If Sony where to make another ps all stars, what characters would they even put in? Smash obviously has the most iconic roster due to Nintendo's diverse characters including other iconic 3rd party characters. Plus assuming cloud stays in and the possibilities of crash, what does sony have?
Another PS All Stars?
Hunter -- Bloodborne
Dart -- Legends of the Dragoon
Abe -- Oddworld
Clayman -- The Neverhood
Blasto -- Blasto
Glenn -- Chrono Trigger
just pick a totally different genre and get an actual art direction, like how capcom used to do, before they started to think "anime doesn't sell"
Shell out the cash and license Spyro and Crash. Lara Croft too maybe, but only if they cut down on the "Real is Brown" in the roster. Probably just keep Nathan Drake.
Captain mother fucking Qwark. Nefarious too.
Get more diverse. We don't need like eight grizzly space marines and military guys.
Why the fuck would you include Big Daddy?
Finally, find some way other than "final smash only" KO's to deviate from Smash.
Alucard -- SoTN
Spyro -- Spyro the Dragon
Crash -- Crash Bandicoot
Musashi -Brave Fencer
Tomba -- Tomba
Ava -- Parasite Eve
Wanderer -- Journey
Squall - FF8
Journeyman - Ehrgeiz God Bless the Ring
Lammy - Um Jammer Lammy
Make the character actually look nice.
But are those characters iconic? Would some casual stop in there tracks and go 'oh look, thats..'
Nemesis -- Resident Evil
Zero -- Megaman X4
Hulk Hogan -- Wrestlemania
Kain -- Soul Reaver
Megaman - Legends
Ignatious -- Nightmare Creatures
Claude - Grand theft Auto 3
Katamari - Katamari Damacy
For fuck's sake, some of these characters have their original games or concept art looking 2d
Even the actual promo art of the game looked ugly
>Finally, find some way other than "final smash only" KO's to deviate from Smash.
Maybe a really, really good developed single player story mode?
You and I both know crash will likely be in snash over anything else.
There is nothing wrong with the gameplay, if you're not good enough to kill someone with your super, then get good scrub.
People think of Spyro and Crash as Sony characters first. They were the original system sellers. Tomba, Lammy, and Abe all have proven niche appeal.
If they can get Cloud or Snake they'd be golden.
You can't get anymore iconic then this. You just can't. Can Sony pull something like this off?
Who said the casuals were the only demographic this game could have been made for?
And who knows, with people pretending to be "gamers"; some might buy the game and brag about how they grew up with some obscure PS1 title
Some of them learn more about games from shitty Top 10 lists, than actually exposing themselves to the medium
Yakuza -- Yazuka Series
William -- Nioh
Joel -- The last of Us
Deacon St. John -- Days Gone
Samuel B - Dead Island
Girl -- Horizon Zero Dawn
Wendigo -- Until Dawn
Sir Gallahad - The Order 1886
>Yakuza -- Yazuka Series
His name is Kiryu
Brings characters that aren't normal people looking, but instead have actual distinctive character designs
Even Ryu in smash was almost a real weird one because he's got a pretty realistic human silhouette.
Sony All Stars half of the fucking roster was like that and jesus it was just horrible when the camera's zoomed out and you can't even tell who's who. Least I can tell who the fuck Mario is against Sonic.
They should do something different instead of even bothering to compete with Smash
Technically speaking, Crash and Sony are a perfect fit for smash. The history of Sony vs Nintendo is a deep one and crash in particular was known for all those anti Nintendo ads
Sega may have had “Nintendon’t” but Sony had a guy in a crash bandicoot suit mocking nintendo. Then there’s that whole thing about Sony and Nintendo originally going to make a collaborate console but then Nintendo said no and after, PlayStation happened.
Doesn't Ryu have like huge hands and feet?
But yeah, PSAS not only needed an actual art style, but this problem also comes from the fact Sony always panders to a bigger demographic, that most of their popular games feel bland because they always play safe instead of taking risks
See this image?
Only one character isn't trying to look realistic and still looks out of place with the others
Besides that, the comment section of Sony's tweet with this image was mostly people asking for Kat, meaning even a niche character like her is probably more memorable than the characters in this image
Spike was nerfed to the point he could have had confirm kills against himself
Fucking put whatever characters into it, that's not what really matters. Change the system from shitty Smash-clone into shitty Power Stone-clone. Every character that Sony has that actually matters works better in 3D (suck-it sackboy). Add ring outs as an option for scoring points, also giant boss battles.
>characters that looked like cartoon/anime characters looked more like soulless 3d models
>almost everyone comes from a 3d game, yet they're stuck in a 2d plane
it's like nobody at superbot even touched any of those games being added
It's pretty sad I think when characters with really weird designs have been eclipsed in favor of just generic looking humans with slightly odd hair and clothes.
Character design begins at the silhouette for me. If PSAS was made around PS1-PS2 era the roster would've been completely stacked and full of really interesting characters, the only reason the game interested me in the first place was because of Spike, Daniel Fortesque and Parappa, the rest are basically trash. Some characters just don't belong in mishmash fighting game like Smash.
Hunter is the only guy I'd care about
>Glenn - Chrono trigger
It could have only worked if Nate or Cole were the only "normal dude" characters, just to add a story more where one goes "wow a talking racoon" and the variety of those characters could have led to interesting interactions beyond "dude lets hate each other we're rivals lmao"
This is how they’re gonna Reveal Crash Bandicoot is in smash 5
Count on it
It's simple: Goku
Bring more soundtrack from those games and don't fuck it up
What should his moveset be?
Bring back Yumi
Would it look as close as the original as possible like with Megaman?
I wish
I just want them to have mechanics that don't suck dick and characters with actual normals.
Give Kat more costumes.