Do we like this game?

Do we like this game?

Attached: maxpayne3-620x388.jpg (620x388, 97K)

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i do, its a pretty good game to run through from time to time

Sup Forums doesn't like any game silly

>a white man killing black people
No, it's a toxic game made by a toxic developer.

It had a great presentation and story.
Max's monologue in the beginning is a bit rough but as it goes on it gets better.
Gunplay was fantastic and makes me wish we'd get something similar to it some day.
Overall it's a solid game backed by familiar and good gameplay, It controlled really nicely, the narrative wasn't ridiculous like Max Payne 2, Brazil's variety in architecture and setting was nicely done, and the past levels where you were fighting off the mafia got a little bit dry when you reached the cemetery but when it ended it was great.
Office level was still the best that or the Nightclub and Yacht.

Its a great game, autists can't be bothered to sit through a 3 minute cutscene without raging

Attached: ITS PAYNE.png (1893x936, 1.55M)

Neo Sup Forums dont like it because "muh cutscenes'. But we oldfags like it a lot. Its not the best Max payne, but its one of the best 3rd person shooters out there.

when I want to play a game I want to play a game, not watch cutscenes every 5 feet I've already seen.

>we oldfags

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>every 5 feet
why lie on the internet

Attached: Screenshot_293.png (177x205, 57K)

fuck off sonybro

are you saying there aren't? every time you enter a new area there's a cutscene showing enemies and max fucking up

It's pretty good. Wish all cutscenes could be skipped, but Max's monologues make them bearable. Plus the longer ones can usually be skipped part-way into them.
Controls great, guns feel pretty weighty, and has good presentation.

Its part of the story, also its not every 5 feet, its everytime you clear a major area or trigger the next area.

Are you an autist? You must be to take the "every 5ft" as literal and not just an exaggeration for the heavy handed use of cutscenes for a lot of actions you do in the game.
Yes, there are too many, making the gameplay feel unbalanced in comparison.

my point is that when I want to replay a level and just shoot people I don't want to be interrupted.

People like you are the reason why we can't have nice things.

Because its supposed to be action mixed with heavy story elements not pure guns out the ass balls to the walls action non-stop. Play the old games and learn.

and people like you are the reason why we have "games" like Order 1886

The old games did that but without the use of cutscene after cutscene. In Max Payne 1 Max would say something but you would still be in control. Same deal with Max Payne 2. In 3, however, a cutscene plays whenever Max wants to talk or do an action.
How about you play the old games and learn.

Are you fucking serious? Have you never played the originals? They're completely balls to the walls action with story sprinkled throughout. The story is strong but it never overtakes the gameplay. Holy fuck I can't believe what I'm reading.

>not pur guns out the ass balls to the walls action non-stop
someone didn't play 1 or 2.

I played both. Max Payne 1 had an awesome feature of hiding enemies in blind spots regularly slowing your progress

Max Payne 2 had fucking escort missions.

It's a good game, but It's not a Max Payne game.

you have to ask a board if you like a game?

only if you turn your brain off

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The filter in the cutscenes was annoying as fuck and the story wasn't told as well as the first two games.

Other than that its one of the best third person shooters ever.

That's because they are load times


>shooty djabouti action movie: the game
pure fun as long as you don’t take the game too seriously

can we all agree that the airport section was the best?

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I love how clunky old payne plays in this game.

[Bossa Nova intensifies]

Oldfag(straight) here, I like MP3

The second Max Payne on the other hand...

I loved pretty much everything about it.

brazil was kind of a shitty location but it guess it's a logical choice for the contrast between the rich and poor