What are you playing this weekend Sup Forums?

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Played fallout 4, now I do my other hobby

Shill Skyrim?

Playing dragon ball

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I'll give Planescape Torment a try again.
Why the fuck can't i land a hit, i always miss.

I played Xenoverse 2 now I'm driving out of state to fish for the weekend and drink

Chrono Trigger. I’m almost at the end, I just beat the Mammon Machine.

I'm bored and tempted to buy that new SAO game. Stop me Sup Forums

I haven't decided yet. I finished Yakuza 6's "demo" a few days back.

It's all dice rolls. The lower your THAC0, the better.

Switching between FighterZ and BOTW.

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No, I do 3D, 2D, write, etc..

Mass Effect OT

Gonna play Splats 2 until Splatfest is over after work, then Xenoblade 2 I guess.
I'm just buying time until Kirby comes out really
Also Wiz is best girl

probably run through some MHW with my normie friends who just made HR

did my weekly world vs world in GW2, played some splatoon 2, might get into MHW shortly

I just bought For Honor this week, so I'll be playing that a lot. Also Granblue Fantasy while I wait through these awful matchmaking times.

Kingdom Come Deliverance

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that's not a hobby, it's a lifestyle

Playing MH3U, I just got my HR Diablos armor but I want bigger Hammers, BIGGER!

is that chocola? because she's CUTE

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