What am I in for?

What am I in for?

Attached: hunt down the freeman.jpg (503x388, 32K)

Other urls found in this thread:


pirating a video game

>muting the music

Attached: disdain.jpg (209x241, 7K)

Hehe whoops lads

Attached: bun.gif (499x281, 411K)


enjoy your hidden mining code

>install a pirated game
is this the price i have to pay?

>having shit taste in music in [current year]

>having to hear the charlies angles soundtrack in [current year]

>not muting that shit while listening to your personal keygen music collection

Attached: 1520423709334.jpg (346x242, 17K)

oh, i mute it, but you can't stop it from playing the first second or two.

good luck getting those hashes from an air gaped PC

> Half hour to install a fitgirl repack
What the fug it took me like four hours to install Fallout 4

Attached: 1520709444233.png (496x360, 23K)


why in the fuck are you downloading repacks? are you retarded?

It was the only torrent with all the DLC user

Attached: 1520738676384.jpg (720x543, 25K)

Hideo Kojima

I remember the rips of the games downsized to like few hundreds of megabytes.
For example Hitman Blood Money was less than 300MB. It didn't have cutscenes and took few hours to decompress.

Shitty game.

This is now a best keygen music thread.

I've heard it's absolute shit and the trailer certainly didn't help this.

>pirating video games
Hopefully you get a trojan up your ass.

I cook an egg on a spoon!

Why the fuck is Amelie there?

Sony Vegas

>known shit game
>but I'll waste my time downloading anyway because I can get it for free!
I serious do not understand piratefags that aren't piratefags because they are dirt poor.

I'm asking the same thing

Best keygen music coming trough

An error after 15 minutes and start unpacking all over again.

Some repacks are considerably smaller but considering the unpacking times, usually it's still not worth it unless you are on a data cap.

It's Fitgirls alias or favourite actress