Now the dust has settled... Is it great?

Now the dust has settled... Is it great?

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It won GOTY I think.


Solid 7/10



Very much so.

I look forward to Taro's future projects in restauranteuring and/or adult video production as well.

Anyone else holding out for a Switch port?

the ass?


Is it worth it to get it on PC when I already beat it on ps4?
My PC is pretty high-end so I wonder if it will look better.

>Glory to Denuvo

shoutout to the based 2B cosplayer at comic con yesterday

No. It's the same game with better shadows and object-based motion blur. But the game's really ugly to begin with so who even cares.

it's currently 50% off on steam; even if I have to install the FAR mod to make it work right, should I still buy it? Seems like this is the cheapest it's gonna be for a while

Incredibly overrated and boring. Way too shallow gameplay-wise and a story that tries way too hard.

>still no patch since day 1
you really shouldn't

I'd say that it didn't try hard enough. Anything that isn't 9S is frustratingly underwritten.

I've basically been holding out exclusively for those reasons; probably the first time I've stuck to principles this hard in a long time but I feel like I really ought to play it at this point and don't want to pirate it because Yoko taro is a decent guy

>Gameplay 4/10
>OST 10/10
>Art Direction 10/10
>Story 8/10

It was ok, completely valid just for the ART and OST which creates truly unique atmospheres throughout the game.

Which one? There's more of these than niggers at KFC lately.

I never bought nor will I ever buy a denuvo game, so for this and Berseria I just pirated the games.

I'll be waiting for that FFXV CPY crack too.

Liverpool Comic Con fampai, I was surprised at the amount of people in attendance

I say buy it, denuvo sucks but its worth it to experience this game specifically

I meant the cosplayer, but then again why do I ask they're all the same.

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>according to the anniversary stream, Taro himself was crying during the Farewell

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It probably wont ever get cheaper than that.
I say it was well worth the 45 bucks i payed for it. If you do really have some hate against denuvo like other user, it cant be helped, denuvo wont be removed because Squenix don't care

don't support denuvo user, just pirate it.

>Art direction 10/10
>Story 8/10
>OST 10/10
You sound like you play souls games a lot.

More like it wasnt bad. And had great atmosphere and ost. Im a sucker for those, so yes, I enjoyed the game but the gameplay is shit, the open world is barebones, not many enemies, reused bosses. Game itself is 6/10. But with the soundtrack and settings it reaches 8/10

Except it runs at 60 fps instead of 30. So yes, it is worth

Fair enough, there was also some cosplayers dressed up as the 2 women from the new final fantasy, my penis couldn't contain itself

Art direction is a hit or miss.
The monochromatic landscape color pallet made both amazing areas (desert, amusement park, mothership, Tower) and shitty looking areas, such as city ruins and castle.

You're right, but why do you say that?

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I like yoko taro and platinum enough to support them despite square enix forcing in denuvo.

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well it's your call, I'd agree with you but if I keep supporting denuvo they'll keep adding it... so its their loss.

My ex is posting pictures of herself in a 2B cosplay and it's driving me fucking nuts


You know she was a stupid bitch because she is cosplaying as 2B.
If it was as A2, then she would be a keeper.

after 1st walkthrough:
>"man this game is lame why did get all it's praise, Sup Forums was wrong again"
after finishing game:
>"eh i guess it's alright but still far from being truly great"
couple of weeks after that:
>"i wish i could play it for the first time again"

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Runs at 60 on ps4 or at least at 45-50sh you cant tell the diference anyway

>defending sub 60

There are some drops on both versions, but less drops on good PCs, but the biggest problem is resolution

Needed more Bosses.
And 9S needed pants.

Solid Game

>9S needed pants.

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City ruins are amazing, the fuck you're talking about.
Sadly one of the most beautiful parts gets partially destroyed by the Goliath.

Just started playing this game, really like it except for the forced top down camera sections. How often are those and how often are the mech sections

The fact we couldn't remove his shirt and not his pants is the real sin here, you filthy heretic.

Yeah, I kinda wish they saved the change towards the end of the game, or at least the end of routes A/B

Also, anyone else love how broken at Max the Spear of the Usurper is? Pic related.

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Story isn't nearly as engaging as everyone claims it is (of the threeish "twists" only two of them are worth noting and still didn't blow my mind) and playing through the first part of the story twice is a huge drag considering how easy mode 9S is.

Combat wasn't amazing either compared to other things Platinum has done.

Fuck you, the game was mediocre at best

Did you mind control a boss?

Spear of the Usurper is only broken on 9S though. But those throw crits and control chance is just hilarious. I wish they used spears as 9S promo material weapon because he's way better with them than 2B or A2.

I picked it up for 50% off and I'm enjoying it. I'm satisfied with the amount I spent.

Partially, one boss hides behind a gun turret worm thing and that's what got subjected. It was chaos, I think shortly afterward the worm turned around and fired everything inward too.

Combined with 9S's godly spear throw (that can burst even purple bullets and does massive damage by itself) it's plain silly.

the art design and music were superb, and probably the best i've seen in any game so far. the gameplay I really wished they just went full on DMC with it, and not some weird mix of DMC and a JRPG. the hacking with 9S was complete shit too.

i played Automata first and hated it, then i i played og Nier and liked it more mainly due to the more varied enemies/environment. with that being said both games are 6/10 oscarbait garbage with shallow scrub-friendly gameplay.
you're better off playing Bloodborne or Majora's Mask if you want true kino with ludo-tier gameplay.

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>story is engaging because of "twists"
Eh? No?

>first theme of the City Ruins is called Ray of Lights because 2B and 9S are ray of lights for each other
>the vocal part of this theme starts when they are exploring the City Ruins on their way to the first assignment, prior to all the worries with Goliaths and Adam and when they are simply together in this beautiful green post-apocalypse

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>you're better off playing Bloodborne or Majora's Mask if you want true kino with ludo-tier gameplay.
you mean dark souls 2

2B's ass = Great
Soundtrack = Great
Gameplay = You avoid 1 million glowing orbs = not great

>Is it worth it to get it on PC
>when I already beat it on ps4?
No. Its the same game. It already ran most of the time at near 60fps.and graphics are the same. Dont bother.

>My PC is pretty high-end so I wonder if it will look better.
It is terribly optimized and was never fixed so dont count on it.

Is that how 2Bs reproduce?

I want to fuck 9S and 2B

real talk, the game looks decent but I know it's part of a series. what's the first game and is it worth my time?

Excellent image paired with a garbage post. Such a shame.

Please post more thicc nip cuties without your terrible opinions. Thank you.

My dick says so.

no its this way

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Finished C route yesterday. Breddy gud
Also A2 is criminally underrated

Just end the game already. D and E are super quick

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I actually thought it ended with the third one.
Now I know what I'm gonna do today

I've only played for about 12 hours and i enjoy it very much so far. Combat is a bit shallow, but i like the world and the story that is presented, so the combat will suffice.

You said you got C, right?
Use the chapter select option load the last boss and choose the other character. This will unlock D
Remember that D is canon and C is not

That's what I guessed about D but I never heard about E

Youll know E when you see it

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sometimes I wonder why japanese girls always wear silk instead of cotton pantsu

what farewell? something from the game?

silky smooth

Why the fuck am I being forced to play as this fucking twink? Jesus...

it was greatly overrated

>staring at a girl's ass while you play
>not a qt twink's

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>he doesn't know that 9S is the actual main character

Concert epilogue to game events.

care to elaborate?

I should be able to switch between them, it's retarded you can't use 9S's hacking on the first playthrough.

It can barely run on a 1070 without the FAR mod and you really think it can run on the switch?

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>It can barely run on a 1070 without the FAR mod
Stop shitposting. It worked just fine for me.

was it SpongeFeelo?

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>45-50 fps is fine on a game that looks last gen

It ran 1080p, 60fps for me, with some drops only when things got really hectic. Maybe build a better rig.

It was ok, story was way more straight-forward than I thought it would be, though I guess that's because I kind of expected MGS2 levels of subversion; and the gameplay was pretty shallow.

OST was fucking amazing though.

>waifufags will never meet the rope
Life isn't fair Sup Forumsros...

thanks, I'm watching right now