>physics of Melee
>bring back Adventure Mode, Target Test, Board the Platforms, and Smash Run
>include a stage hazard switch
>keep everybody from Smash 4 except...
>make Dr. Mario, Dark Pit, Lucina, and Roy costumes for Mario, Pit, and Marth
>reduce the Fire Emblem characters to Marth, Ike, and either Corrin or a non-swordfighter
>balance Cloud, Bayonetta, and any other OP characters
>bring back Ice Climbers, Snake, and Wolf
>add Inklings, a Metroid rep, a Kirby rep, King K. Rool, Bomberman, and Isaac
>IF there is DLC, characters are 2 bucks and everything else is free
Happy now, Sup Forums?
Physics of Melee
Dark Pit and Dr Mario play differently though, you can't just have them be costumes
>Add this two
Everything else is irelevant
>physics of Melee
why? Only like 5 characters are viable in Melee because of that
If it’s a new game they are not gonna have all the characters from Smash 4
>Bring back Snake
>Bring back Wolf
>Balance Cloud
More like remove
>Melee physics
Everything else I agree with but w/e just opinions.
Theres at least 20 characters that need to be cut for this to be a perfect smash game
>no Advanced Wars rep
It hurts.
>wanting Cloud back
You say that as if they couldn't balance characters around it this time around. Also, how the physics worked were only a small part of what made some characters better than others. Luigi is not the best character despite having the longest wavedash, for instance.
If they fix him, why shouldn't he stay?
Actually, maybe a new set of physics would be better. A better attempt at bridging the gap between Brawl and Melee, perhaps.
Like 12 characters are high or top tier in project m. Your argument is invalid. It's all about move sets, not game mechanics
>tfw we'll never get a FF rep from a game that was actually on a Nintendo system because they're all overshadowed by Cloud
Here's the extended list of Cloud Strife appearances on Nintendo platforms:
>cameo in kh spinoff
>cameo in kh spinoff
>cameo in ff spinoff
>cameo in ff spinoff
>make existing characters like Roy, dark pit and Lucina costumes because they are obvious clones
>bring back wolf
What the fuck is wrong with you?
no, why the fuck does Sup Forums hates robin? he is so fun to play, it took me a lot to master counting the books and using the last charges as a safe method to do risky moves and tricking method to catch enemies offguard.
>make dr mario a costume of the shitty gay unfun regular mario
fuck you
>Removing Robin, the FE char with most unique moveset
How about no
Clones are a bitch to handle. You remove one, people say they were unique enough (Wolf). You keep one, people say they aren't unique enough (Dark Pit).
If anyone else has a better idea, I'd love to hear it.
Just sad when shulk gets removed for the new xeno shota
leave them all because they probably take about 3 days to develop each