So it's games you want eh? Crackdown 3 baby State of Decay 2 Sea of Thieves Forza Horizon 4 Halo 6 Fable 4 Dark Tides Perfect Dark sequel Mechassault Age of Empires 4 The Last Night
I want Xbox to have true exclusives so it worth buying it instead of making the windows 10 cancer grow.
Chase Gray
just imagine how tight it is.
Caleb Wright
She needs to do more squats.
Jose Jones
This game don't run even close to 60 fps on the XboneX
Jace Wright
>ass too large
what? it's literally a baby ass
Nicholas Rogers
>>Xbox has no exclusives >Whatever you say user
EVEN IF those games were real exclusives, none of them are even relevant any more. MS needs to go to Ken Levine and make him develop a brand new exclusive Bioshock. Or a brand new return to form true exclusive Ninja Gaiden. Or a true exclusive Vanquish sequel.
>Crackdown 3 baby a forgotten franchise that hasn't been good since the first game >State of Decay 2 PC game like PubG >Sea of Thieves please buy Gold >Forza Horizon 4 oversaturated market >Halo 6 if it's like 5 no one will give a fuck >Fable 4 a forgotten franchise that hasn't been good since the first game >Dark Tides wot >Perfect Dark sequel a forgotten franchise that hasn't been good since the first game >Mechassault wot >Age of Empires 4 PC >The Last Night indie, will probably be ported everywhere
Jayden Miller
>4K 60fps
took you long enough
Grayson Nguyen
Do people genuinely care about the Forza and Halo series anymore? Asking for a friend
Adam Rodriguez
Jacob Gonzalez
>State of Decay 2 Who cares? >Sea of Thieves MTX: the game. >Forza Horizon 4 DLC: the game. >Halo 6 >Bungie died, user. >Fable 4 Lionhead died, user. >Dark Tides Who cares? >Perfect Dark sequel What is this, 2006? >Mechassault What is this, 2003? >Age of Empires 4 >planned console release >implying strategy gaymes with a controller Oh god it's going to suck on PC because of this, too. Fuck you, Microshit. >The Last Night Who cares? >Crackdown 3 baby Probably the only one worth looking forward to, if it ever gets a release date.
Matthew Rodriguez
>implying 4K60 It's either upscaled 1080i, dynamic resolution, or you might as well play a PS2 game. These consoles can't push true 4K60 without visually reverting back 2 graphical generations.
Benjamin Hill
Perfect dark for sure maybe a 2d battletoads game they should do something with crimson skies as well.
Luke Walker
Remember when Microsoft made great games for its fans? Remember when Halo and Gears first came out, and were essential? Now a pirate game is all they have. Sad!
Matthew Smith
I only want to see that new Perfect Dark after the shitfest PD 360 was
Cameron Young
Reminder Jet Set Radio 3 and Vanquish 2 WILL BE Xbox/Win10 exclusives!
Oh great just what Microsoft needs. Another futuristic shooting game.
Jet set radio 3 would've been a good idea if it were idk 2006? Even if it does come out nobody will buy it. The only reason people have fond memories of playing future were because it came with their Xbox console along with a copy of SEGA GT 2002
Hudson Reed
>don't like crackdown >shit >we'll see how that goes >racing shit >halo is dead >trash since the first game >??? >Perfect Dark Zero turned out so well >mite b cool >RTS on console >only good game on the list
Kevin Anderson
they'll be on windows 10, something no one on their right minds would ever install
kys nigger. u fuckin retards crying about future are the worst. endless possibilities but noooo bcs cod used jetpacks two times u lost ur shit and now were back to old ass grandpa wars that were done to death 10 years ago
Charles Bennett
>owns an xbox instead TOP KEK
Jace Diaz
>actually liking crackdown and not mechassault
Jackson Smith
Vanquish without mikami. Who the fuck cares
Evan White
bcs evil within was so good
Josiah Watson
It was nigger. It had its issues which were mostly due to Bethesda forcing them to use their shitty unoptimized engine but it's still miles better than your average action survival horror game
Nathan Parker
Still sore about that Inside Xbox, eh Xcuck?
Ian Roberts
Dominic Ward
Forgot Banjo Anniversary user
Connor Torres
>Age of Empires 4 >RTS >On console >Playing an RTS with a controller
Easton Thompson
But people in their right minds would buy an XB1? Not likely.
Matthew Green
One day when nintendo finally goes third party, daddy phil will make it so their games are exclusive to the xbox brand.
Christopher Jackson
What about vanquish 2 and all the other unannounced Sega games ?
Carter Torres
How many of these games are currently out, and only on xbox?
Jackson Morris
Age of Empire definitive edition is on Xbox?
Isaac Diaz
>Crackdown 3 baby I'll believe it when i fucking see it State of Decay 2 >nobody gives a shit Sea of Thieves >So far this is the single enticing exclusive. Forza Horizon 4 >nobody gives a shit Halo 6 >nobody gives a shit Fable 4 >unconfirmed Dark Tides >unconfirmed Perfect Dark sequel >nobody gives a shit Mechassault >nobody gives a shit Age of Empires 4 >this is a PC game. The Last Night >nobody gives a shit
Andrew Thompson
thats the joke retard
Jack Turner
>He doesn't know
Jose Nguyen
>they'll be on windows 10, something no one on their right minds would ever install all these games will also be available on xbox one, something no one on their right minds would ever own