Is there a single worthwhile PS4 exclusive aside from Bloodborne?
Is there a single worthwhile PS4 exclusive aside from Bloodborne?
Yakuza series and Ratchet and Clank. Nothing else
no it was just the least smelliest turd out of the xbone/ps4/wii u generation so people act like it's the saviour of gaming
PT and Yakuza 0 are pretty good
Bloodborne goty
horizon zero dawn is pretty good. same with tomb raider, but I know Sup Forums will just shit on it for absolutely no reason.
Wow keep it easy on your soy intake bitch
>Yakuza series
said no one ever. yakuza 0 sucks bad is the worst of the ps4s exclusive lineup
The console has been around for almost five years, and still has nothing worth playing on it
Bloodborne and Crash N'Sane Trilogy are the big two, but they're both worth getting a PS4 for.
Check this faggot out
Only nu-Sup Forums can't appreciate Yakuza
Persona 5 made me pick up my PS4 again
>Crash N'Sane Trilogy
neofag wants you back
I just got that Drake Collection and started the first game, looks pretty good for a remaster and is surprisingly fun for a "SCRIPTED AAA MOVIE!!11!"
Yakuza 0, Kiwami, 6.
Worth buying for TLOU alone if you didn't play it on PS3. I played it on PS Now but I'll finally be picking up a PS4 for TLOU2.
I hear the Uncharted games are good too.
Yakuza 0 is not an exclusive
Horizon Zero Dawn becomes repetitive, it would've been a better game if the secondary missions were more variates and if you could hack and ride those giant flying bird machines.
Ratchet & Clank
Gran Turismo
Persona 5
Uncharted (2 & 4 to be exact)
Gravity Rush
Shadow of the Colossus Remake
The Last Guardian
Why do you fags care so much about exclusives anyway? Just because the games are also available on other systems doesn't mean that they don't exist on PS4. As long as they're not rushed and poorly performing ports, I don't see the problem.
if you are talking about the fact its in moonrunes on ps3 pls just pls
>he's an EOP
point and laugh
GT Sport still haunts me, will we ever see the heights of GT4 again :(
Children gotta keep the console war going m8
>Why do you fags care so much about exclusives anyway? Just because the games are also available on other systems doesn't mean that they don't exist on PS4. As long as they're not rushed and poorly performing ports, I don't see the problem.
>it's ok if sony does it!
meanwhile half of Sup Forums is shittalking nintendo because mario is on mobile and because xbox games are in windows store
>Sup Forums is one person
I'm literally playing Splatoon 2 on my Switch right now. I don't care about pointless shit like exclusives. I just want to play vidya.
Gravity Rush 2
>it's okay because i'm not the only one doing it
Crash nsane trilogy you xbaaby
Horizon Zero Dawn with DLC is pretty good
The main reason I stay with my PS4 is the PS+ thing, it's a good value like 1.50$ per game.
Nice false flag, neofag. Just admit you hate it because it's "problematic".
Also you have to be 25+ to post here.
no it's just shit and boring. writing sucks, missions suck, environment sucks. the only redeeming quality of the game is the combat but even that is boring and repetitive. you get bored of constantly having to fight 3 man gangs every 5 metres you walk. there's an insane amount of story padding which makes it even more boring. who the fuck enjoys buying some beers for a bunch of hobos?
Not only kids and soyboys play Nintendo games fucking nigger
>Why do you fags care so much about exclusives anyway?
Every self-respecting gamer has at least a decent PC, rendering it pointless to buy the sony black box that's basically a second PC that can only play games, surf the web and play netflix, where some games are taken hostage.
Uncharted 4 is great, a great send off for the series
Infamous was meh, it's fun for a little bit
The Last Guardian is a great game
You might enjoy Berserk and Godzilla if you are fan of the series, they're not good games though but the only simulators currently available
Gundam versus is good, much better than Dissidia NT
The last of Us is my favorite Playstation game if you haven't tried it you're missing out, try the multiplayer too
just got into the Kingdom Hearts collection in anticipation of KH3, also replayed FFX
There's a bunch of exclusive vr games, better stuff than the other platforms
I'm just waiting for Ni No Kuni, Detroit, Dragon Quest XI,Spiderman, Death Stranding and shit, luckily there's multiplats
Not exclusive.
STOP! you could be playing a japanese game right now you faggot
I don't really like Yakuza, I haven't tried it since the PS3, Gravity Rush Remaster was meh, J stars Victory was trash, I still haven't played Nier but the demo was ok, what are you recommending
Gravity Rush 2, but it's also my favorite new IP of the gen so make of that what you will.
I play enough moonrunes thanks
gravity rush as an IP is from last gen (shita)
if you like jap games, yes
Vita is 8th gen
Holy shit
Oh yeah user let me just go an learn moon real quick for shitposting points on Sup Forums
>Every self-respecting gamer has at least a decent PC
No they dont. Thats something you literally just made up right now.
>taken hostage.
The victim complex is real.
Jesus Christ how horrifying
Uncharted4, Uncharted the lost legacy, HZD, Yakuza games, Gravity Rush 2, SOTC remastered, Bloodborne, the last guardian, Ratchet and clank etc.
>some games are taken hostage.
You mean wouldn't exist unless there was a platform that was fruitful enough for them to get created without rancid corporate interference.
GR1 came out in 2010
3 or 4 years before the PS4
>Want to replay Bloodborne while the community event is happening
>Would have to buy PS+ for a month just to play a few days online
Fuck this kikery and fuck Sony for adapting this shit
>it's a game because it's souls
This fuck this mentality. I happen to love bloodborne BUT I HAVE PLAYED IT. Im fed up with these fags who havn’t that just go “i have enormous respect for this game i never tried” you might hate it. I love bloodborne, but Demon’s souls bore the pants off me.
Bloodbor...... oh wait.
What's left on this machine for this year? GoW and Detroit?