ITT post an obscure character just to see if Sup Forums knows vidya

ITT post an obscure character just to see if Sup Forums knows vidya

Attached: ptr.png (440x300, 122K)

>Posting dog from half-life
let's see if you recognize a real obscure character

Attached: pikanightmare.png (888x462, 321K)

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Attached: mario-pose2.png (390x517, 36K)

semi-obscure still count?

Attached: tumblr_ot0nhzSK3Q1rmc97to2_1280.jpg (550x750, 114K)

Is this one of those ironic posts I keep hearing so much about?

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tfw only know her because of Project X-zone 2.

Attached: valdol-warzard.png (391x580, 293K)

Attached: N._Sane_Trilogy_Crash_Bandicoot.png (662x1024, 476K)

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Attached: Sir Cucumber.png (300x700, 474K)

Pretty sure very few would know this without image search.

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props to who ever can name this guy

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Attached: fafa.png (439x519, 616K)

Is that the dude from Beyond Oasis?


you got it

Attached: yay_by_kempferzero-dawgzb8.gif (505x591, 172K)

is that game good?
i just looked it up and looks pretty cool

yeah its a really good semi-zelda clone
its on the PS3 store for 5 bucks

Attached: ta.jpg (453x326, 46K)

I remember seeing ads for Thousand Arms as a kid but I never got it.

After seeing gameplay of it years later, I'm glad I didn't.

I will be genuinely disappointed in all of you if you can't get this.

Attached: You're not even getting a name..jpg (208x196, 8K)

yo're mom gaey

Another one I'd expect Sup Forums to get and will be deeply disappointed if you don't. If it helps matters this was one of Rares earlier characters.

Attached: What's this guy's name.jpg (320x320, 22K)

Sonic ya niggernugget put some effort in it next time.

As I thought I really need to find a better gaming discussion place. Politics and retarded children free preferably.

>best adventure game of its generation
>doesn't get localized

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