This makes Sup Forums angry.
This makes Sup Forums angry
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not as angry as this
you do know you can kiss women platonically, right?
No because dva is the shittiest character ever.
>hehe boys look at me! I play VIdeEO gAMeS!
Actually kill yourself if you would place dva above any other woman in overwatch.
>neither is white
why should any of us care?
>korean lesbo character kissing with negro
that's very wrong
At the very least she's better than Mercy.
Maybe in France. But in America it's considered intimate
Why does Sup Forums hate black people so much? Especially when they're around white women
Well good thing neither are murican
Inability to understand that racemixing is good and that "purebreds" are shit
Black and yellow = master race
Pic related is from black father, Korean mother
If it makes you feel any better, just remind yourself that it's pure fantasy. This would never happen in real life; Asian girls HATE black guys.
What about white girls?
They prefer the Hispanic Bull (and Hispanic women prefer the White Bull)
more like makes me hard
But one is Korean.
>implying Blizzard has the balls to ship them together
just ask Disney how well having Finn fall in love with an Rose worked for their Chinese box office sales of Last Jedi, it got pulled from theaters after barely two weeks of showing
Hi Stacy
>not maining Alfonso López
Hapa males end up ugly whenever they can't grow facial hair. High test Hapa males become very attractive, while low test hapa males are insanely ugly and look like seaniggers, but even then can't fit in.
Hapa females though are hotter than Asian females by some miracle.
miyuki is cute
Honestly Finn deserved much better than some ham fisted relationship with Shrek.
race mixing leads to lower average IQ and a myriad of genetic/mental problems, which you are so obviously demonstrating here.
It actually makes me pretty horny
Yes, a gook broad who probably camwhores on the side while playing SC. Shes obviously a huge cocktease to her viewers
The Japanese/English girl in the bottom left is qt as fuck. Would make quarter Asian babies with.
he should've gotten together with phasma and mindbroken her in front of all her soldiers.
Damn, whitey likes to fuck around.
aww shit yeah gonna make summa dem gorgeous mixed babbies everyone tells me are so in right now!
I think that Blacked and BlackedRaw (though i prefer Raw because it's more rough) are unironically high quality porn and there is nothing you can do to stop me.
D.Va looks white, and Lucio is as white as can be except for skin color.
Can affirm. Hapa males look like a trainwreck, while hapa females look like bretty gud
Not really. Atleast mercy has somewhat of a personality.
They're definitely high quality but shit gets boring after while.
this is what peak beauty looks like whytie, you may not like diz but diz iz what you have to mix with! fo dem hot mix babies!
Reminder that mixing is only good in inbred animals/humans.
No it doesn't I really like the contrasting colour scheme actually if you're going to do shipping that sort of thing pleases my OCD.
>tfw you have to be 10/10 to get a black qt
White would look good if he just lost the weight. You can't do anything about Castizo's or Mulatto's ugly ass face.
Finally, I can finally post this shit again.
hey you dropped your 5
Check Dickdrainers
Well yes because lucio deserves far better.
That'd be entertaining, but it'd kinda be an insult to her character. Well more so than already anyhow.
Chad: Gets a black gf
Brad: Gets a Latina gf
Wageslave: Gets a white gf
Soy: Gets an Asian gf
No idea which one Steph is but they both have butter faces.
el atrocidad...
The real question is why do liberal faggots like you continue to shove race mixing bullshit down everyone’s throat?
The 10/10 black qtπs are smart enough to know to avoid their racial genepool. And they are also sassy enough to know that they can get the 10/10 white males.
>widows peak
>uneven beard
>halfrim glasses
>shitty expression
3/10 wouldnt swallow
>doesn't know who Steph Curry is
>Chad: Gets a black gf
>implying black "women" aren't seen as bottom of the barrel by 99% of men everywhere
Lol, stay delusional Shaniqua.
All I need to know is that nigga is ugly.
why do threads like this always pop up during shabbat? kind of weird, right?
Seaniggers refers to all pacific islanders.
>he's THAT mad
Stay Sup Forumsirvin faggot
Legalizing miscegenation was a mistake.
>sour grapes
Same race relations should be illegal