I’ m a Japanese
I intern sakurai at Nintendo in KYOTO
English NG but I give you spoiler
レイマン confirmed smash 5
DAIRANTO smash brother 5
also シャドウ
Ah, that's nice, thankyou
8+ months of leak/smash garbage
And people wonder why you retards are a nuisance.
Both would be good choices for Smash
Smashfags are fucking cancer
rabbids are more likely than rayman is. extremely more likely considering mario + rabbids sold better than any rayman game since like 2.
And console wars/soyboy shitposting threads are better? Smash hype season is the best time to be on Sup Forums.
also this ruy hohohohoho
Saw both these renders 4 years ago bruh. You ain't fooling anyone
Small mistake. OP actually means レイム.
This is old news. These characters were already spoiled yesterday
>Mario + Rabbids sold like 1.4 million
>Rayman Legends sold over 3 million
(according to VG Carts)
It might help Legends that it was multiplatform, and Kindgom Battle can never be sold on Xbox or PS4. But on pure numbers Rayman is more valuable.
No shit.
Current touhou fans are worse than sonic autists and undertalefags combined
What hype? Once smash releases we get constant WHAT CHARACTERS DO YOU WANT FOR NEXT SMASH
It's no different from soyshit or consolewar faggotry, you guys are part of the same retarded group
Sold over 4 million when you account for Steam sales
>using the exact same screen template as sm4sh reveals
Fuck off
It's generally in the acceptable ballpark for games released in the last 5 - 7 years such as Legends.
Legends sold well, definitely much better than Kingdom Battle because it's went multiplat, which Kindgom Battle will never be, so Rayman was more valuable to Ubisoft, and more famous + better critical appeal.
It would have sold better too, if Nintendo hadn't completely fucked up the Wii U launch.
Fake. I can tell because they wouldn't bother adding a good character, just dump in some more faggot weebshit and bottom of the barrel waifus and call it a day.
Sonegro spotted
i agree.
i keep posting this and i will i guess until its revealed but
WWE has a partnership with nintendo that is going to be announced at Wrestlemania in april
When they announce this it is going to reveal John Cena and The Undertaker as smash bros characters
I have no proof that I can show but you will see next month. I've seen part of the footage for the ad they're going to reveal it with
John Cena and the Undertaker are having a match at wrestlemania and during the show they are going to show a promo promoting matches on the card. Early on in the show they will show john cena in a white room and then the undertaker in a white room. They stand face to face and the lights go out (that's undertakers thing) then a bolt of lighting will strike behind them lighting a firey smash bros logo that will illuminate them
I've only seen raw footage in the editing process for the commercial, no gameplay or character models but keep this in mind when it's revealed
Its also the reason for this weird as hell commercial that John Cena was in for switch that didnt go anywhere or lead to anything
I’m still mad about the fake Smash 4 Rayman leak.
Gr8 b8 m8
Here is your (you)
its not bait but youll see when the commercial is exactly how i described it
its no coincidence that wwe and nintendo have been partering to promote switch this has been planned for a long time and the commercial was shot the first week of march (live action bits anyway)
i work at the company that was contracted to shoot and put it together. i wasnt on the shoot scene but im working with processing the raw footage.
Where? You mean /jp/? Because I dont see any touhoufags on Sup Forums at all.
t. buttblasted yifftale autist who knows there will never be an undertale reference in smash
No dude, they’re just releasing some shitty game for the Switch
Why in god’s name would either of these people take up not one, but TWO character slots in Smash bros, of which could have gone to Nintendo IPs?
my sides
why do you assume there's a finite number of slots in the game
like i said i dont work at either nintendo or wwe im a 3rd party but ive seen the ad. i doubt theyre paying the money it costs to put together a smash trailer if they arent using it. i would assume they will be really over the top characters like comic books or super hero types. like i said undertaker uses lightning for the commercial so i dont know id assume they will have cartooney moves but i really cant say anything other than what ive seen.
I fucks with 2hou but don't post that shit on Sup Forums because it's not the proper board to post on
now stop being faggots and go play some video games
They aren’t going to put more than 60 or so characters in the game. This type of game is not easy to create, and is inherently ridden with glitches to be weeded out. The more characters, the worse it is.
What you likely saw was some sort of WWE crossover at best. Not smash 5.
You can hear how crazy you sound, right?
except one of them is about fucking videogames and not shit tier corporate dicksucking
do you realize how crazy you sound falling for this bait lmao