Kingdom Hearts 3 Hype Thread

Get in here everyone!
Post your expectations for the game
Discuss which worlds should be in the game.
[/spoiler]No Indiana Jones, Treasure Planet, Seinfeld, Atlantis, WALL-E, Titan AE, and Sinbad worlds[/spoiler]

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fuck you Indiana Jones

>no Indiana Jones world

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why would there not be a wall-e world?
It will fit well with kingdom hearts though.


this series should stop fucking around and introduce a Who Framed Roger Rabbit? world

It would, but we all know that Nomura likes to delay obvious worlds for 15 years at a time. An example of this would be Toy Story.
That world was supposed to be in KH1.

Just a reminder that this could've been Sora's design for the Monsters, Inc. world and we should be thankful for what Nomura gave us instead.

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WALL-E and EVE seem like they'd fit better as summons.

Expecting at least 20 to 30 keyblades.

>WALL-E confirmed for the Chicken Little of KH3

This grind for ultima in KH1 is actually obnoxious.

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It's honestly not worth it. All of the extra bosses and content can be completed without it easily and its stats, while being the best, don't really justify it over keyblades like One Winged Angel and Diamond Dust.
I recommend skipping it if you're not trying to 100% the game.
Funny enough, in KH2 and BbS, it's not even the best keyblade.

what form will it have in KH3? Oblivion and Oathkeeper as well

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It will have the "synth 50,000 items" form.

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Why was Chain of Memories for the GBA so comfy and fun and Re:Chain of Memories so annoying?

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>Can't cast ANY spells for awhile after casting heal in 0.2
This isn't coming back for 3, right? I despise that shit.

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thats how cure works, retard.

I've played every game but 2 now and that's not how fucking cure works in any of them

And 2 is the only KH game to do Cure right

ll I want is good gameplay and flashy shit and a complete game with no dlc

Didn't play 2? Why are you even here? In 1 and 2, cure uses up all of your magic. What the fuck are you talking about?

>in 1
no it doesn't

Because I grew up a nintendie but with a PSP. Playing through the series properly in preparation for 3 now.

I heal myself in 1 and go right back to gravity spam, you're incorrect.

It wasn't that bad originally, but then FM added new heartless with annoying gimmicks that drop unique synth material.

Whoops, yep you're right. Still, you can't complain about this mechanic when it's been established for over ten years. Plus, why are you even playing 0.2 when you haven't even played 2?

I got too antsy and wanted to see the new shit.

Not being able to spam heal would be fine, blocking all spellcasting is egregiously stupid.

I'm not him you faglord

okay, forget the argument for a second. If you're playing through them, play them in release order. If you're playing 0.2 before KH2, you're doing it wrong.

It's to discourage curaga spam, which was an issue in KH1

Pixar and nu-Disney pandering up the ass. And even with Pixar we're probably just getting five (TS, MI, Finding Nemo, Incredibles, and Cars.)
We will be lucky if we get any 2D films despite how long they have been waited on like the Pixar ones.

And that's how it works in 2. They did that specifically so you couldn't just spam cure throughout a fight. You need to learn to be evasive during the cooldown (which also means you'll learn how to be evasive when it's not on cooldown, so you'll use it less in the first place. Without your MP constantly drained, that also means you can use more offensive spells and limits. It's actually a really nicely designed feedback loop). It's literally an instance of the game teaching you to get good.

I just went in for a little sample, plus I've beaten 358, BBS, DDD, and CoM already as they came out and watched my friend beat 1 and 2. I've already fucked the order

Either way, KH2 had the exact same healing mechanic and 0.2. They do this to stop people from spamming cure.

Why does cure stop me from casting OTHER spells though? Blocking cure for awhile is reasonable. Blocking all spells seems like complete overkill.

because Cure is a crutch and relying on it should have a drawback

If we really only get nudisney and pixar than pic related is our only hope, it feels like a classic Disney film.
Also I imagine we'll get the newer Winnie the Pooh movie inspired content.

Because Cure uses up all MP.

That's your punishment for taking too much damage. Don't take too much damage in the first place.

I disliked the way everything in KH2 drained your magic, meant that I barely used anything because I always wanted to be able to cure at short notice.

Yes I was an idiot for not using healing items

It doesn't in 0.2, it just starts a long cooldown that no spells can be casted during

It was so much worse in KH1

Because cure is your free get-out-of-jail card and is a punishment for you not making use of your other more skillful defensive spells like Reflega.

>It doesn't in 0.2
yes it does, retard

There are always items. Take a stock of Hi-Potions if you want to heal without draining your MP, or bring Ethers if you want the freedom of a full on-demand heal.

>Also I imagine we'll get the newer Winnie the Pooh movie inspired content.
Or the Muppets. And maybe Cars as the "racing" world seeing it would be impossible for Sora to use his Keyblade as a fucking car.

Maintaining a fuckload of healing items is pure distilled nonfun.
>Instead of being able to use cure regularly you just have to grind for money and run back to shopkeepers constantly
10/10 decision

I'm answering your question, it's just that you don't like the feature. It's borrowing from 2 where mp is all used up after you use cure.

Forgot my fucking picture

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or you could get good and not have to rely on healing because you're too dumb to dodge shit. Or you could use Stitch for infinite MP or Chicken Little for his drain effect or use a drive which not only heals you but gives you full MP for a free cure on top of that.

Square and Nomura have both said they've never had any pressure or resistance from Disney over what is and isn't included. Nomura is a hardcore Disney fan (the whole sea-salt ice cream comes from his memories of visiting Disneyland and having it from there). He'll be keen on a mix of old and new.

That said, I can't see Squeenix not putting insane pressure on him to put in Frozen and there may be complicated rights issues around Marvel and Star Wars (if Nomura wants them at all).

There's more than enough money drops from normal enemies that you'll never need to grind for it, and if you just regularly buy when you come across a shop (which you should be doing in each world to see their new stock of items), then you won't need to go out of your way for it. Also, there's the notion that if you take less damage you need to use less items so you'll need less money to buy, so get good.

That fancy shit aint in 0.2 though.

Hopefully at the very least Tiana and Dr. Facilier will appear even without a world, seeing Tiana is an official Disney Princess and Facilier is one of the most popular Disney villains in recent years (As well as the last really great one. Turbo from Wreck-It Ralph was good, but didn't have the pressence or charm of Facilier or any renaissance-tier villains, though Ratcliffe a shit.)

Based Indiana poster.

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I think WiR will feature as a minigame hub.

Does this shit still not have a release date?

>Game central station is filled with non-FF squeenix and eidos characters

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It's going to be the X-blade obviously.

It's on full steam ahead production now so it's hard not to see it coming out within the next 12 months.

Neither are shops or buying.

So it's even more egregious in 0.2

Nah it's probably gonna be similar to Halloween Town/Christmas Town with it being different areas (Fix-It Felix, Hero's Duty, Sugar Rush, and Game Central Station as the hub.).

Looks like you need to get good even more then.

JC Denton in kingdom hearts 3?!

>even more egregious
there's nothing egregious about it in KH2 and while 0.2 does lack the supporting mechanics that really make it a great system, there's nothing wrong with the MP system even without those mechanics. Heaven forbid the mechanics encourage you to learn how to avoid damage.

I admit I can't comment on 2 yet, but it's outright a bad inclusion in 0.2.

It's not, the only thing outright bad here is you

>Forget to include the other systems that made a mechanic work well in the first place
>It's not a bad system in 0.2

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>the whole sea-salt ice cream comes from his memories of visiting Disneyland and having it from there
You mean Tokyo DisneySea.

Those mechanics made the system great, it was perfectly fine even without them though. Cure should put you at a disadvantage.

It's not bad, you just suck. Use the mechanics the game gives you and you won't even need cure. Git gud.

b-but I can't just hit triangle to perpetually spam cure like in bbs, it's shit! ;_;

>The mechanics the game gives you

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oh right, forgot 0.2 doesn't have blocking or dodging

>Proceed to spam defensive options
>This is supposed to be a good system, somehow

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Your argument would be valid if you knew what you're talking about.

or you could use a proper mix of offense and defense to not get hit while also dealing damage. It's ok to be bad user, just don't pretend it's the game's fault.

It would’ve been a nice joke for Sora having to dress as monster a like the little girl in the movie. Meanwhile Donald and Goofy didn’t have to because the monsters didn’t see anything wrong with them

Playing Kh2.5fm on Crital right now, Cure is useless since you die after 1 or 2 hit anyway and you want to maximum your magic output to kill before got killed.

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Can't believe how many people I see here trying to defend an argument about combat without having played the fucking games. You are mostly making a fool out of yourselves.

>Talking about 0.2
>Keep trying to segway it back into 2
Its time to admit it's poorly implemented in 0.2

What is poorly implemented? The blocking? The healing? Either way, it's really not.

Same shit on the hardest difficulty, using offensive magic gives bonus to higher tier one without cost is such a good mechanic.

At high difficulty you gonna get 1hp left after 1 hit ANYWAY, so rather than wasting all MP in panic, use healing items.

i died a lot, how is that not poorly implemwnted???

Wow user, congrat, now you know you are fucking suck.

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> taking sarcasm seriously

Handheld games are inherently comfier

Yes, that's MP Charge. It happens when you deplete your MP. If you cast a bunch of Thundaga the same thing happens.

Cure's MP cost is "all." So no matter how much MP you have, you can use it, but it will trigger MP Charge as a consequence.

This system encourages the use of magic (so you aren't saving MP for Cure), while also preventing Cure spam and promoting the importance of items, which are more or less pointless in the games without MP Charge.

If you run out of items in 0.2 something has gone horribly wrong

The mechanic works well by default.
If you're the only one with a problem, then maybe the problem is you.

But spamming reflect is fine, right?

If you're referring to 0.2, then yes, considering it's a block.

>spam defensive options
Cartwheel isn't an infinite I-frame anymore, fucko. You have to have actual reflexes and a sense of timing.

Seriously, how bad at games can one man be?

Why is it okay for people to criticize KH strategies when people commit to game breaking strategies for every Square-Enix game ever?

It doesn't make sense. Half this board didn't beat FFX without using some game breaking tactic, why don't you hear about that?

Evanglion world when?

Well, KH is an action-RPG so there's an inherent propensity for skill-based play over abusing systems and mechanics like in a turn-based RPG.

Unfortunately we have to wait until E3 to find out.

>Chicken Little
I still can't believe that happened.

That's exactly my point! The two take the same amount of skill. You can't just say, "Kingdom Hearts tests your reaction time and your ability to stick to a strategy in real-time combat, so it's easier to be critical about this than a game with clearly defined rules, like a turn-based RPG."

There's a huge leap in logic.