Remember the good old days of gaming?

Remember the good old days of gaming?

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oh boy here we go, say it with me

>food analogies

You forgot to make the final product have worse visuals and graphics than in the trailer

My first 12 years of life are becoming a blur.
But, I get what you're pooping.

I LOVE "cheese pizza"!!!!!!!!!!!!

beat me to it

Name one trailer that actually shows DLC and Preorder bonuses without stating that they are DLC and Preorder bonuses.

Called the FBI. Expect a knock on your door.

I dropped gaming since the whole DLC thing. Quick rundown?

Is it like an expansion or extra content from developers?

Just feels like a click bait money grabbing thing imo.

Why are you here

Can you give a single example of this that isn’t an EA game?

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>watch 2 minute game trailer
>1:34 minutes of random cutscenes
>26 second still of preorder bonuses
>4 seconds of gameplay

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i fixed up your shitty analogy

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Needs to have a topping that's outright removed from the original trailer on the final one.

More like
>video games pre 2007
>video games post 2007

You just put the disc in upside down you retard.

Mass Effect 3 and the Prothean

Paradox Interactive

There's no tomato sauce on that pizza

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this picture is wrong, even topless pizza is good

there's ketchup just out of the frame

>go on steam
>old ass game cost $20
>game + dlc is $50 plus tip

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And games with cheat codes

>mfw getting all mass effect dlcs on PC

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Sorry to disappoint you but CP is not illegal

I keep wondering, will we ever be able to escape loss?

Also an entire ingredient or two that is missing either because marketing said it would bog the game down for normalfags, or a playtester couldn't handle it.

Or both

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Pic remimds me of the final product from that SMASH! Animation from egoraptor. Looks so smootj and clean, but they really cut a lot of corners in the final product

Im going away nos

this analogy is great
it's simple and easy for anyone to understand

People use them because they work, dingus.

I might as well call you out here though, because I'm reasonably certain if I don't you'll just respond with ">lmao amerilard" or something close to it because you can't argue for shit.

Thats a lot worse actually. Please close your browser and dont come back until tomorrow.

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In real life, pizza ads have toppings on them, and you pay to get toppings on your pizza.

PS4 is a shot glass of coke
Xbox is a turd
PC is a buffet of food
Switch is a bottle of water

because I hear this is the perfect place if you hate games

in what way is anything about the ps4 or any of its exclusives "innovative"?

No they don't you fucking dumb shit. You eat food and it's gone. You play a game and it's still there next time you want to play. Food is infinitely more customizable than video games. Don't like something on your food? Pick it off or order it without. Don't like something in your video game? Too fucking bad.


I'm not the guy you replied to, but

What's your argument?

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Why don't you eat a copy of Cooking Mama and see what happens

Your joke isn't funny

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>Switch is a bottle of water
so the healthiest form of gaming?

You're retarded. The point of a fucking analogy is to use something unrelated to draw a comparison- you're using food as a stand-in metaphor to represent video games.

If you need me to break it down for your infinitesimally small brain, the """food metaphor""" plain cheese pizza is just the absolute base game. The toppings are shit that SHOULD be there, but now you have to pay extra for when you shouldn't have had to in the first place. It's no different than if I were to take a game's box art, label it "100% complete game", then proceed to use image editing to chop and mangle it into small bits and label the largest chunk "release version" and the smaller chunks things like "DLC 1" "DLC 2" and so on and so forth.

Gamers are retarded brand loyalists who deserve every single bit of jewry coming their way.

>He doesn't know what an analogy is

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If you actually believed the console war meme you're a faggot.
If you unironically call yourself a "gamer" you're a double faggot.

Okay? You're just agreeing with me.

in what country

>the good ol days

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I am

*distant* MORE TOPPINGS!

The pizza is also filled with literal poop on the inside whilst having a glossy exterior.
Its also being served to you by a celeb.

AAA gaming sure is fun

I do, that's why I only play old games.

And you should too.

And by "old games", I mean before 1995 when gaming went to absolute shit with style-over-substance nugaming garbage.

I don’t think you know what click bait means

There's something on this I DON'T LIKE!

Switch is a bottle of soylent*



Im not mad, i only need the game and the first DLC, the rest is trash anyways

Haha, good post fellow Sonybro! Fuck those soytendies! The only problem though is that I had to open this a new tab and remove the 'm', which is really hard with my really big fingers as you know. Fortnite on the discount tonight?

Whoops Discord*** fricking autocorrect lol

Remember when full mod support was an industry standard?
What the fuck happened?

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holy fuck go back to school.

yes but you cant survive off it alone

Remind me when that was standard?

I sure do.

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>for whom the bell pepper tolls

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