This is the one true 4 button layout.
This is the one true 4 button layout
>colored buttons
Get out of here with your shitty chinese knockoffs.
There is not a single reason to not have six buttons. SNES controller is deficient.
>naming the button on the X axis Y
>naming the button on the Y axis X
>making the button your thumb rests most naturally on the secondary button
>making the button that takes effort to reach the confirm button
sorry, but it's all wrong
its dumb that japan sees the A button as being the main one
your thumb naturally rests on button B
It does have six. X Y A B L R, plus select if you want to count that.
Hehehe, not so fast
L and R aren't face buttons.
>purple isnt a color
your controller looks like shit
no one in the thread has said face buttons
The SNES has 12 buttons.
Did anyone say concave buttans? You're a waste.
This is legit disturbing.
I can't see purple
But JP and PAL have the colored buttons. I dunno why the changed the design in the US.
>x on the y axis
>y on the x axis
MS perfected the button layout AND colour scheme, this much is undeniable
They also have the coolest looking buttons.
pretty much this and the english language is read from left to right, so the letters should be alphabetically from left to right.
Xbox has it right
>Not ABCD layout
...idiots... plebs, jesus christ.
i think its cause they thought US consumers wouldve seen the colorful buttons and associated the console with toddlers.
Colorations aside, the US version was a far better controller for one major reason: The Y and X buttons were concave.
>I need concave buttons so my fat amerithumbs can snuggle in the ugly crater on my buttons. Litterarly no major controller after snes has used concave buttons because its useless.
Why not make all the buttons concave?
Probably to allow the base of your thumb to slide to the next primary button. A/B = Primary, X/Y = secondary, L/R = Shoulder
Why did the piece encircling all right thumb buttons have a little indent closer to B and A?
To ensure the faceplate can only be set in exactly the right position during manufacturing.