bought cell's game

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Best boy when?

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If you mean chaining from a different character's lvl1 to Goku's 3 then anyone can do it as far as I know.
>Perform your level 1 super
>Do a quarter circle back motion and assist button of another character
>They come in to perform their lvl 3

Seriously, VEGETTO WHEN?

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>Whenever sober, win well over half of the matches and keep climbing ranks
>Take one drink
>Start losing to dark greens

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DBZ games suck

i dont like the teamtag mechanics, its just so stupid.

How do I stop the Blue's bullshit overhead mixups as 16?

How do I stop Cell player's with 16?

How do I stop Frieza's 3000 year wide launcher from getting me every time?

How do I stop Blacks?

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Do you rage quit? It's weird that you don't even get matched.


>How do I stop blacks?
Move to an upper-middle class area

Stop playing 16

He's been my main since launch.

16, Trunks, Ginyu.

If I get to ginyu its game over, his shit takes too long to come out but I like his purple skin.

Trying out Android 21 but I keep forgetting about the absorptions

You don't even need to do the circle motion.
Just holding back + Assist does it

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Ginyu is one of those characters that is like "holy shit everything takes 9 years to come out I have no chance" when I play him but "holy shit he keeps spamming a million things at once I have no chance" when the enemy plays him. Fuck.

Jesus, Supers is retarded. I thought they learned their lesson from GT basically killing off the series. Then they miraculously came back and managed to make something even stupider. The next time the series dies out, they’ll only be able to blame themselves

Source on episode description?

I did, it's good

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Did they fix the shit netcode yet

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>Fat Buu
I like how they play, even if I can't do combos for shit.

>vegeta blue is my favorite
>dumpster tier

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>1 mistake and ur char gets deleted because ur in stunlock while hes deleting you
how is this a fightign game, again?

If you use 16 you shouldn't be having any problems as he's by far the easiest character in the game. Just mash H

He’s actually not bad at all. Tiers shouldn’t hold you back from making a character as good as him shine.

>have a green outline around my name
Does anyone know why this is? I know purple names are supposed to be ragequitters, but I don't know what green means.

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Thinking of dropping 18 for 16....

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No character is really that bad in this game, but vegeta blue burns through bars like a mad man for minimum damage return. You can get more raw value from tons of other characters.

I'm not even all that good with them I just like them

grind some combo challenges for a good baseline understanding of how characters can combo then watch some youtube vids and grind some more
I never ever played a fightan before this seriously enough to leave the mashing phase but after maybe 3 weekends of few hour practice sessions I can do decently with yamcha and a few other characters
never ever

>goku blue
>teen gohan

anyone got some tips for Hit though? I can't seem to chain shit with him for some reason

hell no. The betas were awful autocombo laden trash.

>as 16
get good with your SS tier character

>Kid Buu

These are the absolute least fun players to fight. If you use any of these characters you almost certainly play like a huge faggot


Ahh, I getcha. Can’t argue that.

>round starts
>frieza player 5H's
>immediately back off and super dash
like clockwork

>complaining about literally anything as 16
>asking about how to deal with [x] as 16


its really fun to only fight the same few characters over and over, thanks for contributing to making this boring

ginyu / trunks / gotenks

21 is a lot of fun

Agreed though I enjoy beating Frieza for that GUCCI

>How do I stop the Blue's bullshit overhead mixups as 16?
>raises leg
>react and block high

i need anchor that also allows me to BODYCHANGE

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I main Yamcha,Cell,with a random 3rd. Waiting for Broly is pain.

Green name means you're not a ragequitter

Really want to but would rather wait for the complete pack.

white means normal
purple means ragequitter
green means disconnects infrequently?

I also have a green name. Does it just eventually go away as long as my connection stays stable/I don't disconnect or am I stuck with it?

i like Ginyu. Currently trying to get gud with Freeza, Ginyu, and Nappa.

>How do I stop Blacks?

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Coloured Square dosn't indicate rage quit frequency, it's general non-ranked skill

Blue is low, Green average, Yellow good, Pink excellent

the name, not the square

I haven't ragequit once in my 200+ matches and I'm still white. Does it take into account if my opponent rage quits? Because I see that a lot.

I played someone using Ginyu/Frieza/Nappa earlier. Was pretty weird seeing Ginyu vs Ginyu intro. I use 21 instead of Frieza though, so not quite a mirror match.

Vegeta is a faggot because if you get hit once by a competent Vegeta player, it will be a whole minute before you regain control of your character again.

Trunks is a faggot too. You can literally spam L with him and win.

I use Frieza, fuck you.

>Kid Buu
You start seeing less Kid Buus as you climb ranks because he just isn't viable against someone who knows what they're doing. Literally git gud and you'll counter any Kid Buu.

You should go from white to light green after 30 online matches. No way you'd stay white after 200.

>if you get hit once by a competent Vegeta player, it will be a whole minute before you regain control of your character again.

that's literally every character tho

if you had to pick three other characters than your main team to play as a back up team who would you pick?
I would go Piccolo / Beerus / Cell

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I'm talking about the color of my NAME, not the SQUARE. I'm orange square.

>Android 16
>A. Gohan

These are the absolute least fun players to fight. If you use any of these characters you almost certainly play like a huge faggot.

I will never get tired of seeing sexy Bulma art.

>complaining literally any character other than 16 is anti-fun

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rate my team.

Wait, do people really only play with one team?
I have a pool of characters I play (about 15) and just compile my team with whoever I'm in the mood for.
Though I take point/mid/anchor and DHC into mind.
Doesn't playing with one team get boring really fast especially in a game that has a shitton of universal mechanics?

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