Naming your protagonist in a game where everyone has voice lines

>Naming your protagonist in a game where everyone has voice lines
For what purpose? why not just name him Tidus and let the party call him like that instead of "new kid, hey you" and others?

Attached: tidus.jpg (263x192, 9K)

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FFX was caught between the waves of moving everything over to voice.

everyone refered to Tidus as "that guy" etc because you could rename him, come ff12 you had no such issue

Yuna is cute and that's all that matters

Attached: Yuna.jpg (1433x1900, 423K)

How do you pronounce Tidus?

Teedus or tiedus

>"hey! hey, cumslut!"
>tidus responds, "yes?"

Post your Yuna's

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When I was younger I used to think Teedus is stupid and it was OBVIOUSLY Tie-dus but these days I dunno, Teedus has grown on me.



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I always just name him "Thai Dust" anyways.

Final Fantasy is full of sacred cows

I will say they usually do a pretty good job of his name not being actually important

This was a mistake on SE's part in retrospect

It would be fine if the character was supposed to be a self-insert or blank slate, but Tidus is definitely his own personality and less of an extension of the player

This. It matches his water theme and all that shit.

Nintendo exclusive.

Tie-dus. FFXIV has an entire quest dedicated to making jokes about it and the joke only works if it's Tie-dus.

It's done for immersion purposes but that clashes when you're actually playing a pre-determined character with little to no actually input of choice.

His name is pronounced Tee-dee-ious. Jecht came up with it.

Tide-us, because he's related to water

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It's because there's a small portion of consumers who NEED to name the main character so they can self-insert. It might seem dumb to you but it's not like it'll ever change your decision to buy or not to buy a game. By doing this they get more sales.

Retardation. Western RPGs don't make such mistakes.

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What about Skyrim?

How is Tifa pronounced? There lies the answer to this age-old question.




>The 'Ti' in 'Tifa' is obviously pronounced as 'Tee'
>Therefor 'Tidus' is pronounced as 'Tee-dus'

How will 'Tide-us' fags ever recover?

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Yes Yuna is cute but X-2 as a whole makes almost no goddamn sense at all

Is that also how you pronounce tiger?
Anyone else liked this song when it played in the opening?

>Yes Yuna is cute but X-2 as a whole makes almost no goddamn sense at all
the only thing that doesn't follow from the end of FFX is the ending where tidus is revived, but that's something you have to go out of your way to do and it's just "a fayth did it" so whatever

I still listen to 1000 words every once in a while.

>Shuyin's spirit is a twisted fucking psychopath in x-2
>Tidus is the nicest guy you'll ever meet in his games
What did Square mean by this

Doesn't he come back anyways? The CGI ending where he comes out from the water I think is not from 100%ing the game. The one that requires the 100% is the ending without CGI.

I’m suprised games today can’t alter voice patterns to say various names. I don’t expect voice actors to record the same line dozens of times with the only difference being names, but I’d think that some technology would exist that could take recognized voice sounds and rearange them to sound like different names or words. I would have thought this impossible a couple years ago, but I’ve seen crazier shit.

In Japanese his name is Tīda, so I like to think that Tidus is their shitty attempt at translating it to the West.

So really it would be pronounced more like Te-da in English.

I thought that was because they both lived in a different setting. Tidus lived in a world where there are constant parties and he's loved by basically everyone, whereas Shuyin lived in a world of war and death.

x-2 makes a lot of sense once you realize that the project was headed by the xiii-guy

You don't play as a character with a defined personality in Skyrim.

It's possible nowadays, but why would you put that tech into games?


There's other things there too. One thing is that they say the only reason why they didn't use the super weapon that Bevelle had in their basement was that it's identify friend foe system was busted and they didn't want to blow up their own people while fighting Sin. But the problem is that the ship is pilot operated. You have to play a piano recital to make it do anything. So why is its IFF a problem at all if its the pilot that makes it work?

Also the civil war plot is almost interesting. The big question being that now that the giant space whale isn't going to kill us all anymore what do we do? Do we throw away the past and our traditions or do we try to hold on to our identity. Even though we as players know that Bevelle are a group of fucking liars that can't be trusted the idea is nice. But the whole thing is settled by a teenager throwing a concert. In the rain. And only one song. If I were one of the attendees I'd want my money back. And the concert was free. I make jokes but really I was hoping for something a bit better than that since it basically amounts to nothing no matter which side you pick and is only there to make you play the game twice to get 100%. Well more like 10 times if you don't have a guide.

The last thing, and this is probably the worst, is that the Fayth can still summon after being Sent. Why? The entire point of X is that we need to move on from the past. The Fayth need to stop dreaming and rest. But in X-2 no one will move on. The Aeons are back and the Fayth can still dream. So why was it a problem that Yunalesca was sent? You can go to the Farplane and get the Final Aeon anyway. Really sending her made it easier since now you don't have to climb a mountain to get to her.

it's ティーダ in moonrunes so teedus is the correct way

Titus, but for some reason kingdom hearts referred to him as teedis and completely ruined the experience for me.

Oh shit, it all comes together

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except that X2 is the most non-linear game in the series, while 13 is the most

I feel exactly the same. I guess becoming an adult is realizing it's teedus instead of tiedus.

what they have in common is that they were designed by an idiot

Tabata was involved?

Because it would feel immersive as fuck. I’ve still yet to play a videogame where the Protagonist has the same name as me.

Why is this song so good


Al bhed are people too

If a game touts such useless gimmicks it makes me think that the game has no meat to it. See FO4 with its millions of recorded names.

In Kingdom Hearts 1 they pronounce it Teedus. Blew my mind bc i always thought it was pronounced Tiedus

I thought it was because you could name all of the aeons and Tidus was basically one of them too.

bad people

Better dead than al bhed.


Why is Yuna so perfect?

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>KH1 calls him Teedus
>KH2 calls him Tiedus
Guess not even square knows

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It's kind of weird realizing they don't call him by his name once in the game

Because you are afraid of women who have a personality.

VA confirmed it's Teedus

Because I want him to be named Faggot.

Ken. she does get much better in x-2 though

I'll take your word for it, never bothered with X-2.

How can one girl be this much of a cutie

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because she summons angels.



This, actually.

Yeah it's nothing special

SMT do a good job of it desu


saying yuna "doesn't have a personality" is almost as brainlet as finding issue with the laughing scene

Learn to form a coherent sentence.

I was able to understand him. Maybe you need better reading comprehension

>I have nothing of importance to say so I shall deflect!


Defending Yuna is "something of importance" to you? That's incredible sad and pathetic, hombre. Do you think about her while mowing lawns?

>deflect intensifies

>Ad hominem instead of an actual argument

She looks ugly to me. Perfect for Tidus' ugly mug.

I literally cannot see how she is ugly. Even calling her face average is very difficult.

Teedus. Both Kingdom Hearts and Dissidia refers to him as such.

Her facial features look squished together to me like here

It's the heterochromia. Makes her look like a downie.

That's what makes her even more cute for me, considering how uncommon it is



They are "All bad" people.

English is such a bullshit language.

There was an official promo video where his name was pronounced (they said "His name is Tidus") as Tee-dus. Tie-dus is incorrect.

Being able to name characters in JRPG was always dumb, since they're predefined characters. It's just a relic left over because the JRPG genre came into existence by copying western RPGs, where there is character creation and you create your characters from the ground up.