This is Midbus. His game is getting re-released

This is Midbus. His game is getting re-released.

Attached: 250px-Midbus_Artwork_-_Mario_and_Luigi_BiS.png (250x240, 85K)

NOONE CARES. People only like BiS because of Fawful anyway. That's the reason they skipped PiT because HARDLY ANY FAWFUL

Holy fuck I just realized the joke, how am I so retarded

yes but it's going to have shitty ugly disgusting art style

what's the joke


Is it wrong to be sexually attracted to midbus?
Asking for a friend.

only if it's a girl

It's not his game you stupid cunt. He doesn't even exist

Are you saying he's fictional? That Mario and Luigi is all fiction?

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You know BiS was pretty good

Attached: 78454451414.png (374x448, 190K)

It sucks when you've been a fool for the past 9 years.

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I feel like BiS was written by some kind of fetishist

It's such a good game too so it's sad

I think mechanically it's my favorite because Bowser plays completely differently, and all of his specials are fun.
DT was slow with its bro moves and iirc PM was just occasional multi-attacks with an HP gimmick. Smashing shit as Bowser was really satisfying.

People give BiS a lot of praise but I honestly remember nothing about it even though I did finish it.

>force feeding
>weight gain
>all in one game
What the fuck

I want more games starring Bowser. He's so great when he's in the protagonist role.

Bowser and Midbus are one of the main targets of this.

it's literally a male fetish game

I'm getting tired of this meme.

Attached: 1477855893836.gif (360x219, 1.31M)

whats wrong with that

Nah, you need him in the SRPG style, ie a reluctant ally to the bros.

user, you forgot the Bowser weight gain/vore fags

Are they really fans of the actual game persay

I never understood this guy. Is he supposed to be like the Beanbean kingdom version of Bowser?