Which of these two series had their potential more heavily squandered, wasted and disgraced?
Which of these two series had their potential more heavily squandered, wasted and disgraced?
Mass Effect 1 was shit gameplay wise so it didn't have much potential to begin with, unlike DA.
Mass Effect easily, One good game, two crappy games, and one down right atrocious game.
Da2 was the only out and out bad game in that series.
Inquisition was garbage too
Inquisition does not even look or play like a DA game. At least Mass Effect was consistent.
DA:O was completely mediocre, I had no desire to even play a sequel.
Dragon age is 1 good game
Mass effect has 2
DA2 was literally better than Inquisition.
Mass Effect is by far one of the most badly mismanaged franchises I had the misfortune of falling in love with, along with Half-Life
At least ME got a fun sequel out of 2
DA was dead as soon as DA2 hit
For potential? Mass Effect straight up due to being constructed as a single narrative that fell apart under shitty leadership.
Dragon Age had even worse sequels than ME, but DA:O being a standalone wasn't retroactively fucked raw.
I know, ME2 was so great , too bad about the first and third games.
Good to see you faggots have shit tastes or never actually played Inquisition. It played way more like origins then 2 did. Had way more likable characters as well (not counting Tumblr Jenny, Deviantart OC, and the walking penis joke).
>It played way more like origins then 2 did.
Fucking what. DA2 at least tried to pretend it had RTWP gameplay.
>the good one
Go away, Mac. You are a shit writer
>Playing ME for the story
>implying 2 had a good story
drewfags need to leave.
>the stylish revival of space epics in an era where they were no longer produced in video games or even in film and television
>the generic elves, dwarves, orcs, dragons medieval fantasy RPG #25832525
Gee, tough one.
shut the fuck up brainlet.
Mass Effect series completely fucked the ending then the series was thoroughly buried by how stupid the whole Andromeda endeavor was. Dragon Age at least still has its story more or less in a good place with the Trespasser stuff going into DA4. The combat / gameplay is absolute dogshit in everything BioWare does though and Anthem is going to bury the company along with both of these IPs.
>cut and paste same face on every single one of these squidfu pieces of shit
>ship it in this state
they had to know this was going to be shit on. bioware wanted mass effect dead so that no one would complain why anthem wasn't just a mass effect ip game.
Inquisition was unbearably long (90+ hours - you could fit the entire Mass Effect trilogy there), had a shit ton of "collect X items" quests, a cliche plot and massive locations with nothing to do. Characters were maybe slightly better than in DA2 though.
>ME2 shitters
EA has flat out said they don't care about single player games anymore. They just had Bioware slap Andromeda together in a few months and forced it out the door. Their main focus is clearly Anthem.
They were all a bunch of fresh out of college nobodies. They were probably too stoked that they were being trusted with such a huge ip to realize they were the fall guys. At least at first.
Bioware Montreal was a hilarious experiment in diversity hiring gone mad that imploded spectacularly.
Turns out that talent and experience actually matters.
There was actually an algorithm they made to make certain, low-priority cutscenes be generated. Meaning, human hands didn't make a vast majority of the games visuals and animations.
They are getting to the GaaS shit late and Anthem is going to underperform. Are they going to swear off multiplayer games then too?
The lead designer worked in KoA Reckoning and Mac Walters worked on this pretty extensively. They only kept the skeleton of the story from the moron who wrote Halo 3. It's all shit.
Most of the leads were white dudes though.
Mass Effect. Dragon Age was never good.
DAO is an almost completely self contained standalone story (excluding impregnating Morrigan and the crappy Witch Hunt DLC).
ME1 however set up sequels, and as such you can't play it anymore without acknowledging the crap that came afterwards.
>Most of the leads were white dudes though.
And most of the animators, programmers and QA were inexperienced idiots.
Also one of those leads spent most of the time trying to instigate race wars on Twitter.
best leliana is dead leliana.
ME because it had a dumb ending. DA isn't over yet, is it? Are they making a new one?
I modded her into trailer Leliana and I found it much easier to overlook her idiocy.
ehhh yehoooo eeeeuuugh, yaaahaha yeeeoooh
Bioware is going to be dead after Anthem either way.
Mass Effect by far. If Mass Effect hadn't been so completely mishandled it could have been a series that lasted a long, long time. Dragon Age was way too generic and bland for it to have any real potential.
Stop with this meme. People have posted a picture of the Andromeda team, and it was like 85% white males, about 8 women and a few Indian guys.
u r fake news
Sup Forums gonna Sup Forums
But then you get fake spirit Leliana in DA:I. You sure you wouldn't rather keep the real one?
Yeah too bad the cunt Gaider said he didn't give a shit about your choices and brought her back just because.
How do you go from writing BG2 to that shit, it's really amazing.
I can only imagine that Black Isle sent in Avellone to keep him on a leash.
demonlich leliana who has been hardened and becomes the butcher of thedas is fine by me.
he's such a shit writer. i'm glad he's gone but it's too bad the damage to dragon age is already done.
Uh not only did Avellone not even work on BG2 but BG2 did the same thing, it gave you a canon party at the start and brought back characters even if you killed all those characters in BG1, you could even ask some of them how they're alive and they brush it off.
>EA tells you to turn DA2 into a consolefied button mash bullshit fest
The man was too good for that company.
ME2 was better than ME1 though
Dragon Age and it is not even close.
1 and 2 are both highly regarded, with 3 being the only real let down. Mass Effect 3 has a shit ending but overall the trilogy was top notch.
Dragon Age had potential to be the Baldur's Gate successor that everyone was waiting for. Origins was great, but then the disaster that was DA2 happened. Shit was so buggy, broken, and unfinished.
Inquisition was also a huge let down. Everyone hoped it would go back to the Origins formula but instead it is some bastardization of action rpg and crpg that just doesn't work.
I hate how they retconed shit in ME2.
>just get done saving the galaxy from a malevolent ai
>theres an ai on your ship
>tell them to shut it down
>oh shep you so silly
fuck you, am I the captain or not?
>get revived by creepyguy
>he tells you to go down to planet
>no option to say, uh I should really go to the citadel and tell them I'm not dead
>tell him you don't work for him and you're just going down there for your own reasons
>come back up, now apparently you do work for him and he's paying you
you should see how badly they fucked the lore from DAO to DAI, the four schools of magic are gone
ME2 was still a good game even if it took the series in the wrong direction. ME3 is where it drove off the cliff.
I like the ME series a lot more (since DA is basically "Fantasy - The Game"), but since Inquisition is way better written and designed than Andromeda (yes, both have fetch quests, but at least Inquisition has beautiful places while those in Andromeda were just empty), it's Mass Effect who took the shit card.
DA:O had shitton of potential if any good sequels were to be forced, as a standalone it makes quite the good story
>run of the mill dude
>lol you warden now
>oh shit all wardens but you and hurf durf alistar are ded
>ok blight time
>kill archdemon
>blight over
DA2 just killed all the vibe from being that unknown, unvoiced warden, and had to make it a voiced protagonist, and DAI just straight up raped the corpse of DA:O
>ME2 was still a good game even if it took the series in the wrong directio
It wasn't.
> ME3 is where it drove off the cliff.
Nah, you just me2kid who hates me3 jbecause it tried to fix entire me2 shitshow.
The first game is still my favorite, though.
Yes, I love finding all the shards around the map and waiting 35 hours for Leliana to get back from a quest so I can send her out to do another
Did they ever explain why Flementh saved precisely the "warden" and Al? Why them?
Mass Effect had a much more interesting world. DA:O felt extremely generic, hey it's just the most cliche fantasy setting ever, but we got racism!
I don't understand why people want a voiced protagonist and dialog wheel, I much prefer a voiceless one and actually seeing the whole line my character is going to say.
I remember those threads we used to have with the "bioware confessions tumblr" pics had a bunch where people were saying they wouldn't buy a game with an unvoiced protagonist.
And the easy win goes to ... Borderlands
So they could impregnate Morrigan.
She saved Alister because of his bloodline, you was just near.
from her dialoges with the warden we just assumed
>bored old witch has nothing better to do than to watch the world burn
she pretty much decided to just watch abit longer and not end in this current dragon year
She had a good feeling about them, and they were in a tower, not on the battlefield. It's easier to save 2 guys instead of a few dozen, notice how the support guys you brought with you didn't get saved?
Origins was great , and despite the flaws of the sequels, I think it still stands as a strong standalone title.
I think the Mass Effect trilogy is stronger as an overarching series, and let me get more invested in individual characters over the course of three games. But making them direct sequels did leave less room for experimentation.
As far as the future goes? I don't know. I would have given both franchises a chance to return to form, despite the changes made over the years, but Andromeda probably put a lot of ideas on ice.
What did they retcon exactly? I recall a user saying they toned down the brutality in the first contact war or some shit.
>ME1fag is an autist
wow what a surprise
modern "gaymen"dont want to be immersed, they want to be spoonfed on what to think and have an excuse
>oh it wasnt me it was the character
Or some shit like that
well the guns having ammo for one
Despite my disappointments with Inquisition, I'm starved for character driven RPGs, so I'm hoping DA4 is still a thing that exists.
They just need to learn a bit more past problems and make exploring the larger world and completing tasks feel like less of a list of chores. There's still the framework for making something really good there, but they need to stop focusing on massive open maps with an infinite amount of fetch quests, as opposed to a smaller areas filled with more memorable characters and side-stories.
Not him, but:
>Cerberus and Shepard's relationship with them
>Council forgets about reapers and also cerberus somehow got to the sovereign remains faster than council and moved them away from the citadel
>Shepard, especially renegade one
>Garrus entire character was retconed
>Humans are now the most cool and important race in galaxy, in first me they were treated like arabs and chinks, and were only tolerated because their firepower.
>For some reason all galaxy armies switched from the unlimited ammo, because clips are cooler
>the ghoulish entity calling itself Bioware in the year 2018
>They just need to learn
> clips are cooler
Chuckled sensibly.
Honestly after how they treated grey wardens in the Inquisition, I'm not even sure I want another dragon age game. Literally lost their strongest citadel against some recruits, despite fucking having more people and summoning army of demons
the most disappointing thing mass effec was that they never explained how this guy avoids getting stung by the swarm when you open the door
Mass Effect. How is that even a question? Fantasy RPGs are a dime a dozen.
They already left
Just because Sup Forums feels the need to write things off as universally good or bad doesn't mean there can't be potential or positive aspects to flawed projects.
DA2 for example, was a mess, and felt like a blatant rush-job compared to Origins. But I still have a soft spot for it because I loved the premise and the dynamic behind the characters trying to make their way in a volatile city over the years. It just needed more polish to get more out of the idea.
Likewise, I think that Inquisition had some decent moments. The devs just need to acknowledge that they're making a story driven game with a clear beginning and end, and not a single-player MMORPG.
Mass Effect is probably the only recent sci-fi RPG that anyone paid attention to, that wasn't some subgenre like post apocalypse or cyberpunk. Dragon age is stuck dealing with The Witcher, Elder Scrolls, etc and is basically being out-played.
ME just repeats every failure of DA rather than going fucking nuts with possibilities and zero competition