Other urls found in this thread:
Not dead yet
>cancer goes away
>cancer comes back
>every time
why are we still here
just to suffer?
>Dear friends, I feel so heartbroken, but I have to tell you a very sad news about Stefán. PET scan confirmed inoperable tumors. Chemotherapy planned starting next week. Unfortunately, nothing can be done from this point really, this is the beginning of the end of the road for our number one - Stefán and that's so hard to understand but that is the truth. Please, cross your fingers that the chemo will longer his life a little. Thank you everyone for your love and support. Stefán loves you so much. Keep praying for him and sending him your love. Peace.
Burn in hell, lefty
bad frogposter
As sad as it is, it beats dying suddenly without any warning. At least he can die with little to no regrets.
Inoperable tumors is just a buzzword for he doesn't have enough money to afford it.
Yeah, spending thousands of dollars to desperately cling to life by ingesting poison in a vain attempt to kill mutant cells that just popped up on a vital organ one day because FUCK YOU beats dying in a car crash or something.
It was always terminal, it's just a slow decline. Must be heart breaking for all involved.
What's your favorite video games by the way?
Trauma Center
>beats dying in a car crash or something.
too soon user.
How expensive could a tumor be that all that kickstarter money can't fix it? In Sweden where healthcare is supposedly free or some shit.
>beats dying in a car crash or something.
loved when i was kid
Kill yourself
it's complicated when you have children
being dead quickly is less painful than suffering
but having time lets you tie up loose ends
however, having time can make you lament about leaving behind your children
it's just kind of poop either way
He could always go to another country that has better treatment for cancer
Oh fuck yeah dude, I replayed this game so many times. Hope 2 is at least a fraction as good
Didn't he just beat cancer?
Never mind, it's Iceland.
And it was gofundme, not kickstarter. But he raised 170,000 dollars.
It's called an "euphemism", stop parroting things here it's making you retarded.
You don't beat terminal cancer. The smallest collection of cells can start the whole thing over again.
Michel Ancel is working on it
Retarded is just a buzzword
Sup Forums wouldn't care for the most part but the same thing happened to the creator of rhythm heaven, he had to get his vocal cords removed for it to go permanently. Which kinda sucks when you're a singer/musician.
Still better than death though.
But buzzword is a buzzword!
Buzzword is actually a fact
So he can't talk anymore?
Facts are buzzwords!
>he had to get his vocal cords removed
>So he can't talk anymore?
Literally what is the point in enjoying life when this can happen to you out of the blue for no reason and there's absolutely no precautions you can take to prevent it?
my dad had cancer with inoperable tumors. The tumors were basically surrounded by critical parts of the brain and lasering them out or cutting them out would pretty much kill him. I don't know Robbies situation but I imagine its similar.
Good sign, but still worried because it's a video game being made in the current year.
Breh, no fucking way. Rhythm Heaven is my shit, but he at least lives to see another day.
unless someone is hitler tier, i'm always glad to hear that they will pull through
There's lots of precautions you can take to prevent it though...
Because you might as well enjoy what time you have left instead of moping about it.
Based Lenny
Sorry but I used to think so but don't believe it anymore. I've seen many ultra-healthy people who micromanage their diet, don't smoke, exercise etc get cancer but my obese chain-smoking shit food-guzzling father is prime and healthy.
Lenny doesnt know hardship
fuck i am actually sad about this.
When it comes for you, I hope you have no fear friend, because it is coming.
Verified account @stefanssonkarl
18h18 hours ago
It’s not until they tell you you’re going to die soon that you realize how short life is. Time is the most valuable thing in life because it never comes back. And whether you spend it in the arms of a loved one or alone in a prison-cell, life is what you make of it. Dream big.
I thought his shit got treated a few years ago, did it come back
oh fuck
He was a cool faggot.
>In Sweden where healthcare is supposedly free
Free healthcare does not equal quality healthcare. 80% of the time the doctors just want to get you out of there because they have like 200 other people in line, and things often get mis-diagnosed or missed entirely.
2018 is going to be another year of death. It's never going to get better.
you too mate
Terminal dude, it will never go away really
Well I thought he would get some form of a replacement or something
doesn't he?
he was a smoker
INOPERABLE means if they take it out it destroys other organs.
>Replacement vocal chords
nice propaganda burger
2018 is the worst
Pretty much this.
All that can be one is blasting the tumor with radiation and hoping it prevents it from growing or shrinks it. And that also means blasting the critical organ with radiation, which will kill you anyway if you do it enough.
is problems arent related with lungs
No I know what he's talking about. Like you see smokers that have to use this voice machine to talk
Oh I guess you're right, but my mind went straight to like getting vocal cords out of a dead guy and putting it in him
You can ask the same thing about doing nothing in life. If you're going to die, why not die doing the things that make you happy instead of moping in quiet desperation?
mods, if you have any decency, dont kill this thread
let us mourn
First Billy, now this.
Yeah you say that now, but you won't be laughing when you need to get a surgery done and wind up flying to America so you can pay someone who actually gives a shit about doing his job right because his entire livelihood relies on his quality of work.
This is what he actually believes
>gene wilder is dead
>stefan will die soon
>chrischan will die soon
>faggots like dobson are still alive
this is not okay
Whoms he?
but its all true? capitalists don't care about anything but money
not any of them but
dude, there IS no surgery for this.
its over for him.
That'd be pretty metal
Maybe from an economic perspective.
You get that these places have free healthcare AND private healthcare, right? The UK does, at least.
not for long, enjoy paying money for a Virgin hospital visit
Europe has private healthcare too you know. Many treatments aren't actually done in house by the national health service, but they pay the costs of having someone like you describe to do the operation.
dont reply to him, hes only baiting
That wasn't his point. His point is doctors of a free healthcare system tend to be overworked.
That's not true though
I don't think he is to be honest
>Aniki and Zyzz is dead yet boogie still lives
If you care about money (and aren't a fucking retard) then you DO care about preserving the environment. You can't make a profit if your land is un-usable, of course. It's pretty simple stuff.
Unless of course your land gets forcibly publicized by the state, in which case everyone is free to jump in to draw resources and it's bound to go belly-up.
Why have any free healthcare if you have private options at all? It's only a drain on taxpayer money. People under the poverty line might actually be able to save up for real treatments when they're not forcibly paying into the free system.
he's not baiting, americans are retarded and don't understand socialized healthcare
Not saying I agree or anything I don't care. Basically RIP #1
why waste your last weeks of life talking about shitty politics?
man just enjoy your family and your inner world.
Explain why I don't understand it then, instead of throwing around base insults like a child.
Who is he talking about? There's 5 people in that photo
he can talk about whatever the hell he wants, before trump was president he was just some shitty c-list celeb talking shit about obama all the time on twitter
jesus the man is fucking dying let him have his opinions
If he enjoys it then he enjoys it user
It'd probably be worse to just radically change everything you do actually, and not try to continue life with some semblance of normalcy which inclues reading the paper and watching the news.
Yeah fuck this eurotrash