Crash N Sane Trilogy for Switch gameplay footage

Looks pretty nice

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I really regret buying the PS4 version now.

>15 fps

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It looks like it's solid 30 fps

wow, it looks the same!

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Is this worth a buy ? What's so good about these games ?

It's a fun and challenging platformer



Didn't buy it for PS4. Not buying it for Switch or other platforms.

>30 fps

go away marketing shill

>having a PC so shit you can't watch youtube videos properly

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can you prove he works for marketing?

better play the originals. the 90s graphics are endearing and make you appreciate the work naughty dog put in more. the gameplay is pretty much the same although the remaster has messed up physics at times.

Thanks for the input, really wanted to know

No problem friend.

also coming to steam in case anyone missed it, pretty hype for that

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A shill for using a phrase loads of people use? How dense are you fucks these days? Can you get the fuck away from Sup Forums, because the decline in comment quality is absurd lately and you may be the sole reason.

im looking forward to this. i never picked it up for ps4, but portability has me sold on it and it looks fun.

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>referring to posts as "comments"
fuck off retard fucking redditor

why is the camera so fucking low?

Looks like a great port. Now I only hope they don't pull some bullshit with forced downloads in the physical release and that it holds up well in portable mode, and it's day one.

>better play the originals. the 90s graphics are endearing

I agree but it's mostly nostalgia. If you didn't play the originals ever just get this new one.

>post yfw all the posts of nintendies bitching its too hard start flooding in

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I already have the PS4 version. I guess if your a Nintendo-only fan and have never played the orginal series, have fun.

I played the originals on PS1 but I don't have a PS4 so I'll definitely be picking this up.

I'm honestly so glad I didn't grab this for ps4 and will be able to lay in the comfort of my bed playing this in tablet mode.

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they say tastes are subjective but fuck that. the new one looks like generic unity asset shit. reminds me of that OoT unity remake project. the originals had tight ass art direction and that's lost in the modern gen remake.

No, I was referring to the more traditional definition and trying to avoid lumping everybody in together because most posts are just goofy as shit. Tame your fucking 'tism you spastic cunt. Haven't used reddit at any point so give it a rest and fuck off. Chances are a bunch of redditors are offering more to most discussions here than you.

Good stuff. I kind of wish they also did a remaster of CTR and the party game. Those were also very good.

It's the same speeds as the ps4 version

i feel like a dodged a bullet, glad i waited

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>implying this is switch version

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CTR and Crash Bash are the only ones that would have really benefit from from remakes in the first place. CTR was extremely gimped in multiplayer, especially 4-player one with tracks and effects removed, already tiny ps1 resolution split in four, framerate going to shit and all the npc racers disappearing.

It is, you can see differences such as the lack of the PS4's fur shader on Crash and Coco and simpler lighting here and there. It's a B-roll provided by Activision itself.

removing the fur shader looks too weird, they didn't do anything to adapt the models to it, they look like shiny clay

you can also notice the lower res shadows

I hope somebody out there is working towards a 60fps mod for it, I platinum'd the PS4 version and I'll tell you it just doesn't help much that the framerate got cut like that, especially with the other changes they made.

I'm just glad everyone can play Crash now and the steam release has possibility of mods.
t. Idort with a slight bias to Sony

it's priced at $60, too expensive for a downgraded port.

>that orient express popin


>the framerate got cut like that

The original trilogy was always 30fps. Also why do you expect 60fps to be a mod and not in the actual game, what kind of game would run at 30fps locked on pc

It was PlayStation exclusive.

You reckon there will be something exclusive to the different versions? Like an alt costume for each of the ports?

>The original trilogy was always 30fps

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>he can't tell the difference between 30 and 60

do you really think those visuals could run at 60fps on a Ps1

>He thinks the PS1 games ran at 30
emufags, amirite?

>The original trilogy was always 30fps

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Can I switch between old and new graphics?
I think the original games look better.

>why do you expect 60fps to be a mod and not in the actual game
Because it's a port of a game that's framelocked and has the physics tied to the number of frames going on. This is also Activision and everybody knows that if it's not cawadooty then it's not getting shit for pc options.

Looks like a solid port

havent played it but i doubt it, the old graphics in the screenshot were for comparison purposes

No you only get the new graphics because otherwise Sony wouldn't have been able to increase sales of the PS Classics leading up to the release

Are you retarded? It’s the same video game as you have.

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What if he's actually retarded and bought the game without having a PS4?

I think he means that he'd rather have waited for the Switch version because it's a good port and portable.
Maybe he was expecting trainwreck, I know I was. This looks good though.

>they took our games

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>people actually do give a fuck about portable

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The PS4 version is 30 lol

People can't even shitpost right anymore.

okami hd is locked at 30

Why do people suck off company's dicks so much?

That sucks.
Original Graphics, 60fps and without PS1 polygon flickering is all I wanted from this remake.

Portable remastered Crash Bandicoot. Aw yiss

If it's not portable then you could just play on PC

People actually give a fuck about mobile gaming?

But its not out on PC yet and its only like $25 on PS4 right now

Nothing on the Switch is good with the Shitcons

That's a developer from the original trilogy. Take that as you will...

imagine becoming so emotionally attached to a pointless corporate competition that when people defy it you act like someone died

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I have a Switch and a PS4 and I couldn't care less about Crash.

>mobile gaming?
This isn't angry birds, this is a console game in portable mode. Pretty fucking terrific if you ask me

Only Switchlets that don't own cars because they are children/beta bitches.

Looks freaking good to me and I can take it on the go.


Im just suprised portable matters to people.

Oh. However, still their fault for them signing the agreement where it technically wasn't their games but Universal's.

How would you feel to see Mario on PlayStation?

Crash hasn't been exclusive to Sony for years though.

>will be able to lay in the comfort of my bed playing this in tablet mode
i just put a tv at the foot of my bed

bad analogy but itd be cool

Would a Crash and Coco amiibo be possible? I'm asking for a friend.

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Yup, same here

Wow! It looks exactly the same as the PS4 version!

Why even make a gameplay trailer for the new versions when there's literally no difference?

>Not using a Hayabusa Pro for all your gaming
What kind of shitter are you

There are a few differences, but they are minor enough they can proudly show the footage with some people not noticing them.

hardware differences and why not

Depends on whether Sakurai decides to cuck Sony again by putting Crash in Smash Bros like he did Cloud.


Blind nintendies can't see how inferior this version is. Must be nice being used to 600p minimum settings.. ignorance is bliss

I mean shovel knight got one

Call me when they remaster Spyro desu

That's the same framerate as the PS4 version you colossal retard

I'm sure it'll at least be announced this year.

Supposedly gonna be revealed this month

>The niggers who made Skylanders are helping port Crash

Is everyone out to betray Sony now?

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>Sakurai getting Cloud AND Crash before PSASBR does

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I blame smartphones.

Btw, Spyro is basically confirmed

I don't have any Playstation consoles so I'm kinda excited. Can you play as Coco in this one freely? And does it have the ability to switch between old and new visuals like the Halo remaster? These are important.

id think it was bad, not because ive tied myself to system wars, but because it would mean nintendo has failed so hard financially that theyd have to publish their IP's on other systems, which would basically spell death for them and make me sad.

Who would you say should handle the Spyro remaster?
Hard mode: No Insomniac.