Red pill me on this game
Red pill me on this game
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>Red pill me on
I haven't played it in years and didn't really play for that long but it was fun and you should give it a try.
Anybody who tries to tell you it's an mmo is a filthy liar.
Is anyone ever going to make a good historical tank/flight sim that isn't grindfest pay-to-win "free" garbage?
Define good tank game.
There's tanks, you fight tanks using tanks. Tanks are sorted in to tiers based on how shit they are. The Chinese are fucking scum and the game is pay to win. Anything I miss?
JRPG with tanks as characters.
It's a f2p game with a good mix between realism and arcade tank battles, making for an overall fun gameplay base. However there are many design decisions that are clearly only for the purpose of making you invest more money into the game and that are clearly detrimental to the fun you can have.
Also in the last ~2 years the game went partially pay2win.
Play warthunder instead
Search & Destroy on PS2.
>pay to have premium tanks
>russian bias
>pay to have premium ammo
>grind bonds to buy improved equiment
>chose tanks based on stats, so no favorites
>russian bias
>tanks have HP bars and the module locations are like fighting games hitboxes, pure bullshit
>play with other 29 people who could be a kid, a grampa or a bot or someone who throw money at problems
Wanna play for free? spend years grinding shit and be average
Wanna pay to feel competitive stat wise and then brag about it??
honk honk.
Ahh the Nuuberwefer
3 different games
>T1-4 bit of a shitfest but can be fun. Can play without paying as what few premiums there are at this level don't break it entirely.
>T5-7 fun, players generally know what the are doing tank grinds aren't too bad only downside at this level is premium tanks are OP
>T8-10 brutal matches, beyond brutal grinds best learn the game inside and out before seriously playing at this level don't make the mistake of grinding straight towards it. Premium tanks are useless at this level as the T9s and T10s are better. Although gold ammo is a must on some tanks.
Also Stugg is bestest.
It's a game built upon RNG, and like a slot machine it will deliver either good or bad results on a random basis. I had to drop it because I realized it was fucking up my risk/reward perception. Sure it wasn't gambling addiction, and I wasn't burning any money, but I dumped a lot of time in it. I don't recommend it: if you have the time, use it on better games.
The worst players typically hang around tiers 1-4 and tier 10.
Brits and krauts have accurate guns
Russians and Chinese have big boomsticks that miss half the time
The French have no armour but insane firepower
Americans have good turret armour and gun depression allowing them to hull down effectively
Jap heavies are slow and big. Jap mediums are kind of weak
RNG has a say in almost all fucking gameplay aspects. Damage, penetration, engine fires, accuracy, matchmaking, etc. Also, it's got a shitty hard meta at end-game where medium tanks are god-tier and heavies can just be bypassed with gold ammo. Don't fucking bother.
Warthunder is better
Major emphasis on pay-2-grind-much-less economy.
Premium tanks costs less to repair, grant more credits in general, and some have preferred matchmaking, making them even easier to get top of the scoreboard with.
The game isn't pay to win like everyone claims since the biggest advantage one can get, the so called 'gold ammo', can be purchased with the ingame currency everyone earns regardless of real money spent or not. Cash only tanks are often worse than fully upgraded versions of non-cash tanks of the same rank. Paying real money only makes you progress up the ranks faster, but since every rank is more or less matched against equal ranks it doesn't matter. In fact people buying their way into the high ranks are often the biggest shitters on your team since they don't have the collected experience required to perform well at those levels.
Warthunder is literally the same shit with prettier graphics and a focus on """realism""" which means all games come down to who ammoracks who first.
>the 1/4th cm corrugated armour worked against the emus... For a while.
>the rear machinegunner had to lay on a mattress over the engine
tonk name?
Panzer Front bis on PSX
and second part on PS2(only North africa)
Pretty decent and when its not sim it have deflections and infantry, large maps and overall is fun.
anybody want to play with me?
Bob Semple Tank
Grindfest and broken MM
Best Tier is 1-2.
Especially 2. Tanks are rather fast, combat fun. Occasionally appearing tier 3 isn't that hard to kill.
Tier 3-4 can be fun but Matchmaking make it hard to enjoy especially when you land against 1-2 tiers above you.
Rest is grind and fucked MM - sometimes its fun when you are on top tiers but its not worth the grind.
What level(tiers) tanks you have?
anything from 1 to 10
It's p2w when wargaming keeps release braindead premium tanks at tier VIII where your only hope in hell in penning them is with gold ammo. The game is fucking trash.
Objectively the best heavy
Gold ammo can be bought with normal credits.
I played it for a bit.
I genuinely had quite a bit of fun in the low-tier battles, cruising around in an old Vickers with an autocannon.
But then when I got to tiers IV-V I was consistently being matched with tier VIII prototype superheavy bullshit and P2W faggots who I couldn’t even scratch, I could do nothing whatsoever in most matches except die. Around that level it became such an absurd grind to move up as well, it was basically waste weeks grinding shit matches or pay real money. Fuck that noise, leave it to the whales and Chinese players.
There's also World of Tanks Blitz. It's a mobile game but you can find it on Steam as well.
It has +1/-1 matchmaking and no artillery. Also, the equipment and crew skills are highly streamlined.
However, it has smaller maps and teams compared to PC WoT. Due to the small maps, you sometimes lose when your team goes the wrong way and becomes surrounded, and the small teams make every member vital. If one of your team's best tanks is driven by a nooblet, you risk losing. Not even mentioning what happens when you have 2 or more 0 damage players on your side...
Yeah and at tier VIII you better have a fucking premium account for all those credits your slinging because your never going to make a profit doing that without one. Or just buy one of those cancer tier VIII premium tanks and join in on the shitshow.
>MM that manipulates your winrate to stay within certain tolerances to coax you into paying premium
>playerbase is full 3rd world teenagers and tryhards
>new additions to the game get more and more retarded every year
Redpill me on this game
Literally take everything we’ve said already and swap the tanks for ships
at least there is no gold ammo and you only have to grind your captain rather then a whole crew. Tier VIII and up is still cancer p2w premium ships.
>tanks don't have HP but get destroyed based on components and crew
>tanks don't have fantasy cannons mounted and don't shoot fantasy ammo
Are you stupid? That's literally what realism is.
>Crew have hitpoints
>Modules have hitpoints
And I don't see how only having a single gun you can mount on a tank is a selling point.
Jews want you to fire gold ammo, beware
>no morale mechanic, crew is literally made out of terminators that will never ever abandon the tank
>no spalling
>Germans get memetastic bad armor modifiers, Russians don't even though their steel quality was shit for pretty much the entire war
It's not perfect realism, but it's certainly more realistic. And the selling point is that the tank mounted those guns and no others. The models never used many of the WoT fantasy cannons, usually because they were incapable of doing so. These thing are important if you want to play real tanks instead of shooter characters with tank skins,
Don't mistake my post as saying WT is perfect in any way. It's just preferable to WoT in the same way diarrhea is preferable to brain cancer.
The best of the three. WoWs is just straight up better than Tanks and Planes. It found itself a decent niche that hasn't been filled by anyone ever since Navyfield. Warthunder desparately tries to fit in, but because they just focus on puny Destroyers and Torpedo boats, they're not gonna stand a chance.
HIlariously garbage with ships that behave like tanks.
If you think Russian bias is bad in WoT, it's just as bad in WT.
War Thunder: 'realistic' view range mechanics mean your tank can physically become visible to an enemy from 2 km away (note, this doesn't mean somebody automatically sees you, merely that they CAN see you, especially on Realistic or Simulation where you don't have markers).
Forcing Ultra Low Graphics Mode means that the guy whose tank has detected you basically sees your tank on a flat empty background, while you think you're hidden by bushes.
Muh realism.
At least WoT and its flat view ranges (along with its 'DING!' spotting warning) gives everybody a more or less equal chance.
>ships that behave like tanks
What do you mean?
My biggest peeves with the game are a) ships can't run aground; b) no such thing as collision damage between teammates.
Requiring angling and showing your sides being a mistake.
Play the superior tank game.
My big issue is how bad they've been at implementing ships and being faithful to the designs, shit like kii having 1943 guns, balance is one thing but they're incredibly selective when they want to force shitty gimmicks.
Also like world of tanks they're pants on head retarded with the timeline and ships they choose to imlpement, with half the tree being ww1 shit or prewar paper and thus not having incredibly historically important ships.
>naval game
>no Yorktowns until a premium that came years down the line
Ah yes, true. It means a classic naval maneuver, namely crossing the T, is actually dangerous to perform in the game, in a hilarious fuck-up of physics.
Another amusing fuck-up is that ramming enemy ships doesn't take into account the full weight differential. So you can cause severe damage to a battleship if you ram it with a somewhat heavy destroyer.
IRL if you did that the destroyer would've gone 'splerk' against the BB's hull.
It's an old joke that if wargaming made an rts, encircling the enemy would be a detriment.
Another thing that helps with the "tanks at sea" feel is the ammo system, very obviously inspired by their WoT system, in real life you would not swap ammo like that, HE was for shore bombardment.
I played it a few years ago
All I saw was russian tanks speeding around at the speed of sound and killing everything before I could start taking some shots at the enemy.
dont bother before v1.0 comes out
and even if its "free to play" you need a credit card for at least one higher tier premium vehicle to not lose your mind and smash your keyboard against the wall
but yea, if you like tanks its a fun game
>unironically defending cloaking field tanks
>Unironically defending an exploit which completely fucks over the game's fundamental mechanics
More realism is not always a good game design idea.
Typical russian play to win
Its a game that could have been pretty good, but ended up being the sum of several stupid decisions, yet has decent fundamentals underneath.
As other people mentioned, tanks are split in 10 tiers, however, the progression is not linear and can vary heavily depending on the branch you are on.
On average, it feels something like this
> 1
The balance is completely broken, so one of the biggest selling points of a massive roster of vehicles is bunk, many lines are pure suffering to grind and only have 2-3 good tanks in them. Especially if you are a new player that doesn't have access to surplus silver for premium ammo/equipment, free xp to skip some of the abysmal stock grinds out there, etc. hopping into your favorite tank may be the worst thing you can do. And it's not simply some tanks having a niche playstyle or a highly skilled specialized playstyle, they just plain suck ass. I started off with French tanks, massive fucking mistake, after another 10K battles in other nation's tanks I went back to French only to discover that a lot of the tanks weren't just too hard for me to use, they were just plain shit compared to the competition. Especially the TD line, what a fucking joke.
Children and naziboos from czech/germany/england getting mad.
>AMX40 with the old Scout MM
Boy talk about F U N
3001(p) was a hell.
It was my first tier 6 and I was too dumb to realize that it was bad so enjoyed playing it
I also remember how back in the day I felt like a cheeky contrarian when I went and mained KV-1S instead of the Tier 6 KV-3 that was the Meta tank at the time.
I favored kv1-s too for speed. I think it's more important than anything and fast medium tanks(and heavy) really turn the tide in battles.
I played it in beta, at release and a few months ago. Probably around 2-3 years in total.
Development team must be retarded. in EIGHT FUCKING YEARS they released like idk 3-4 years worth of content. Also balancing is utter garbage, some tanks are too OP, arty got nerfed into irrelevancy and CW meta never changes. Grinding without premium will make you kys yourself.
And the worst thing is that I want to play it again and shitpost with my clan.
Thats some vk 30 shit
Remember playing KV-2 tier V with 152?
Fun times
It was good once, but got ruined by one retarded design decision - allowing players to buy premium ammo for credits.
Voila, everyone's running around with full racks of APCR and armor is fucking useless.
Also, the grind has steadily become unbearable. If you're going to give in to the WG jew, do so in WoWS - it's the best of the three in gameplay, ease of progression and production values so far.
Yea, the ability to relocate is essential.
Probably why I find KV-13 the best tank I played, maybe second to the old MM WZ-131
The combination of speed and the frontal armor absolutely dominates when played right.
Just reinstalled it. Is credit earning still as ass as ever? I've quit last time because even a T34 with premium was earning peanuts on 2k damage games.
A game developed after WoT with less design mistakes. Powercreep is still there, especially IJN, everyone hates CVs, AP bombers are a fucking mistake, premium ships are slightly overpowered. Besides that I'm having fun with it.
its better because of missions and many events
its still shit all overall
I HATE YOU Sup Forums
You're gonna get addicted and then regret it
It's a worse War Thunder
And War Thunder is utter trash
I know.
I will play this shit 12h daily for 2-3 months and then drop it again because it's shit.
yea, played it for 10 hours and tossed it in the trash
does anyone know of a ww2 shooter that is not dead?
autists love tanks
It's utter dogshit and the only alternative is War Thunder which is also dogshit.
That being said, I'd choose War Thunder every time because unless you're using the 105 L7 your shot goes where you fucking aim since there's no niggardly cone of fire.
Red orchestra 2.
>Powercreep is still there
What's your opinion on French BBs?
this is one of most annoying and frustrating game that i ever played 5+ year
there's no dynamic instant technique or fighting
it just waiting who's gonna throw first
sometimes it's fun to shooting throwfags, but that's all
only good memory is hearing "Ha! Der ging voll durch ihre panzerung!" when i shoot red scums
if you not good at this kind of game, just drop it
>dat slope
>dat turret
I don't want to face that thing in hulldown
That's it, we've reached the pinnacle of sekrit documents.
>hey I have fond memories of this game, wouldn't be good to come b-
>Overlord is still in the map rotation
they remove half the maps, including good ones, but this piece of shit is still in? fuck off
Let's go to the beach!
You're like a baby, watch this
>T10 Mines
This game takes everything wrong with world of tanks and fixes it.